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hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
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hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 09:42
i hate introduction , i love to repost , so first hand for you guys , just say whatever it' s bad (that' s not really intersting cus everybody know it already) , but let me hear what " might" be good in a way.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 09:49
Well,thanks to ps1 piracy option i knew many people here in sweden went with ps1 and started playing video games,say what you want,but piracy goes in hand to hand with what lead to gaming becoming mainstream.
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 09:56
Well someone might pirate a game then really like it and buy a legit version, but I bet that onlay happens about 1% of the time. In Germany piracy is rampant because the way they are forced to sell M rated games is ridiculous. It is too much of a hassle to buy the gamse so they just pirate them. They are all behind the counter sold like pornography in the US.
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 09:59
Well,atleast 360 deliver DEMOS over marketplace,and it lead to people actually started to pre-order FN3 5 times more ater the demo of it was out. The problem with previous consoles has been lack of demos. To havin buy expensive magazines who might not always have the demo you want,is not the best treatment we gamers had. If ps3 deliver demos as 360,then defense for piracy should go away.
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 10:00
Double post,im sorry.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 1 Jun 06 2:01:13 >
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 10:07
absolutly quez, i' m living the show in my country, people didn' t give damn about video games , because here it' s a leasure for rich people , almost... when psone was released hardcore gamers here were amazed bt it was not known by mainstream like evrywhere in the world i guess... when that holy chip was released, you start hearing people saying: you know about playstation?? you can buy a chip for 80$, they will fix it for you, and you will buy games for only 10$ the game!! OMG , 1998 i was amazed and very happy, i told my mother, look all what you have to buy for me is the console (250$) and teh games are very cheap i can handle them myself !! well she approved, but same went for all parents , a lot of people start owning psone... when PS2 came, the transition was very easy and we first heard about a chip released on ps2, which first played only pirated CD' s, a whoile new market was added, the first market size has doubled or tripled , because of all the hype, 90% of people here buy games without the slightest moral hasard that it might be bad , they just took it as something granted, something that even sony wouldn' t bother, some think that sony thanks hacker and left some securities holes so that playstation would become popular... may be it' s true after all, (not true that it left securities holes), they sold 100 million ps2, i' m sure that 60% of those are hacked and play illegal copies, teh world is not europe or USa or japan, there is africa, north africa , china!! india middle east... notice guys that gamecube didn' t have an easy way to play illegal games, because it plays small dvd' s , you should open the case to play burned games on a the gamecube, as you all know gamecube sells are very mediocre... i' m just saying that one of the major reason for this is that pirates don' t support teh console... that' s what helped xbox as well , when teh xbox chip was discovered , i start hearing people say teh xbox name, a lot and lot of people bought it, not as much as ps2 of course but it did make a very good advertismeent, the market share in morocco is like this: 2006. 70% ps2 25% xbox 5 % gamecube 2002. 90% ps2 7% xbox 2% gamecube (before xbox chip was released here) here i' m tired i' m going to bed , i hope in the morning i' ll find some coments minus the really stupid ones
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 1 Jun 06 2:13:05 >
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 10:15
Yeah, that may be true for less well off countries. For most people in the US that get their consoles modded (from what I' ve experienced at least) they already owned the console and just wanted to get tons of games for very cheap or would have bought the console even if it wasn' t modded it is just an added bonus.
Joe Redifer
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 13:44
If you mod your Xbox 1, it becomes useful and you actually have a reason to turn it on. You can look at all your crap that you have on your computer with it right on your TV screen. Pics look great if you have it hooked up to an HDTV. You can watch all of your downloaded video files and all that crap as well. You can even listen to your illegally pirated MP3s. I don' t know why anyone would mod a PS2, but I have a very special save file on one of my memory cards that lets me run games off of the hard drive. I just power the PS2 up without a disc inserted, and suddenly I am presented with a list of illegally pirated games to play. I may actually own some of those games and I realize that all of my games should be illegally pirated. Owning things legally is never a good idea.  Even so I have not turned on my PS2 in about 8 months since most games are crap. There is no reason to mod a Gamecube, but a friend of mine did it to his and he illegally pirates games to mini-DVD-Rs and they work. To me it would never be worth it, especially since there are only 3 games worth playing on the Gamecube.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 19:06
Tales of symphonia better be one of them...
