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games that will steal the show (e3)
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games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 08:12
E3 is coming and i' d like to know what are the 10 games that will get the most attention and hype at E3, all consoles and PC (yeah revolution as well) 1) Metal Gear Solid 4 2) Mario (rev ) ?? 3) Lost of odissey 4) Devil May Cry 4 5) Resident Evil 5 6) Halo 3 ??? 7) God of War 2 8) Crysis 9) Warhawk 10) Gran Turismo Vision And please don' t avoid listing a game just because 10 people have listed it before, otherwise i' m sure anybody who does that will end up with a pretty shitty list... thanks
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 24 Mar 06 0:22:09 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games that will still the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 08:19
*NEW SUPER MARIO BROTHERS (DS) I think THAT game in particular will have gamers literally CRYING while playing it. It' s been a LOOOONG time since we' ve had a true blue 2D platforming Mario update. I think players will be to overcome with emotion.
Chee Saw
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 08:47
Not necessarily in this order: 1) Gears of War 2) Ninja Gaiden 2 3) Final Fantasy 4) Resident Evil 5) MGS 6) Mario 7) Metroid Prime 8) Lost Odyssey 9) Killer Instinct 3 10) Guitar Hero 2 The last two would be AWESOME, but...?! If Halo 3 is even announced, it will take the number 1 spot.
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 08:50
Mass effect and Too humman probably have something amazing to show. Btw,is kikizo gonna take a lot of videos from e3? Or broadcast on sony/ms/nintendo keynot speechs?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 10:31
Btw,is kikizo gonna take a lot of videos from e3? Is a frog' s ass water tight?
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 10:40
Is a frog' s ass water tight? Actually,just a few frogs have waterproof layer of skin,the other ones let some water come in,to their blood,so... HOW SHOULD I TAKE THIS??? O_o TT
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 22:24
Nice Quez. Ok, as to which games, sorry, but whenever a new mario platformer comes out, it' s always the talk of E3. Seeing the DS mario brothers makes me wish I had a DS like nobodies business. And regardless of weather or not people liked Mario sunshine, with mario 128 being labelled as the true sequel to mario 64, THAT is the game that will get the most attention. I don' t think it' s even a contest. I actually expect it to be a good E3 for the big N because they' ll have Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda there in playable form as well. Metroid, Zelda and Mario yikes. If Halo 3 was to make a surprise appearance that could steal a lot of attention, but it doesn' t sound likely.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 22:33
Quake Wars Crysis Mario 128 Twilight Princess Gears of War Ninja Gaiden 2 Resident Evil 5 MGS 4 Virtua Fighter 5 Too Human Blue Dragon
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 24, 2006 23:03
1) Gears of War 2) Some FF game 3) Halo 3 4) Super Mario 5) Too Human 6) Mass Effect 7) Blue Dragon 8) Lost Odyssey 9) MGS 4 10) Splinter Cell
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 25, 2006 00:06
Actually,just a few frogs have waterproof layer of skin,the other ones let some water come in,to their blood,so... Vewwy interesting, and more than what I knew. pwned!!!1! HOW SHOULD I TAKE THIS??? O_o TT How about, we' ll have as many E3 videos as there are frogs with watertight asses in this world?
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Mar 06 16:07:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 25, 2006 01:45
Kikizo is your one stop shop your all your e3 needs!
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 27, 2006 14:03
Supposing they are actually there: -Legend of Zelda Revolution (HIGHLY unlikely in my opinion, seems that Nintendo would want to save some ammunition for the future even if this title is in anything other than the pre-production stage) -Nintendo' s new Revolution IP -Final Fantasy XIII -Grand Theft Auto 4 -Killzone (the real deal this time) -Sonic Revolution And now, more realistically: -Gears of War -Crysis -Warhawk -Metal Gear Solid 4 -Too Human -Devil May Cry 4 -The Getaway 3 -Super Mario Revolution -Metroid Prime 3 -Super Smash Bros. Revolution However, E3 is all about the suprise. Whatever list we compile could be no match for what actually happens there. Sure does feel good to dream though, doesn' t it?
