I' ve spent since March obsessing over...
...Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter.
The game is simply magnificent and it' s easily my favourite title since Resident Evil 4. It probably has more replay value than any other game in my collection and it' s a contender for my favourite game ever.
It has small negligible issues when playing offline (like the team-mate AI) but the instant action and online multi-player are perfect. I seriously love it and can' t wait for Rainbow Six: Vegas to hit in November.

Other than that, Dead Rising has completely impressed me - it' s exactly what i expected from a next-gen title from Capcom, ...Project Gotham, Oblivion, DoA4 and CoD2 have all proven awesome titles, and others like Hitman, Burnout, Kameo, Moto GP and Rockstar Presents Table Tennis have been great 1st gen games.
I wouldn' t say 360' s first year compares to Xbox' s entire lifecycle, but it' s been better than Xbox' s first year. I do however think that PS3' s first year will be the best of any console, ...even if i think 360' s 2nd year will be better than that.
I have no issues with my console. It doesn' t get hot and i never notice the HDD being accessed or the disc spinning or even the fans, as far as sound goes. The console and pad design are great and the only problem i have that' s hardware related is that the headset, while totally functional is pretty tacky.
The re-designed Xbox Live and the dashboard kick ass and it' s only really lacking a web-browser and full keyboard & mouse support for those that don' t have PC' s.
It' s been a good year.