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RE: Wii opinions
Nov 20, 2006 16:34
I was referring to the graphics using shitty composite cables. As a whole I don' t really hate it, I just don' t think it is good.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii opinions
Nov 20, 2006 23:32
I will probably not be able to get a Wii this year. Most of the biggest stores here have their pre-orders sold out and to get the units you can' t pre-order you' ll have to stand in line at night along with 2000 other people like a f***ing moron. No way I' m doing that I tell you, no way! Might be a 360 for me after all, simply because there is no Wiis left for me. According to metro Stockholm (free morning news paper) the " christmas present of the year" for men is the LCD-TV. But on second place came the Wii. There' s much interest in the Wii here in Sweden it seems.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Nov 06 15:32:43 >
Winner! JAN 2005
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Wii opinions
Nov 21, 2006 01:33
Ok, my review. Have sports, zelda, raving rabbids and red steel. Sports is a very simplistic game to look at, but golf tennis and bowling are absolute blasts. I have had so much fun golfing, I harldy play anything else. Zelda - I know this is going to be an awesome game, but I just can' t bring myself to play it while I only have the shitty composite cables. I mean come on, it' s rediculous. Once I can get a component or s-video cable my resoution will double. I don' t want to start this game in crappy blurry lo res. Rabbids - Stupid stupid fun. And it looks pretty good too. But not a platformer, only for the minigames play this. Red Steele - Haven' t checked it out yet.
Ginger Atrocity
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii opinions
Nov 21, 2006 05:23
How is the shooting using the Wiimote? I' m pretty sure it would be alot more challenging/rewarding then the ' auto aim' for the previous versions.
Actually, you' d be suprised. The aiming itself is really intuitive & fluid, & it' s better than auto-aim or aiming with the stupid GCN C-nub, but it' s not all that rewarding, it' s simply different. It could be a little better than conventional methods, just so long as you' re not hopped up on caffiene. That' s one problem i noticed was the jittering of the reticle on some games. (read as Red Steel) When you use the bow, does the arrow arc naturally, or does it just shoot straight?
Y' know, I didn' t really notice. I was shooting at nearby targets, & I didn' t see any arc, but I haven' t screwed around with the bow enough to get a good idea. However I did go to play Raving Rabbids today Rayman: Raving Rabbids-It' s a good game, don' t get me wrong, but it' s not what I was looking for. If you' re a fan of Rayman for the Dreamcast, then you might want to rent before picking this one up. There' s hardly anything in the way of platforming. Like seriously, simpler than Spyro stuff. (Nothing against Spyro now, he' s my poop-slice) But they put a lot more attention into the minigames, which are in truth, quite good. I was just hoping for a solid platformer at launch, & it really didn' t deliver.
Chee Saw
Winner! OCT 2005
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RE: Wii opinions
Nov 21, 2006 07:12
Ok, time for me to interject my " Badasssss" opinion! The Wii is a blast if you have actual " friends" that can come over to your house and play with you. The Wiimotes function as advertised, and is very intuitive when navigating through menus. Wii: Sports These are a lot of fun to play with friends. Trying to beat your friends at tennis or bowling is great fun. The only game I didn' t really care for was boxing. Your actions just don' t seem to translate very well to your onscreen persona during this game. Excite Truck This game is cool, but it takes a little getting used to the control scheme. It seems like once you get the controls down, this could be a LOT of fun to play against friends. Zelda: Twilight Princess People saying that the controls are gimmicky were probably looking forward to doing a lot more stuff with the wiimote. I feel like the creators of this game chose the path of simplicity, and as such, only implemented the wiimote functions when it made sense. Fishing; sword slashing; Bow and arrow. All of these functions feel natural and intuitive, just as there are supposed to feel, and it seems like all games should implement a similar control scheme for such activities. Trauma Center: Second Opinion Am I the only one who bought this game?! Oh well. To be honest, I' d never played the first game (on the DS) and only got this game because of a recommendation. It' s kind of a wierd hybrid between a Japanese dating sim game and the board game Operation. Ok, ok, so it' s a little more than that, but you get the idea. Basically, there are a bunch of static images carrying along a (supposedly) dramatic storyline set in a hospital in which you are employed. The operations that you perform on people are pretty sweet, involve a lot of different steps and really utilizes the wiimote well. Use it as a scalpel, and then as sutures! Pretty cool. Overall I' d say I will enjoy my purchase. If you have kids, or nephews and nieces or something, then they' ll be in heaven with this thing. As it stands, I' ll probably get some good action going when I have a small gathering of friends over to play with my Wii.
Ginger Atrocity
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii opinions
Nov 22, 2006 10:56
That almost makes me glad I didn' t get one at launch. Nobody else I know has one, and apparently, the Wiimotes/Nunchucks are ridiculously hard to find, so multi-play would be out for me. (Not to mention $60 bucks a set!)
Ninja Dog
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RE: Wii opinions
Nov 25, 2006 08:16
My opinion. Wii Sports: Fun, my favorite game currently is boxing. I played it for so long I could barely hold my arms up after I quit. The only game I have a problem with is Baseball, the timing for the swing seems odd, and I can' t figure out how to not keep hitting foul balls. I' m probably doing something wrong. Zelda: Of course this is good, it' s Zelda. The pointing function works well for aiming, menu/map navigation, etc. Also, I like that you can turn it off if you don' t want to use it or want to save batteries. Red Steel: Not as bad as other people are saying, in my opinion, but I was expecting much more from the multiplayer. There aren' t that many guns in the game, and sword-fighting isn' t as fun as I thought it would be, either. Not that bad, though. Rayman: Very fun, multiplayer and single. I love the rail-shooter plunger-gun stages. Overall, I like the Wii. I need to find a better place for the sensor bar, though. Right now, The place where my pointer registers on-screen is 3 inches below where I' m actually aiming with the remote. I' ve adjusted to it, but it would probably be better if I could fix it.
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