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The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
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RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 05:05
Ah y' see, that serves me right for never having paid any attention to any of SOE' s shit games... But still, it' s by SOE and it' s the same genre as Planetside and Eddie only brought it up in the first place to point out that an MMOFPS wasn' t a unique idea like you seemed to think. Really, ...it' s genius! But ho hum, you went on the offense and told him he didn' t have a clue what he was talking about making a fool of yourself in the process. But hey, it' s ok, no harm done. Somebody has to play the rampant Sony fanboy and look forward to whatever exclusives they come up with, even inhouse developed trash like this, ...and that might as well be you.
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RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 07:25
texture baking ftl.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 09:53
ORIGINAL: KongRudi Hmmm. I see they' re using exactly the same engine they used for Everquest 2 - a game that is 3 years old. This game uses Unreal Engine 3, the same engine as Gears of War. You will not see GoW-graphics in The Agency tough, since this is a MMO, and naturally a MMO won' t be restricting their action to a 4-player game. If you listen to 11/6 podcast of allgames radio, you' ll get to hear a interview with the developers, and they' ll inform you why they went with this kind of graphics, and more about the ingame gameplay, and many more details about the game. It sounds really like a very interesting concept, wich I havn' t heard before. A shooter MMO, genious. :) Ah, my bad there. I had no idea this game was running on UE3 - it looks like complete crud for a game on such a robust engine. However, I never said EQ2 runs on UE3. EQ2 runs on its own engine that is probably one of the most inefficient and bug ridden pieces of code ever. I should know, I play EQ2 regularly. SOE' s idea of optimization is " wait until the hardware can brute force all the inefficiencies away" . Don' t get me wrong though. I like playing EQ2 a lot, but SOE can' t optimize an engine for shit. At first glance this game looked almost exactly the same as EQ2 - hence my comment of using the same engine. The character models are almost verbatim. It has so many similarities that it seems like they just ported all of the assets over to another engine and hoped for the best. But thanks for calling me out. I' ll do my reading next time.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 13 Jun 07 2:00:34 >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 10:26
Huxley>The Agency
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 11:17
Huxley>The Agency  >Everything!
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 15:13
so can I see some proof this uses UE3, it is just too hard to belive something that craptastic could be using UE3, and I' m too lazy to google it.
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 20:15
this uses UE3, it is just too hard to belive something that craptastic could be using UE3, and I' m too lazy to google it. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/AllGamesInteractive/~3/124101271/061107EDIT.mp3 Well unless the developer is lying in this one, you will hear they claim they use UE3. You can also listen to their reasoning with why they went with Pixar-style graphics instead of more 3D lifelike models and all that, it were mainly because they felt that 3D liflike modeliing would age much faster, and become outdated quicker, wich isn' t good for any MMO wich tries to keep it' s players as long as possible. You don' t have to struggle with google and words, in the link to the evidence, you just need to load the mp3 in the background, and listen when they speak with the developers. :) It' s a nice podcast, humourous aswell.. But hey, it' s ok, no harm done. Somebody has to play the rampant Sony fanboy and look forward to whatever exclusives they come up with, even inhouse developed trash like this, ...and that might as well be you. I' m of a different opinion of SoE that you guys, forinstance I like the multiplayer in Untold Legends alot better than MUA, even tough Activision has made nicer graphics in their game, I felt the gameplay were much worse, and the friend I usually play coop action hack' n slash felt it the same way. My rabid fanboy-problem I get when discussing here, isn' t that you don' t like the screenshots/trailer of the game. The things I react negatively about is when you make statements about this game wich is wrong, and when I correct it and link to a source when correcting you guys, you don' t bother to check out the source. You just make new statements wich also is wrong, and it' s even taken up in the source I linked to earlier. :) And when I mention that I get to become the raving