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has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
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has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 10:54
here is a good forum that i found to close some bad mouths, you can realise from some pictures that " sony under promised and over delivered" while many of you don' t share the same point of view, check out the link and free your mind ;) one of you guys told me in the other thread that i was wrong and the old man of the tech demo looked much better than faces in Silent Hill 3 (damn i can' t remember who) ... well anyway i guess now i have a nice back up Hush ! EDIT: here is the link i forgot to past lol sorry guys http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=34741&page=1&pp=50&highlight=ps2+tech+demos
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 30 Sep 05 3:08:01 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 11:02
But we still can' t " jack into the matrix" the way Kutaragi promised 
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 11:07
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 12:52
first i don' t remember Ken said somethin g about The Gateway specialy when that game was annouced at least a year and half after Ps2 launch secondly that' s the devloper' s fault and it happens so many times with all current and previous consoles well even next gen ( man just look at how Ea annouced Fifa 2006 on Next gen, you can see the grass and even sweat on players!! and how it looks now on xbox 360 ... that' s sad)
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 12:55
Sony overhypes. It' s a fact. Just look at what' s going on with Blu-Ray. Sony' s been telling us how it has a huge storage capacity and it will hold 100Gigs, yada, yada, yada... The truth- the largest functioning capacity for a Blu-Ray disc is 20Gigs. HD-DVD is even out doing that by 5 Gigs. Icould give many more examples of how Sony over hypes and down right lies to the consumers but it' s not worth it.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 13:37
Sony has to over-hype to make up for their small products!
Game Junkie
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 15:16
Of course they overhyped the ps2, remember when they said it would support Toy Story graphics? Now they are overhyping the ps3 showing cinematics and confusing simple minded Sony fanboys with words like real time and flops.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 15:39
oh please i see there are lot of anti sony people around there, damn it' s like if this company didn' t bring anything to this industry and i remind you people that it' s because of the PLAYSTATION that video game is what it is today... in the forum that i gave you the link to, many many people shared my point of view it' s not like i' m a lunatic or something, most of people are " very" happy of what PS2 achieved ... yes sony exagerated i think but it wasn' t that bad, it delivered most of what it promised, shame to x box that is much more powerful and didn' t have many games to impress, even Gamecube that is less powerful has the most beautiful games... Game Junkie, The one who said Ps2 can play Toy story in real time is " George Lucas..." starwars guy
Chee Saw
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 16:23
Abasoufiane, I know it seems as though we are all Sony haters here, but that' s just not true. Most of us are gonna get the PS3 when it releases, and most of us own either a Playstation or PS2 (or both). The fact of the matter is that Sony is getting a little too full of themselves for us gamers. They believe that gamers will follow them like lemmings, with whatever products they release. This HAS been the case thus far, however, I don' t think it will continue indefinitely. How often can you over-promise and under-deliver? I realize that they shoot for the moon, when it comes to technology, but at some point they need to step back and take a look at the big picture.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 18:39
ooooh myy god i just can' t believe it!!! this is soooo funny and stupid frome me , well from the begining i thought i past the link but i actualy forgot !!! and you didn' t even notice , i bet you thought i' m a weirdo i' m talking about a back up but there was no back up in my posts lool all right i must have ate something ok here is the link, the forum i was talking about !!! glad i noticed the mess http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=34741&page=1&pp=50&highlight=ps2+tech+demos
Terry Bogard
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 19:11
There' s one interesting bit about that discussion. The part about particles. I' m not entirely sure about the Xbox' s strengths in that department compared to the PlayStation 2 but I always found it kind of suspect that a number of developers easily flaunted the PS2' s capabilities in that department but I never got to see anything as impressive from the Xbox.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 19:57
I think it' s sad that so many gamers seem to be concerned with which next-gen console will be the most powerful, especially when the difference will be marginal (think Dreamcast/PlayStation 2). Don' t be fooled by Sony' s fancy tech demos. As the poster proved, there is a noticable difference in graphical quality between early tech demos and launch titles. Now imagine what Xbox 360 games will look like in a couple of years. They will like the same as PS3 games in that time, if not better. The only difference is that Microsoft has Xbox Live, which is much more exciting than Blu-ray.
