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 heavenly sword is jagtastic!
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heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:17
well you can read the kikizo scoop on it and look at the screen shots. The graphics look pretty good except for all the blatant jaggy outlines!

Perhaps I should await judgement until finished games are out and I see them for myself but as of now PS3 graphics are CLEARLY INFERIOR to xbox 360 graphics.

p.s. I hate sony
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 25 May 06 9:17:57 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:23
To be fair, 360' s Too Human is pretty jaggy as well (and that Balder has the pouty lips of a trans Lara Croft) according to the screenshots taken by EGM' s hands-on review of it.

I' ll give it the benefit of the doubt for now, till we get the real deal and the comparison wars between PS3 and 360 begin.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:31
All xbox 360 games are forced to use 2X AA and as far as I can tell they have all used 4X AA. I haven' t seen the screen shots you are talking about but I' ve seen videos for it and didn' t see any jaggies. With 4X you really don' t see any jaggies. Every single xbox 360 game and demo I' ve played have not had any jaggies and I doubt any will ever.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:33

p.s. I hate sony

hehe.. Like the subtle approach..

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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:40
The 360 has outstandning AA in their titles but most good looking 360 titles we' ve seen are finished games or second generation titles. Heavenly sword is an unfinished first generation title for the PS3 so I wouldn' t expect much from it. Comparing it to second generation 360 titles is very unfair. Compared to first generation 360 titles I think it looks amazing.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 25 May 06 9:41:05 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:42
It' s the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, the one with Balder and Too Human on the front cover. I can' t find any of the pics online, so I might scan my own copy later.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 17:56
Mmmmmm 360' s 10Mb eDRAM is there for a reason. No jaggies present sir!
Chee Saw
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 20:33
The game looks good to me! It does need some aa love, though. And I wonder why someone would copy God of War' s control scheme? It' s not like that game was good, or something.

And why, oh why, does the Kikizo article say it' s being developed by Team Ninja? I got my hopes REAL HIGH there for a minute! Still, it does look promising.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 20:38

Regular readers of Edge magazine will already be familiar with the hardships Team Ninja has gone through with its first PlayStation 3 game, Heavenly Sword

Should be ' Ninja Theory'
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 25 May 06 13:20:46 >
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 21:08
Team Ninja????

How dareth thee cast unholy sayings on thou company that broughteth
us Ninja Gaiden.

Burn em' .

I can see why every1 is pointing out the jaggies, but that is only because
of the amount of things Sony promised. You would notice with the 360,
no-one complained because we knew they were on Alpha kits. They told us
what we are getting, but not we WILL be getting and then falling flat.

So you can see why everyone is quick to point out when SOny under delivers..
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 21:20
The game itself looks great and so far we' ve only seen cams of the demonstrations. I don' t think there' s any direct feed gameplay footage of it yet and so both the framerate and things like texture quality are more difficult to judge.

The stills look impressive, and there are some jaggies present, but that' s to be expected from 1st generation PS3 titles. I said months ago that if developers push for 4x AA like in 360 games then the 256Mb available to RSX would take a big hit because it would require more than the 10Mb 360 uses as the eDRAM Microsoft' s console has is super fast and has been put in specifically to deal with AA.

My guess is that Sony have been directly helping Ninja Theory as far as getting the E3 demo ready goes. I' d even go as far as to say i suspect that code from God of War 2 was also being used in this title.

I like the combat setup and the fact that you can change the fighting style on the fly, even mid-move. It looks satisfying to say the least.

Hopefully the developer will find a way around the noticable jaggies in the months left before it' s release (remember it won' t be making launch). If the final game ends up being as good as the demonstration looks and has some real depth then it will likely be the first must-have PS3 game.