fanboy, and it' s a hopeless situation discussing with someone wich is ONLY interested in pointing out negatives and flaws, and ignore everything positive they' r beeing told about the games. :) I allready play a MMO for over two years now (CoV/CoH) wich I like, and weren' t really interested in this game at all. And would probably reamin the same way if all I had seen were the screens and trailer. But I listened to the podcast originally were the journalists said they' d been impressed about what they' ve seen. And I also listened to the podcast where the developers visited and talked about the game. And those two things made me alot more interested in this game, since I feel it could bring me alot of new stuff to the table, to me wich is a MMO-player. I don' t think it' s going to revolutinize the MMO buisness, and I certainly don' t think WoW is going to be closed down due to lack of players after this game gets released. However alot of cool features were mentioned; i.e. if I want to do stealth part, or healing part in my team, instead of beeing the brute force, I will no longer have to change to another characther wich specialises in that, and bring it up to the same level. I can just switch to a different outfit, wich got different abilities. And I also liked the sound of how they tried to implement PvP when several lower people fought against a high-level person, of a different faction.. I really hope they' ll manage it. I hope it will be great. :) Anyway, I also find it kind of ironic that the more I read about Huxley, the more it sounds like Planetside with updated graphics. :P
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 13, 2007 20:40
ORIGINAL: KongRudi But hey, it' s ok, no harm done. Somebody has to play the rampant Sony fanboy and look forward to whatever exclusives they come up with, even inhouse developed trash like this, ...and that might as well be you. I' m of a different opinion of SoE that you guys, forinstance I like the multiplayer in Untold Legends alot better than MUA, even tough Activision has made nicer graphics in their game, I felt the gameplay were much worse, and the friend I usually play coop action hack' n slash felt it the same way. Untold Legends on PSP is pretty good, but the PS3 version is very disappointing. It has some nice ideas, and some parts look good but it' s too generic and too bland for my tastes. ORIGINAL: KongRudi My rabid fanboy-problem I get when discussing here, isn' t that you don' t like the screenshots/trailer of the game. The things I react negatively about is when you make statements about this game wich is wrong, and when I correct it and link to a source when correcting you guys, you don' t bother to check out the source. You just make new statements wich also is wrong, and it' s even taken up in the source I linked to earlier. :) No, you took Eddies comment about Planetside completely out of context, ...as if he was comparing the Agency to it. He was merely pointing out that SoE have tried a MMOFPS before because you has said an MMOFPS was " genius" , ...like it was some new genre that SoE had just created for The Agency. ORIGINAL: KongRudi But I listened to the podcast originally were the journalists said they' d been impressed about what they' ve seen. And I also listened to the podcast where the developers visited and talked about the game. And those two things made me alot more interested in this game, since I feel it could bring me alot of new stuff to the table, to me wich is a MMO-player. I don' t think it' s going to revolutinize the MMO buisness, and I certainly don' t think WoW is going to be closed down due to lack of players after this game gets released. However alot of cool features were mentioned; i.e. if I want to do stealth part, or healing part in my team, instead of beeing the brute force, I will no longer have to change to another characther wich specialises in that, and bring it up to the same level. I can just switch to a different outfit, wich got different abilities. Like i said, parts sound intriguing, ...but like i said, SoE have never really impressed me so why would i have any faith in them? Coming up with nice sounding ideas is one thing, but having the skills and experience to implement them properly is another. As far as i' m concerned SoE have made messes of their previous games and are setting themselves up to fail with The Agency. The team may say they went for a Pixar-esque visual style, but to me it sounds very much like an excuse. Hell, Team Fortress 2 uses s similar style on a much older and less advanced engine and yet it looks far nicer than this game. A game with this kind of visual style, running on UE3.0 could look magnificent. Unfortunately this looks like ass, and it being a MMO is no excuse for it' s sub-par graphics, especially given that Huxley is running on the same engine and yet looks far superior. And that' s as far as the Huxley comparison goes, so try not to read too much into it...