< Message edited by mr_vandelay -- 30 Sep 05 3:58:35 >
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 29, 2005 20:13
It' s Sony' s own stupid fault for getting themselves in a position where everything they say is scrutinized. I' ve said it heaps before, Sony needs to stop showing people " tech demos" . Tech demos are a load of crap to put it bluntly. It has no relevance whatsoever to games because in real world situations it simply isn' t possible. EG: Sony' s PS3 " Lots of Ducks demo" . ZOMG The PS3 can create " mathematically correct" water!!!! What good is this to games if it takes 100% of the processing power to do so? It can never be included into a game so why in hell show it in the first place? If there' s no practical application to this " mathematically correct" water then why waste time with it? Wow the PS3 can play 1000 movie files at once. What has this got to do with games? Is anyone ever going to watch 1000 movie files at once? It' s the same with all the other tech demos they' ve shown. Here' s an idea Sony. Why don' t you show real games instead of marketing hype? This is where Sony really rubs me the wrong way. Please show me some " playable" games (keyword PLAYABLE) that have AI, Physics, High polygon counts, etc all working at the same time. Sony of course always has and will tell the people only what they want them to hear - it' s the same with most companies - it' s just that Sony tends to blatantly bullshit and not care what people think. This is why people get the impression that they overhype things.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 04:55
Its true that these console' s will be equal in strenght even though ps3 will be little stronger,and we will see that little advantage in games like FF13+MGS4+Gran turismo,Devil may cry 4 probably. But then xbox360 gonna have halo3,gears of war,ng2 and pgr3 and hopefully lost odyssey to fight that. And yes im getting ps3,sony is a bunch of liars,but when i saw mgs4+ff7 tech demo i was sold. Square-enix+konami companies that never fails you. And to unluckyone,please tell me what you saw from xbox360 for a year ago. Nothing? Atleast ps3 show something,and you know why? because SONY has such a big fanbase that a lot of people demanding to see things and want to see it before they even can get to play it,because people like me are intrested. And seriously,mgs4 might come in like 2 years,arn' t you glad you atleast get to see it? If not probably because you want to see ps3 to fail,and is not a mgs fan,but for us other it was great,and i would happily see some early pics of ff13+ lost odyssey too,even though its coming in 2007. And even though it wont be playable untill end of next year sometimes. Yes i know e3 was just a bunch of CG but atleast they tried to get a pic of what we might see at the end of this next gen.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 30 Sep 05 13:02:11 >
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 05:22
Tech demos and CG trailers suck. Oh and MS did show off 360 stuff a year ago in the form of the XNA demonstrations. All the videos are here at Kikizo.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 18:28
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL And to unluckyone,please tell me what you saw from xbox360 for a year ago. Nothing? Atleast ps3 show something,and you know why? because SONY has such a big fanbase that a lot of people demanding to see things and want to see it before they even can get to play it,because people like me are intrested. And seriously,mgs4 might come in like 2 years,arn' t you glad you atleast get to see it? If not probably because you want to see ps3 to fail,and is not a mgs fan,but for us other it was great,and i would happily see some early pics of ff13+ lost odyssey too,even though its coming in 2007. And even though it wont be playable untill end of next year sometimes. Yes i know e3 was just a bunch of CG but atleast they tried to get a pic of what we might see at the end of this next gen. Sigh. Where in my post did I say or even imply that I want Sony to fail? I simply made the point that Tech demos are not the most ideal way to promote your console or games - which is why most people think Sony overhype things. I don' t want Sony to fail because: A: I am getting a PS3 - I have a PS2 and PSone at home - I like a lot of Playstation games B: Competition is good for the consumer - lower prices, more innovation So don' t shove words down my mouth. It' s ok if you want to be wowed by flashy lights and high polygon counts. Unlike you, I' d rather see something real than something fake.