Her hair is cool.
Ninja Dog
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 21:40
Yes this is one of my biggest ? regarding PS3. The RSX (as far as SONY' s provided information goes) looks very much like the 7800GTX/G70 processor. SONY hasn' t announced any type of buildt in high bandwidth framebuffer or the likes.
Once the 4x AA kicks in how the hell does SONY expect the RSX to keep up with the 360s counterpart? 4x AA won' t exactly be friendly towards the (little) bandwidth the RSX has. Accoarding to the PS3 specs the RSX has less bandwidth than the 7800GTX regarding video bandwidth. I run two of those cards in my PC and highly overclocked, each of them sporting more video memory bandwidth than the single RSX in PS3. In newer games sporting all the new effects HDR included these TWO cards are struggling to keep up at 1080p with 4x AA turned on. Lowering or raising nothing more than the video memory bandwidth in such occations has a direct impact on how well the games perform.
And SONY was even talking about playing games in 1080p x2(!) on PS3. What type of games did they have in mind? Very wide versions of tetris? Or how about a very wide type of chess game? But a game having high quality textures, effects etc. using full scene AA at 1080p... times two?? Well I guess SONY has finaly figured that one out themselfs since the second HDMI has now been officially removed (the given reason being " we couldn' t figure out a way to split the framebuffer into two HDMI connectors" . Yea that would probably be pure rocket science).

And what happens once the Cell starts throwing a very large number of objects on the RSX needing to be rendered in " movie quality graphics" as SONY usually puts it? Even some developers have claimed the RSX has problems keeping up with the 360 once all the filters are up and running because of the 360s " efficient graphics arcitechture" .
I sure hope they have something up their sleeves but I have a hard time figuring this one out. Any initial calculation or evaluation makes the RSX seem like it will eventually choke. Early games sertainly haven' t proved things to be otherwise as of yet. Hope they prove us wrong though.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 21:56

I don' t think there' s any direct feed gameplay footage of it yet and so both the framerate and things like texture quality are more difficult to judge.

There are gameplay movies from 1up and ign - that game has been playable at E3 so it' s obvious.

It looks good and what that poor guy was saying is that unfinished games can have jaggies even on 360 (Too Human for instance) so it' s hard to judge it based on such early version.I think at 720p those jaggies won' t be like PS2 jaggies.

Team Ninja? I wonder how they interview people before hiring them :)

Anyway most of the hands-on impression say " good looking , mediocre gameplay"
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 25 May 06 13:57:32 >
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 21:58

he RSX (as far as SONY' s provided information goes) looks very much like the 7800GTX/G70 processor.

Can we just comment on a game without making it about processing power...

Numbers hurt, but graphics don' t..

I' m gonna vomit bar codes if this continues..
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 22:15

Team Ninja? I wonder how they interview people before hiring them

Their whole front garden is filled with burning coal, and you have to pass that
without breaking a sweat.

Next you come up to a Hayabusa-meter and you have to shout louder than

Next when you get into the foyer of their HQ a purple haired girl greets you with
folded leather...

You then have to fit into Hayabusa' s costume.

Then you have to outstare Tomonobu Itagaki..

Then you get the job..
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 22:41

There are gameplay movies from 1up and ign - that game has been playable at E3 so it' s obvious

Direct-feed doesn' t mean somebody playing it and it being filmed. Direct-feed would be captured by hardware hooked up to the machine the thing is running on and would only be made available by the developers themselves.
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 25, 2006 23:19
How can you complain about jaggies when you have:

MotorStorm in-game..

Goddamn! Look at those mud effects..

Don' t diss PS3 when you have those graphics my friend!

Ninja Dog
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 26, 2006 00:51
It looks like the xbox version of prince of persia :The sands of time.
I would say some of the later games, but those versions beat the pants off this..
Ninja Dog
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 26, 2006 01:13
I woud like to point out I wasn' t dissing PS3' s grahpics but defending it cos early builds of games are subject to jaggy-ness (or the opposite if they' re pre-rendered =/) That' s why I was comparing it to Too Human' s demo in EGM (which looks worse IMO, or maybe cos it was a really big close-up)
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RE: heavenly sword is jagtastic! - May 26, 2006 01:45

It looks like the xbox version of prince of persia :The sands of time. I would say some of the later games, but those versions beat the pants off this..

You' re kidding?

While it fails to surpass most of what' s on 360 (ports notwithstanding) -- it' s visually superior to any Xbox game and the control method looks to be instantly accessible.

The game doesn' t just take place in small arenas like the ones from the demo, -- there will be large open environments, hopefully more detailed than those in N3, and while N3' s playable characters are FAR more detailed than in Heavenly Sword, it' s environments are lacking.

The PoP games suck. The first one was stylish, the second was retarded and the third is borderline awful. God of War was cool but i don' t rate it as highly as some do -- i' m a Ninja Gaiden and Otogi kind of guy!
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