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RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 11:27
System Shock 2 is by far the scariest I' ve played. Shodan' s voice still creeps me out today.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 13:23
I do agree the sound design in System Shock 2 was the best you could get during that time.
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- Joined: Oct 19, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 14:38
1) Eternal Darkness / Cube (hope to see a sequel one day!) 2) Silent Hill / PSone (still the best one!) 3) Resident Evil / Saturn (and remake on the cube!)
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 20:05
Resident Evil 4 (Say what you will about the game being more action-packed and less scary) but it' s the only game that had my arms trembling from being so nervous. The fact that you can' t simply exit a room to get a little breathing room from hordes of enemies played a major factor in that.. Enemies come and keep coming no matter where you run and hide. Yeah I remember when I first played the village part at the start of the game. MY GOD!! There was fucking enemies everywhere and then when I heard the chainsaw in the distance I really started to panic! BRILLIANT just BRILLIANT
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 21:46
1. System Shock 2 2. The first resident evil. I' m so scared of pixels.. 3. Luigi' s Mansion. Boo' s freak me out.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 21:49
Wind Waker is one of the scariest games I have ever played. Tingle terrifies me!!
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 22:11
Id say: Silent Hill 1 Doom 1 + 2 (not 3) the first time you see that hell' s knight! FEAR Fatal Frame is definitely up there. My friend was involved in making this really cool game called The White Chamber. Was a short 2d point and click game with a lot of atmosphere. The music was fantastic and it got a few good reviews. It' s easy enough to find on google and free to d/l.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 22:41
3. Doom 3 at 2 in the morning 2. yes i agree, ocarina of time did creep me out when i got to the shadow temple 3. And of course condemned
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RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 22:55
Pacman! You are put in a maze like level where you running away from *gasp* ghosts. You also have a weapon that is very limited (those power orb things). The entire point of the game is to survive and it has ghosts so it' s horror. Pretty funny huh? Odd but true ...don' t ever expect anyone to believe that you don' t do drugs man..  ... ... ...oh yeah, another game which totally creeped me out was Halo.... ....the first time you encountered The Flood was pretty disturbing in a " The Thing" (1982) sort of way... ...especially the half dead ones that run up to you and just sorta stand there staring at you, with their little waving tentacle things...[:' (]  ...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 22:57
Pacman didn' t scare me, lol. I was just telling Vx what the first survival horror game was. 1979 the horror began  .
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 01, 2006 23:02
...oh yeah, another game which totally creeped me out was Halo.... ....the first time you encountered The Flood was pretty disturbing in a " The Thing" (1982) sort of way... i got creeped out when i saw Captain Keys in the flood form
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 01:09
Seriously, I still have problems playing Pacman. It' s really scary. I can play Resident Evil, Doom, Eternal Darkness or whatever without problem. But Pacman... I don' t know it just freaks me out.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 01:18
I haven' t really ever played that many horror games(Hell, I haven' t really played all that many games full stop compared to a lot of people), but I am amused to hear some people think Resi 4 is scary. I don' t feel like such a puff anymore, as a couple of you are more easily scared than I am. No offence, you guys just helped me out a bit(sort of...) Thanks guys. Anywhooo, when I first witnessed the final boss in Super Mario World, I was 2 or 3 at the time, I was actually pretty creeped out. Not because of Bowser, but by that big clown thing that he was riding in. Man I used hate clowns!
< Message edited by Marink -- 1 Nov 06 17:21:02 >
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 01:23
but I am amused to hear some people think Resi 4 is scary. I don' t feel like such a puff anymore, as a couple of you are more easily scared than I am. Thanks guys. Nobody said they were ' scared' of Resi 4, it made you panic at times at the huge amounts of enemies coming at you all at once. Being scared is a game making you ' jump' or giving you a fright.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 02:51
Pulse Racer on Xbox. I played it to see if all the horrid reviews were true, and I still cant talk about it....
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 03:03
Yeah I remember when I first played the village part at the start of the game. MY GOD!! There was fucking enemies everywhere and then when I heard the chainsaw in the distance I really started to panic!
I KNOW! The first time I got my head lopped off by the burlap sack lady w/a chainsaw, my brother & I actually yelled. My friends came into the room panicking, & then saw that it was just a game. It was the chainsaw sound in the distance that really gave me the heebie jeebies. Pulse Racer on Xbox. I played it to see if all the horrid reviews were true, and I still cant talk about it....
Have you actually ever played that? It is really... really... really bad. Almost the worst game I' ve ever played.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 13:08
Fatal Frame 1 - Not the sequels (the creepiest thing about Crimson Butterflies was whether or not those twins were lesbian and incestuous). Number 1 made you on the verge of death with downright stingy health power-ups, and GOD DAMN hard bosses. Plus, the Ju-On (Grudge to Westerners, though the original Jap Ju-On is MUCH scarier) style ghosts that pop-up any and everywhere were sick! RE4 - Not really ' scary' in the ' zombie-AH' style. It was more challenging and the fear of being swarmed. The bosses were less scary than the zombie villagers for one =/ But gawd, I loved the beginning part and I was trying my best to sneak by (while the villagers were burning corpses), then I shot a cow. For the heck of it. I wanted to see whether it would die...then I died (villager cow-vengeance!) Not much else...cos I don' t have many scary games... PS: I HAVE to ask. When I played a marathon session of RE4 on my cousin' s PS2, I played w/o saving (cos he didn' t have extra memory cards) till Giganto (or whatever that big giant zombie guy' s name is) and ran into the burlap sack chainsaw guy, I had NO idea how to defeat him at all! Is it possible? I just RAN straight through that level! Pass every single zombie until I reached the next loading screen. Seriously, CAN that thing be killed?
< Message edited by Byakko -- 2 Nov 06 5:10:51 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 14:46
I believe GameTrailers has a piece on the ten scariest videogames. I' d happily provide a link but I' m so exhausted that right now wouldn' t be able to find my ass from last Tuesday...la la la procrastination...
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 18:35
Nobody said they were ' scared' of Resi 4, it made you panic at times at the huge amounts of enemies coming at you all at once. Being scared is a game making you ' jump' or giving you a fright. Just because something makes you jump doesn' t mean it scares you. People jump at surprise parties, but that doesn' t necessarily mean surprise parties scare them. Resident Evil 4 made me jump at times, although I didn' t get scared in the game. I guess that' s probably because it is more fast-paced than most games in the same genre, and you also have more space to run around in. I must admit, though, that playing as Ashley wasn' t exactly a walk in the park, and defending her as Leon was a real pain- especially when you had to defend yourself at the same time. Besides, Terry did tell us to: Say what you will about the game By the way, Byakko, it is possible to kill the chainsaw guy, but it took me a hell of a lot of grenades to do so. Agent Ghost- I was just watching this yesterday.
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RE: Your Scariest Game Ever?
Nov 02, 2006 21:08
...repeat after me: " I will not reply in a thread until i have read the first post"
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