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- Joined: Jun 19, 2005
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 01, 2006 19:29
- it' s illegal + gamers in Europe don' t have to pay 80 or 90 $ for a game
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 02:03
pricay is for us! its all good, nobody loses, devolpers get paid wages, we get cheap games, only faceless multinational companys lose some profit. But who cares about them anyway? [:' (]
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 1 Jun 06 18:03:32 >
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 02:18
NEGATIVE: Taking money from social welfare when you don' t need it is bad because it' s the taxpayers that pretty much pays it for you. Playing pirated games is the same thing. Those who pay for the games are being leeched on by the people who don' t. Game developers and publisher and the whole videogame industry loses money on hacked consoles. POSITIVE: Just as some people really need money from social welfare there are people that could never afford buying a videogame so with piracy and hacked consoles they get the chance to play some games. You can play those import games you' ve always dreamed of without having to buy a console from another territory.
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 03:42
One positive I guess is that it makes it easier for you to test games, and see if you like them (renting games aren’t always so easy in Sweden) and if you have no patience then you can download another territories version of the game, to play while waiting for it to be released where you live. But the most important aspect (if you ask me) is that I believe if there wasn’t the threat of piracy, then the gaming industry could easily start raising the prices on their games. Sure there are still competitors and people wouldn’t be all that happy, but I remember that not long ago I paid 1000 Swedish kroner for a N64 game, back when piracy had yet to spread.
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 03:52
ORIGINAL: Dionysius but I remember that not long ago I paid 1000 Swedish kroner for a N64 game, back when piracy had yet to spread. WHAAAAT?!?! I have no memory of such prices! I bought games during the NES, SNES, Saturn and Dreamcast era and the prices have always been pretty much the same. They cost a little more now but with inflation in mind it is only natural. The N64 was also special for its cartridges which cost more to produce than CD. And you have to realize that the competition wasn' t as tough then as it is now so I don' t think piracy is a reason for better prices. The competition has simply gotten tougher.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Jun 06 19:53:20 >
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 04:05
WHAAAAT?!?! I have no memory of such prices! Sorry, I only wrote less than half of what was supposed to be written. I meant to say that I bought a game in germany for money equal to 1000 Swedish kroner. That game was Conker. And if memory serves right, it was even released near the end of the 64' s life cycle. And you have to realize that the competition wasn' t as tough then as it is now so I don' t think piracy is a reason for better prices. The competition has simply gotten tougher. Sure I do, but look at the movie industry. They to are trying their best to draw back customers, with cheap prices and other tricks.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 04:39
I remember prices up to 649 and even 699 kronor for N64. In fact EU even sued Nintendo,for having those prices in scandinava/germany,and not in UK. I was happy by that.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 04:43
i bought zelda ocarina of time for 80 euro from france, because in my c ountry it costed 110 euro , piracy was a bless for me !!
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 05:34
With people being sceptic about the 1000 kroner statement I made, I myself began to doubt my memory. So I rushed to check after my ex of Conker' s Bad Fur Day, hoping that the price tag would still be on it... It was  . Though it is somewhat faded I can barely make out, it 189.95 DEN (I think  ). Now I know that, but I have no memory of what the D-Mark was worth, and I couldn' t find anything out on the net.  Though seeing the price tag I actually doubt what I myself said recently (however I clearly remember that I had no idea how much I paid for it back then, and when I found out I changed the truth from my parents, as I couldn' t tell them I paid 1000 kroner for a game). But I' d still like to know, so if anybody remembersm please tell me.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 05:52
gamespot heard about our thread http://www.gamespot.com/news/6152122.aspx i hope they will succeed , if they manged to work it out, xbox360 all the way, and i will certainly hope microsoft be the new leader, it will be for my own damn interest.
Terry Bogard
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RE: hacked console, what' s the good and what' s the bad ?
Jun 02, 2006 05:54
Tales of symphonia better be one of them... Your new sig should be: Quezcatol.. Pimping out Tales of Symphonia since 2003 ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Jun 06 21:54:19 >
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