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Your RPG characters in fighting games.
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Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 04, 2006 22:23
I play Shenmue more often then anyone I know, I also play Dead or Alive quite a bit... I was thinking the other day, imagine Ryo Hazuki, with his elbow assault and Brutal Tiger, how well do you think he would fair amongst the fraucaus of DOA? If there are any other adventure/ RPG characters (kinda like Heihachi and Link in Soul Calibur) that you would think would do well in a particular fighting game. To make it more interesting, also give a brief description as to what makes them fit in, and how they would handle the competition... If this topic has been posted before, I am sorry, havent had the chance to filter through all 14,000 or so topics, someone just send a reply saying " Oi Noob, this has already been posted!"  need to find a cure for Vampirism in Oblivion
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 04, 2006 22:26
If Ryo would be in any fighting game it would have to be Virtua Fighter as a complement to Akira. Ryo is pretty much a modified Akira. I' d like to see some Final Fantasy characters, like Cloud, in Soul Calibur. FF characters are ultra cool and uses weapons so they should fit the SOul Calibur games pretty good. Better than that Spawn crap anyway... I' d like to see Samus Aran (Metroid) in DoA so that we get to see the ultimate battle: Samus Aran VS Master Cheif Gordon Freeman can use his crowbar in Soul Calibur
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 Apr 06 14:29:00 >
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 04, 2006 23:50
If Ryo would be in any fighting game it would have to be Virtua Fighter as a complement to Akira. Ryo is pretty much a modified Akira. I agree Ryo is a testament to Akira, and Virtua Fighter is better than Dead or Alive. I wouldnt mind catching a bit of Ryu Hayabusa with sword in Soul Calibur as well (Why didnt they put Cloud or Squall for the PS2 ver? Cloud would have Omni-Slash) If they can put Link in, they sure as hell could of had a little Hayabusa and some Squall or Cloud as they are probably more suited, Link is green and furry and wears all in one tights (sorry any link fans out there)  figured being a Vampire in Oblivion isnt too bad, have to constantly feed though.
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 01:18
....FFX' s Lulu wold make a awesome addition to DOA.... ....Auron too... ..they seem to have a ' DOA' vibe to them also... ...Auron would make a great father figure style nemesis to Bayman... ...and Lulu could be an advanced ninja-witch type character...a sort of mother figure to Ayane...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Apr 06 17:31:21 >
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 02:00
Well, Cloud and Sephiroth were already in a fighting game. I liked the girl with the yoyo tho >.>
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 02:04
Is Lulu hand to hand? I fear she may get caught in her own clothes. I dunno why Lulu seems more suited for Bloody Roar... Auron definitely should visit Soul Calibur, he would be in there telling Spawn to calm down, and he would guide Kilik now that Edge Master is somewhere unconfirmed. (Or is he in Soul Calibur 3 and am I being thick?) Ivy and Lulu are surprisingly alike, well, you could probably put Lulu in Soul Calibur with her little Mogul that would work wouldnt it? Why were Sonic and Tails never included in Smash Bros Melee???