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 27, 2006 23:34
...all the above listed games except: - Halo 3 : ' cause it won' t actually be there (although they might finally announce Bungie’s current top-secret project) - Ninja Gaiden 2 :' cause Itagaki & crew will have DOAX2 instead 
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 27, 2006 23:55
Terry, what' s E3 like in person? I think I' m coimng with Kikizo this year. I' m stepping back up to the plate for the site. I have a Oblivion review in the works right now. It' s good to be back.
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 28, 2006 00:05
...huh?... ..what kind of favouritism is that??.... ....i give kikizo FREE reviews, and yet still no E3 invite???..... ....THAT' S NOT FAIR!!!!!......
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 28, 2006 01:13
... Is anybody else here going to TGS?!
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- Joined: Mar 05, 2006
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 28, 2006 01:29
Halo 3 will be at E3 this year. Microsoft have kept it quiet on purpose and will be announcing it as well as showing it off at E3 to counter what Sony and Nintendo have. Usually GDC is an event where Microsoft usually put on a big showing but this year they didn' t because theyre conserving their ammo for E3 and a couple of big Xbox Live announcements have been put off until the event too! Is anybody else here going to TGS?! I will if youll pay for my flight! Ha!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 28, 2006 05:35
TGS I REALLY REALLY want to go to some time in the near future. At least once before I die! Terry, what' s E3 like in person? I think I' m coimng with Kikizo this year. I' m stepping back up to the plate for the site. I have a Oblivion review in the works right now. It' s good to be back. Ahh kickass, Welcome back!! As for what E3 is like in person, here' s a cheap little something I put together after E3 2003, should give you a decent idea of the craziness that is E3. http://segafan.homestead.com/files/E3_-_2004.wmv For media folks, E3 can be both an exhilarating experience and a scary one at the same time. Depending on how well you pace yourself, you' ll probably remain busy all three days of the show, hustling to play and write about as many games as you can get your grubby little paws on OR as many games as there are on your assignment list. I personally wish they' d extend E3 to 4 or 5 days instead of 3, since there' s an overwhelming amount of ground to cover and games to check out, not including the pomp n' circumstance of other media events like the Press Conferences -- if you can even get into any of them. One word that describes E3 is the word " LOUD" ! A cacophony of sounds hit you from all directions at once since, in addition to the console and handheld gaming offerings, there are also live stage shows from familiar suspects like Tecmo and a few others. Nintendo tends to have a few booth events of their own, but their stuff were never as loud and crazy as the stage show events at some of the other booths, thank goodness. In addition to the games you also have some other miscellaneous stuff on display. Gizmos, Gadgets, and whatnot in other areas of the convention center as well as on the two main show floors. One year in particular, Capcom was actually promoting MAME + Roms at their booth. I kid you not. They were promoting an arcade cabinet called " ARCADE PC" which housed their computer which was loaded with MAME roms. I recognized the MAME interface on the screen and the reps were playing King of the Dragons, but I needed confirmation, so I asked them and they confirmed it. It was one of the more interesting sights at the show to me, especially given how strongly many companies are against emulation/roms, so seeing something like that just made me love Capcom' s " hardcore" nature even more.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 27 Mar 06 23:23:12 >
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 29, 2006 21:35
*cough* Smash Bros. *cough* At least, that' s the game that I' m looking forward to the most. I' ve been waiting for another one for so long. Also MSG4 of course, and the new Mario(s?), Devil May Cry 4, Metroid, RE5. If they have playable versions of them. I know that New Super Mario and Metroid Prime 3 are probably going to be playable, as they' ve already had demos shown at other places, but I don' t think the other ones have. Actually, it will probably depend on what games have playable demos. I can' t wait to see what some of them look like in-game. I probably should have put that into a list form. Also, there aren' t quite ten games there, sorry ' bout that. I just can' t file through all the games in my head, and some of the ones I' m looking forward to are probably not going to be show-stoppers (like the new EarthBound game, I' m hoping it' s at E3).
Stephen Rowley
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RE: games that will steal the show (e3)
Mar 30, 2006 19:01
For me, I' m thinking Gitaroo Man 2 will be one of E3' s best. :)
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