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RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 03, 2006 11:23
Man, I LOVE videogame music! Especially things like Doopliss' song and any particularly evil music. Don' t get me wrong, I' m not saying I have anything against games with detailed graphics- I still enjoy great graphics. It' s just that, ' bad' graphics don' t put me off games.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 03, 2006 13:04
Im not totally a graphics hore, but truly ugly games i cant get myself to play them, but its rare that those games hold in qualities at all.
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RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 03, 2006 15:07
Chee Saw quote: ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Man get yourself an iPod or a god damn Stereo :) Here, here ....dudes, when you wanna listen to truly awesome music you have to FEEL IT.... ...the bass has got to make your WHOLE FRICIN' HOUSE move... ...ipods are for discreet music like Mozart or something... ....and don' t you get off on video game soundtracks? ... got to be deaf if you didn' t notice how good that original Project Gothem menu music is, or half the tunes in Ninja Gaiden for example... Marink I was lucky enough to recieve the PS2 version for christmas. Crisp graphics, fantastic sound(especially what Capcom did with the wind effects), relentless action and possibly the best gameplay I' ve ever experienced in any action game! Of course, you' ve obviously heard all of this before. By the way, what am I doing away from it????????? Well... have fun. ...can words describe what a genuinely fantastic game Resident Evil 4 is?..... i have never felt as immersed in a game.... which is due to the decision to place the camera behind Leon..... this has to be the finest recent innovation in an action game... ...it also allows the player to maintain a strong connection with the lead character, unlike the over-saturated FPS genre, where you almost instantly forget who you' re supposed to be playing as once the cut scenes end.... ...Fantastic environments, Great story (stick Deathmatch up your @$$), Atmosphere, Exploding heads, Intelligent AI (not as good as Halo2 of course), Getting decapitated, Mini games, Satisfyingly meaty real world ordinance, .. *swoon* .....i' m gonna wet myself! Vx Chemicalget if for the cube which is even crisper, better controlled, though you dont have the Ada missions, which is kinda sad ...originally i was.... but then i heard about the EXTRA 20+ HOURS in Ada' s ' Separate Ways' side mission, which includes a whole new Cruise Liner ship level (how long is 360' s Condemned again?) and new weapons like the Star-Trek style disintegrater laser.... ...there was only one sane choice (plus MG3: Substance, DMC3: Special Edition (20 bucks!), Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams etc.) ....but we digress.... ....no more off topic..... more console-meets-brutal-death type stories please....
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 03, 2006 18:05
Videogame music kicks ass. I demand that everyone like videogame music as much as I do. I absolutely HATE it when games license bands or whatever for the music (any EA game, etc). Original game music is what kicks ass.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 03, 2006 18:45
Videogame music kicks ass. I demand that everyone like videogame music as much as I do. I absolutely HATE it when games license bands or whatever for the music (any EA game, etc). Original game music is what kicks ass. Separated at birth I tell ya, LOL..
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 04, 2006 16:12
Bishonen, the behind-the-character camera is not new. Ubisoft also has it on Cold Fear, which by the way if you haven' t played already, you have to. Those graphics are just soooooooooooooo niceee, and the sounds, omg, when u shoot that pistol and u blow ppls heads off....sooo satisfying. I Love game musics, and yes Bishonen, Ninja Gaiden has some sick music, and have I mentioned I LOVE Halo music???? especially the main theme, but the version with the electric guitar from Halo2. ONe of the things that make me love a game, is the music, which is why i really like Halo and Ninja Gaiden. Do you guys remember Ninja Gaiden 2 for the NES? The cutscenes music was always soooooo sick, especially at the beginning of the game, which is y I loved the game soo much, apart from it being so goddamn challenging. I have to say that the NFS games have sick soundtracks, even tho they are songs by other artists and stuff, but they go so well with the gameplay. GTA III got my attention cuz of the in-car radio, god those songs were sooo sick, it just added something to the game that made me wanna play it even more. About the bashing thing, well let' s say back in the day when I used to play Ninja Gaiden 2, one day I got really f*cking pissed (my gamepad was being gay too) and my heel had a meeting with the console  . End result? I had to go out and buy another one cuz apparently my foot was really mad and smashed the sh*t out of that piece of junk... lol, it felt good too I must say. That' s the most I' ve taken my anger towards game consoles. My usual reactions when I' m pissed are punching the Xbox, or if im comfortably sitting on my couch and don' t feel like getting up but I' m still mad, i smash the controller against the coffee table, and I' m surprised it' s still working fine. I have the green edition Xbox. My mouse on the other hand, when I play Counter-Strike....I just bought a new mouse a week ago cuz the other one was in really bad shape. btw, anyone play CS here? Wanna play sometime?
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RE: Xbox Bashing
Jan 05, 2006 13:26
..... i remember hearing about Cold Fear, but it really didn' t get much coverage... i assumed it wasn' t nearly as good as Resi 4, which Capcom had been working on for almost 5 years.... so they must of come up with that camera angle first?.... I' ll have to find out more about Cold Fear... (or a sequel maybe?).... .... i think that NG and Halo MUST have the best overall ingame soundtrack of recent times..... ...Halo' s classical scores are fantastic, waaay better than 2' s IMO.. ....Wipeout is known for having good music also.... ...has the new one got a decent custom soundtrack? ... remember thinking when i used to play Wipeout2 that the game would benefit from high quality ingame music over the licenses, which didn' t really go with the game (what has starting a fire got to do with futuristic racing?) .....mind you, that game could have done with a proper attempt at a story also.... .....and breaking stuff (" Damm right I' m a maniac" ) is defiantly therapy.... ...i once smashed the s*it out of my guitar, just for the fun of it.... ....hey that reminds me, remember how ID got Trent Reznor (NIN) to create the score for Quake? ...they should do that on all big budget high concept games.... ...real musicians are always going to come up with something good.....
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