I dunno why Lulu seems more suited for Bloody Roar...
...there are loads of off-kilter style characters in Bloody Roar... ...one more would prolly go unnoticed...
put Lulu in Soul Calibur with her little Mogul that would work wouldnt it?
...no way!! ...Mogals blow!!!.. [:' (]
.....in DOA she' d whip your @$$ with fireball style magic spells like DOA3' s Omega... ....and drain your life bar with more magic when hers gets too low...
...she' d have her own version of fantasy ninjitsu which would resemble a merger of Ayane' s Haji Mon Mugen-Tenshu and Christie' s She-Quan.... ...all finger stabs and open palm strikes...
...being primarily a witch, she' d cheat a lot through spells and voodoo... ..like a move which creates an exact duplicate of herself onscreen (with you in the middle)... ..or being able to turn invisible until you manage to land a blow....
Auron definitely should visit Soul Calibur
..yeah it would suit him more... ..what would he be without his sword?....
Ivy and Lulu are surprisingly alike
...yea... ...too similar to appear in the same game.... ....but...
.....get this:
...what about Quistis, from FF8, being Ivy' s Daughter?
...is that the most bada$$ idea you ever heard or what?!!

...she would simply require a tweaked Ivy move set, and maybe boast more high power/special moves than her mother....
...and Zell also from FF8
MUST be the most easily imagined FF to DOA import... ...with a straight forward boxing fighting style, ala Bruce from Tekken but with out the gloves (real men fist-fight) ...and a possible acquaintance of Zack?...
...F*ck my ideas are TOO good... ...any y' all need me to help you flesh out a game? ....i can' t program sh*t, but I' m full of scripts and stories...

I guess the DoA series is the perfect home for any sassy female character, ...maybe Ulala from Space Channel 5
...y' know... i think you just hit upon a gold idea dude...
...check it:
...it' d work woun' d it?...
..maybe players could, like, fight in time to one of her tunes or something......
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Apr 06 23:49:55 >