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 14, 2007 02:51
Hell, Team Fortress 2 uses s similar style on a much older and less advanced engine and yet it looks far nicer than this game Source Engine isn' t that far behind UE3, atleast HalfLife 2 and Portal didn' t look much worse comared to their UE-counterparts. :-/ So I don' t see the reason why Valve should be messing up so terrible with Team Fortress 2, however I don' t think the end result of TF2, did look any better from what I' ve seen in The Agency. We can judge the art-style: http://media.pc.ign.com/media/011/011640/img_4459088.aspx http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/848/848445/img_4607600.aspx Will be easier to judge when we' ve seen more gameplay from both games tough.. Anyway, atleast Valve weren' t stuck with Bink, or similar engine wich is what SoE usually used, during last gen.. :P We' ll see.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 14, 2007 03:15
You can also listen to their reasoning with why they went with Pixar-style graphics instead of more 3D lifelike models and all that, it were mainly because they felt that 3D liflike modeliing would age much faster, and become outdated quicker, wich isn' t good for any MMO wich tries to keep it' s players as long as possible. Team Fortress 2 looks twice as good as The Agency & it uses a cartoony style. And in the end, I' m not even looking at whether it' s cartoony or not, because stylistically games like The Agency, TF2 and Crackdown don' t do anything for me, but I recognise their merit when I see Crackdown' s massive explosions and the huge skylines in that title. I' d comment on the other games, but I' ve never played either of them. The Agency doesn' t look cartoony, it looks plasticky, ala PDZ.[:' (] Oh, and as for my previous comment about Planetside? Planetside was a FPS MMO, and it failed. This is a FPS MMO coming from the same house that gave us Planetside, and I' m betting money it will fail too. Sure there' s going to be some merit in it, but set alongside other MMOs like Warhawk, and hell, even Playstation Home, which are of a totally different caliber, it' s going to be quite rough to squeeze in another mediocre game.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 14, 2007 16:00
ORIGINAL: KongRudi Source Engine isn' t that far behind UE3, atleast HalfLife 2 and Portal didn' t look much worse comared to their UE-counterparts. :-/ Uh, they aren' t even close. UE3' s lighting blows the shit out of Source' s. UE3 also supports way, way more advanced shaders than Source. The HDR in source is craptastic and the dynamic lighting is a joke. HL2' s graphics are comparable with UT2004.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 15, 2007 12:29
Why The Agency is getting so much shit on a conceptual level is beyond me. One thing these critics have right, though, is that in terms of previous game quality SOE games suck some shit out of a bum' s asshole and eat it. They fucked up Everquest, Star Wars as a MMORPG, Everquest 2, Planetside, Sovereign (which was the coolest fucking idea for a game known to man), including each and every one of their expansions plus their crappy little internet download games. They will fuck up their Marvel license, they will fuck up Vanguard, they will fuck up future Everquests and expansions and games. SOE lives to fuck everything it touches. SOE fucks so much so hard that Paris Hilton deserves to be sainted in comparison. Also, Microtransactions, SOE loves microtransactions, and this is after you pay a monthly fee. Fuck SOE. Also, Fuck any notion of Huxley somehow being awarded more respect than SOE' s upcoming fuckups. But really, it' s not like Webzen has proven itself, or that the developers of Huxley have proven themselves. From what I' ve read of Huxley it' s nothing special and, like Planetside, doesn' t offer enough to distinguish it from other FPS. In otherwords, why pay a bum fee for something you can get elsewhere for free and better? As always, I' ll reserve judgement until the final package comes out, but I' m not expecting much, and frankly, if the Agency wasn' t controlled by batshit ridiculous SOE it would get far more attention and hope from me than Huxley. Also, the attack on the graphics is lame. The art style is fine and suits the theme. If you find stuff like that disgusting, then it only means you are incapable of digesting other forms of graphics and are limited in enjoyment. I pity those people.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 15, 2007 12:35
They ***ed up Everquest, Star Wars as a MMORPG, Everquest 2, Planetside, Sovereign (which was the coolest ***ing idea for a game known to man), including each and every one of their expansions plus their crappy little internet download games. They will *** up their Marvel license, they will *** up Vanguard, they will *** up future Everquests and expansions and games. SOE lives to *** everything it touches. SOE ***s so much so hard that Paris Hilton deserves to be sainted in comparison. Also, Microtransactions, SOE loves microtransactions, and this is after you pay a monthly fee. *** SOE. Also, *** any notion of Huxley somehow being awarded more respect than SOE' s upcoming *** ups Thats the best rant you' ve had since you came here
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 15, 2007 15:28
Nitro update ur CyberNation we' re going to genocide pirates soon ~1 week. NINJAS > PIRATES
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 15, 2007 16:17
ORIGINAL: locopuyo Nitro update ur CyberNation we' re going to genocide pirates soon ~1 week. NINJAS > PIRATES Nuke?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Agency (PS3) - WTF???
Jun 15, 2007 23:20
No, Duke.
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