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Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
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Terry Bogard
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Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 18, 2006 23:51
So for those of you who have been enjoying the joys of the Xbox 360, how much have you enjoyed it in comparison to the first year of the original Xbox? Personally, I' ve enjoyed my Xbox 360 quite a bit more actually. In fact, other than Otogi, Otogi 2, Outrun 2, and Breakdown, I' ve easily enjoyed my Xbox 360 more during the past 2 months than I did the original Xbox during it' s entire lifecycle. Wrestle Kingdom is to thank for that mostly, but also there' s stuff like Test Drive Unlimited and the wonderful demos found on Xbox Live! I admit I was really skeptical at first about whether the Xbox 360 would turn out to be another Xbox to me in terms of interest (or lack thereof), but so far it has eclipsed it no problem. p.s.- If I' ve posted something like this before then it' s just my Altzheimers kicking in again and you' ll have to forgive a fool 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 18 Sep 06 15:54:29 >
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 00:32
I' ve spent since March obsessing over... ...Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. The game is simply magnificent and it' s easily my favourite title since Resident Evil 4. It probably has more replay value than any other game in my collection and it' s a contender for my favourite game ever. It has small negligible issues when playing offline (like the team-mate AI) but the instant action and online multi-player are perfect. I seriously love it and can' t wait for Rainbow Six: Vegas to hit in November.   Other than that, Dead Rising has completely impressed me - it' s exactly what i expected from a next-gen title from Capcom, ...Project Gotham, Oblivion, DoA4 and CoD2 have all proven awesome titles, and others like Hitman, Burnout, Kameo, Moto GP and Rockstar Presents Table Tennis have been great 1st gen games. I wouldn' t say 360' s first year compares to Xbox' s entire lifecycle, but it' s been better than Xbox' s first year. I do however think that PS3' s first year will be the best of any console, ...even if i think 360' s 2nd year will be better than that. I have no issues with my console. It doesn' t get hot and i never notice the HDD being accessed or the disc spinning or even the fans, as far as sound goes. The console and pad design are great and the only problem i have that' s hardware related is that the headset, while totally functional is pretty tacky. The re-designed Xbox Live and the dashboard kick ass and it' s only really lacking a web-browser and full keyboard & mouse support for those that don' t have PC' s. It' s been a good year.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 01:04
I just can' t get into Ghost Recon no matter how hard I try. The controls don' t feel natural and it' s quite boring. What a disappointment. I guess I shouldn' t expect much from UBISoft, though. I' v had my Xbox360 for a bit over 2 weeks now. It' s pretty cool. I love Dead Rising. I also hate how they handled custom soundtracks (it was done MUCH better on the original Xbox. Ridge Racer 6 can' t even find my ripped tracks). I don' t think I' ll ever love it as much as the Sega Genesis or TurboGrafx-16 (PC Engine), though.
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 01:29
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer I just can' t get into Ghost Recon no matter how hard I try. The controls don' t feel natural and it' s quite boring. What a disappointment. I guess I shouldn' t expect much from UBISoft, though. I can' t get into it either, played the demo and played it somewhere else (can' t remember) and just doesn' t grab me either. As far as things go it' s been an ok year not brilliant but in comparison to the original xbox it' s been a good year, the only thing that disappointed me a little is the quality of games released the only ones i' ve enjoyed playing is doa4, dead rising (the demo havent got the game yet) and i' m surprised by this...but saints row. Hope next year is better.
Mass X
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 01:39
So far its been smooth sailing since day one. No hardware issues nor lack of games to enjoy. Live definatly kicks life into most of the games. Ive also been using Arcade more then I thought. Current games list: Call of Duty 2 (A-) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (A) Dead Rising (A) Project Gotham Racing 3 (B+) Saints Row (B,tho a fix for the online will push it to a solid A) Elder Scrolls:Oblivion (A) Amped 3 (found it for $15 so why not?) (C+) Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (B) Condemned (A-)
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 01:41
ORIGINAL: Mass X So far its been smooth sailing since day one. No hardware issues nor lack of games to enjoy. Live definatly kicks life into most of the games. Ive also been using Arcade more then I thought. Current games list: Call of Duty 2 (A-) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (A) Dead Rising (A) Project Gotham Racing 3 (B+) Saints Row (B,tho a fix for the online will push it to a solid A) Elder Scrolls:Oblivion (A) Amped 3 (found it for $15 so why not?) (C+) Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (B) Condemned (A-) Damn how could I forget condemned can fuzion frenzy...and can' t believe I actually like texas hold em.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 02:32
and i' m surprised by this...but saints row. I agree about Saints Row.. Been messing around with the demo a bit and I find it to be a pretty decent alternative to Grand Theft Auto.
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 02:38
I also hate how they handled custom soundtracks (it was done MUCH better on the original Xbox. Ridge Racer 6 can' t even find my ripped tracks). Start the music before you load the game. Actually, if you use the guide button while ingame you should be able to access your music that way.
