Finally, a real user review...
None of the tainted industry insider interviews like IGN..
The review comes from a real-gamer...
Will this do? I' ve already posted my review of the actual console/controller, so I won' t bother with that.
Legend of Zelda: TP I was going to make my own thread for this thing, but Loco beat me to it.

I played LOZ today as well, and I was kinda disappointed by the gimmicky Wii-mote function, but other than that, I thought gameplay was rock solid. The visuals are hit-or-miss, some things look fantastic, & others make me cry for my Dreamcast agian.
Red Steel: The name of the game is disappointment folks. Yessir, that' s about it. The sword bits are ridiculously frustrating because the motion isn' t 1:1, it' s just pre-registered slashes & blocks.

About a year' s worth of waiting for that?! C' mon Ubi. The gun movement is for the most part pretty good, but once you hit the sides of the page, all bets are off as to what you can see. That can sometimes be a problem as well.
Excite Truck: Quite good in retrospect. My only huge beef is the X-shaped trees.[:' (]
Call of Duty 3: Blegh, but not because of the controls. It' s just as linear as the 360 version. It' s a total crap-shoot without the multi-player, which rocks today as I found out. If you want something similar but better, buy Finest Hour for GCN... No seriously, it' s better.
Wii Sports: Does exactly what it advertises, gives you some quick fun, and acts as a fairly good tutorial for the Wiimote. Depth, it has not, but you can' t beat it for entertainment.
That' s all I got to play today, I might head around to another guy' s house to play Rayman tomorrow.