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 18:54
Mgs4 was real time,so dont talk about showing something that " wowed by flashy lights and high polygon counts" when they showed the game in real time. A gameplay of a game coming in 2 year how often do you see that? all they can show is the game in real time,not more what is the problem? Wasn' t the trailer impressive? oh yeah,im sure the A.I and physics will make the cell tremble after learning it for 2 years further yeah right. Please tell me what was fake in MGS4 video,when kojima stopped the game and showed it was real under TGS,please show me what was fake. You know Lost odyssey shown at e3 was real time,was it fake too?
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 18:57
Even tho this is really in the wrong section but we' re on the track of PS3 and I didn' t want to post rumors as facts. But I just got wind that the cell technology has been dropped because it couldn' t make the cut. Don' t know if it' s true yet. So, we' ll see.....<looks around wondering>
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Sep 30, 2005 23:25
Quez, I was referring mainly to the PS3 E3 presentation - and how disgusted I was with it. Sorry for any confusion. At E3 Sony basically spun huge amounts of excitement out of very little. Yes MGS4 is impressive and it' s good how it is real time. I hope to see more real time games now. In regards to lost odyssey, I didn' t see Microsoft going around boasting that it was real-time when it actually was CG (ala Killzone). Again, that is why people have such high expectations of Sony. Because of the fact that lost odyssey was shown as CG it didn' t have much of an impact on me. I' m not waiting for this game with baited breath because I simply don' t know how it will really turn out. Same goes for any other pure CG stuff I' ve seen. Understand that I' m not dissing the PS3 and saying cell is crap or anything like that. I personally just don' t like the way that Sony markets their games. It just seems to me like they take most gamers for gullible people. I would prefer the way Nintendo markets their games rather than the way Sony does any day. edit: This is a quote from Gamespot in regards to the controversial Killzone demonstration at E3 So how does Sony respond to the allegations? Far from being evasive, it met them head-on. " Yes, it is real time," a rep told GameSpot.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 1 Oct 05 7:38:04 >
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RE: has sony really overhyped the PS2 ??
Oct 01, 2005 07:32
First of all,if you ask me sony and ken is a bunch of liars k,however i dont trust ms 100% either too,they been acting very bad mannors to us europeans,i mean saying that they learned the price leason why it did not sell in europe and then give us in sweden a price of 550 dollar for premium wtf?! And then the guy peter moore has the nerve to say they invested millions of own dollars into xbox live an thats why it will kick ass in xbox360 when it cost 70-80 dollar for one year in europe,wtf? i use my own 8 mb broadband to host my games,and they take money from me,and much more then they should,and then claim they invested own money into xbox live? they took our money ffs... But i also think ps3 is gonna be a little bit stronger,but get a weaker 3rd card,but no i dont see xbox360 as a xbox 1.5,in fact im going xbox360 over ps3,yes im getting both but the xbox360 titles speaks more to me. Second,yes i do belive 95% of what was shown at e3 was cg from sony,but i dont think ff7 tech demo shown at e3 was fake at all nor mgs4 at TGS was anything faked,its made by konami+square-enix and i trust them more then MS and SONY,and those videos blow me away,and they was real if you ask them. Oh btw square-enix tech demos on ff6 to n64,and ff8 to ps2 was as the games looked like later but nvm.. Oh about gamespot/Sony,i made a topic in the community forum of gamespot,why they shared budget with sony,it said they co-worked and sony paid them,then the next day i was banned,but i still got my account," quezcatol" and when you click it,it says :" is this a person you really want to be associated with" or something like that WTF?!!!! I seen greg written a post here,mayby he can answere me why they did this to me?! Gamespot? i deserve a damn 5 paper long apology hand written,thats horrible,if you ask me gamespot can " BEEEEEEP" i loved the site,but i just wanted a question answered. They get money from Sony but they hide it,so dont ever listen to them again.
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