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 02:42
I felt like replay all my 360 games after i got my HDTV. Ofc i seen HD on my PC monitor,but its a big diffrence having a 19 inch monitor and a 26 inch widescreen with 5.1 dolby. Much better experience. GRAW/OB looks fcking amazing in HD.
Evil Man
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 08:58
X360 is ok, but it' s just filler for me till PS3, I didn' t like xbox1 much either.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 09:13
I' m loving my 360, much better then Xbox. I' ve played most of the games but so far Cod2 and Geometry Wars stand out for me. These games are just so addictivce and are the only games that make me play competitively. Oblivion is a superb game but somehow didn' t have the same effect on me as Morrowind which is still my favorite RPG of all time. PGR3 and GRAW are both excellent games as well but neither could compete for my time like Geometry Wars and Cod2. Unfortunately I played COD2 so much I think it fucking melted, or at least had a rapid teperature change which cracked the disc in half. Obviously it' s unplayable, at the same time I moved things around in my room and haven' t bothered plugging my 360 back in. Too busy with school to play anyways. With my new computer I' m rapidly turning into a PC gamer however the games I' m most excited about are still console games. COD3, Mass Effect and the only reason I need to buy a 360, HUXLEY! If I were to rate Xbox and 360 I' d give Xbox a 65 and 360 a 90.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 10:07
Start the music before you load the game. Actually, if you use the guide button while ingame you should be able to access your music that way. I hate hate HATE doing it that way. That' s what I hate about the 360 custom tracks. It' s basically the same as pressing MUTE and turning on an external CD player... no point to it at all! Anyway Ridge Racer 6 has an option for custom tracks built into the game, just like Xbox 1 games. It looks and says it can' t find any, which is weird because I have Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 ripped to the hard drive. The way custom soundtracks are handled is why I feel that Burnout Revenge on the Xbox 1 BLOWS AWAY Burnout Revenge on the 360.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 19 Sep 06 2:09:02 >
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 13:00
I hate hate HATE doing it that way. That' s what I hate about the 360 custom tracks. It' s basically the same as pressing MUTE and turning on an external CD player... no point to it at all! Anyway Ridge Racer 6 has an option for custom tracks built into the game, just like Xbox 1 games. It looks and says it can' t find any, which is weird because I have Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 ripped to the hard drive. The only game I' ve ever used custom soundtracks with was Wrestle Kingdom for the Xbox 360 so I have no experience with other games to say how well it compares. But I think it works really well. It has the option for custom soundtracks built into the game for use during the ring entrances of the wrestlers and everything plays on cue..
Joe Redifer
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 14:55
And that' s the way it should be.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 15:32
I think the first year with the 360 has been super cool! Best of any console for me ever! But since i only had a PS2 and an Xbox its not really saying much! PS2 was just sad during the first year! Xbox was okay i guess, but i didnt have as many impressive titles as 360 does. Right now im really into Dead Rising, which i really like despite its flaws. Maybe the first year of the PS3 will be great, i dont know, i havent really seen anything making me jump up and down yet! But when the Xbox 360 is actually a year old! Games like Rainbow Six: Vegas, Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Gears of War will be out! Somehow i dont see PS3 topping that in its first year!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 16:03
Dead Rising is addictive despite its flaws. Even when I get pissed off, I just can' t put it down.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 17:18
Dead Rising is addictive despite its flaws. Even when I get pissed off, I just can' t put it down. I have it the same! i want to get most of the achievements in it! anyone got an idea as to how you make jumps with the cars and bikes?
Joe Redifer
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 17:37
Now I' m trying to fight the cultist leader and he is a bitch. I almost busted a controller on him (gonna need a dab of superglue  ). I just want him and his cronies DEAD. I never fought the gunshop guy. Is he still there or can I go back now and get a shotgun? I' m only at a wimpy level 21 or 22. I should be at level 100 by now, I know. Why don' t the zombies attack the cultists and only me? WHY? I demand logic! PS - What is the point of achievements? Bragging rights? I can' t see any other point.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 19 Sep 06 9:38:27 >
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 17:45
I never did get to fight the cultist leader, suddenly all the Cultist where gone! where do you find him at? Yeah the psycho will probably still be in the shop, get a SMG, or better yet! get the machine gun from the convicts. Level 50 is the max level!
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RE: Xbox 360 - First year progress report/report card.
Sep 19, 2006 17:51
Joe, you should play online, it adds a ton of depth to games. For the gunshop guy, he' s been there every time i went but others have said that when they went he was no where to be seen. There are shotguns and rifles there so even if the guy is there it' s worth killing him so you have access to those weapons. The easiest way to kill any of the bosses is to kill the prisoners who drive around in the humvee and take the huge gun from the back. The only problem is that when you get hit you drop it like you do with the chainsaw. I' m loving the cultists now, they' re hillarious! Has anybody encountered the military yet?! I want a damn assault rifle!!! Oh, and is there a rocket launcher?!
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