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 03:04
I' m going to ignore the title of the thread and not mention any RPG characters except only in passing. What i want to know is why would i want to put Heihachi into another fighting game?! He was out of place in Soul Calibur 2 just like Yoshimitsu is in the SC series. Heihachi belongs in Tekken and needs to stay there. Anyway because of franchise rivalry, we will never see things like Jin in Virtua Fighter or Cage in DoA. The only time anything like that would take place is if SEGA and NAMCO merged ( Terry would cry tears of joy...  ), and that ain' t happening any time soon. Because of that (you should never begin a sentance with ' because' ...  ), i can' t force myself to think unrealistically and will have to generate viable possibilities... I guess the DoA series is the perfect home for any sassy female character, ...mabe Ulala from Space Channel 5 (erm, ...moving on...  ). Joanna Dark of Perfect Dark fame, or maybe even 47 from the Hitman games as an addition to the Leon/ Bayman style of fighting. Sould Calibur is obviously easy, since almost ANY Final Fantasy character could be used, but i think Dante from DMC, Kratos from God of War and BloodRayne from err, ... BloodRayne would be better suited. Metal Gear Solid' s Snake would make a perfact addition to Tekken, but other than that they should leave the series alone because it' s cast is both wide and diverse enough already without needing cross-over characters. Virtua Fighter needs to be left as it is. It wouldn' t benefit from adding characters from other games, it would probably ruin it. I don' t want another Megamix!!! The series is perfect as it is and i would change anything, ...now i just need VF5!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2006
RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 05:25
I believe that Tommy Vercetti from GTA : Vice City should be in the next 2-dimensional street fighter on the SNES, too bad no more SNES games come out :(
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 07:46
I dunno why Lulu seems more suited for Bloody Roar... ...there are loads of off-kilter style characters in Bloody Roar... ...one more would prolly go unnoticed... put Lulu in Soul Calibur with her little Mogul that would work wouldnt it? ...no way!! ...Mogals blow!!!.. [:' (] .....in DOA she' d whip your @$$ with fireball style magic spells like DOA3' s Omega... ....and drain your life bar with more magic when hers gets too low... ...she' d have her own version of fantasy ninjitsu which would resemble a merger of Ayane' s Haji Mon Mugen-Tenshu and Christie' s She-Quan.... ...all finger stabs and open palm strikes... ...being primarily a witch, she' d cheat a lot through spells and voodoo... ..like a move which creates an exact duplicate of herself onscreen (with you in the middle)... ..or being able to turn invisible until you manage to land a blow.... Auron definitely should visit Soul Calibur ..yeah it would suit him more... ..what would he be without his sword?.... Ivy and Lulu are surprisingly alike ...yea... ...too similar to appear in the same game.... ....but... .....get this: ...what about Quistis, from FF8, being Ivy' s Daughter? ...is that the most bada$$ idea you ever heard or what?!!   ...she would simply require a tweaked Ivy move set, and maybe boast more high power/special moves than her mother.... ...and Zell also from FF8 MUST be the most easily imagined FF to DOA import... ...with a straight forward boxing fighting style, ala Bruce from Tekken but with out the gloves (real men fist-fight) ...and a possible acquaintance of Zack?... ...F*ck my ideas are TOO good... ...any y' all need me to help you flesh out a game? ....i can' t program sh*t, but I' m full of scripts and stories...   I guess the DoA series is the perfect home for any sassy female character, ...maybe Ulala from Space Channel 5 ...y' know... i think you just hit upon a gold idea dude... ...check it: ...it' d work woun' d it?... ..maybe players could, like, fight in time to one of her tunes or something......
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Apr 06 23:49:55 >
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 14:30
Garian from Dark Saviour in What else Soul Calibur..lol Danteres from (guess  ) in Soul Calibur would look weird considering he is a centuar but not really... Capcom Vs Treasure more specifically Capcom Vs Guardian Heroes Chrono iN SOME Capcom or Soul Calibur Can' t remember any... Vyse in Soul Calibur heck all the Skies of Arcadia people in Something from Capcom Namco or Tecmo Grandia 2
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 05, 2006 18:59
Dark Saviour, Guardian Heroes. Ahh the good old Saturn days  .
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 06, 2006 03:37
Anyway because of franchise rivalry, we will never see things like Jin in Virtua Fighter or Cage in DoA. The only time anything like that would take place is if SEGA and NAMCO merged (Terry would cry tears of joy... ), and that ain' t happening any time soon. i remember standing in an arcade many many moons ago saying something like that about Terry Bogard v.s. Ken Masters.....
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 07, 2006 00:34
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 08, 2006 05:21
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RE: Your RPG characters in fighting games.
Apr 25, 2006 06:26
..c' mon man... ...spill some beans please...
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