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Why do you play video games?
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Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 01:40
You know, I finally realized something. Anyone that plays games ususally has a reason and it' s something thats never really talked about. I myself play games for a couple. When I was younger and in elementary school I couldn' t stay focused because I have a.d.h.d. and video games were the one thing that could hold my attention and god did they ever. Everyday after and before school, weekends, and even when I' d wake up in the middle of the night. Now that I' m older though it seem as if they are my way to cope with problems in life, my escape if you will. Like at this moment in my life I' m fighing for my 5 month old son trying to at least get visitation and the only way to stop thinking about it long enough to go to sleep is to junk on kingdom hearts for a while. It also seems like the bigger the problem the more hardcore I play and I lose track of time but when all is said and done I' ve usually forgotten what was bothering me (at least long enough to sleep). So why do you guys play games?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 01:41
I like to shoot people in the face.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 01:45
Im a veryangry disturbed person and games let me have my fantasy,and then i can learn new violent moves in games that i use on old people irl.
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RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 01:49
I fell in love with a blue hedgehog, and he kept me out of trouble. So I stayed away from all the bad kids, and hung around the safe ones that always talked about safe things... That being said, they liked to do stupid things in Science class like smoke a roll of A4 paper and stuff Branflakes in them. Sonic was the first game I played... (tetris was the first game I saw as my Mum wouldn' t stop hogging it when I was 5, she used to sit on the worktop and play it all day  ) My reason for never hanging around and getting in trouble after school was because of games. Ages ago, games for me were fun and entertaining, but now I play them because I feel that I want to make my own now. But that can' t be done until Shenmue 3 comes out, then I can finally say I have played the best that gaming can offer and it' s now time for my contribution. I also believe you have to be pretty intelligent to play games.. I had a heated debate (call it what you will) with my sister and I said that girls that say they can' t play games are stupid, because they then say I prefer to read and games are for kids..... Hold on.... 2 YEAR OLDS can read... but they can' t play games, so how is gaming for kids? They can also watch movies... but can' t play GAMES! So most girls are stupid, the ones to whom the above applies to of course, myself Majik and Quez have found that some spanish speaking girls are quite good at kicking arse at Ghost Recon.. (Oops went a bit off-topic)
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- Joined: Jul 18, 2006
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 02:08
Going off topics is great and i love the post lol! I love meeting female gamers it shows that there really is hope in this world! but on what you said about the staying away from bad kids there is a point to be made from that. Parents get mad because all kids now days want to do is sit around the house and play games, would they rather they go out and run with a bunch of fuckin hoodlums smoking crack because yes contrary to popular belief there are worse addictions than gaming, lol! Parent get mad that there kids are... we' ll call it fluffy (obese) I' ve played games my whole life, sittin' on my happy ass and I' m skinny as shit (my metabolism is decent too though) not cause i dont eat cause i can put some food away, but see when i was hungry I' d get myself something to eat and I' d do it my damn self (yes walking to the fridge is exercise). Instead parents are doing it by running shoveling Mcdonalds and easy mac down there kids throat because they' re too lazy to cook REAL food. For those that dont know Mcdonalds causes fat people!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 02:10
That 14 year gilr,i told her to bring it on,but she left,damn coward
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 02:16
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL That 14 year gilr,i told her to bring it on,but she left,damn coward Lol, that reminds me of this girl that I was playing doa with and she completely wiped the floor with an ' ' ss' ' player I couldn' t stop laughing especially as he was so arrogant.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 02:22
When i win big hard games in Table Tennis i like to write them,---Noobi,you lost,hahaha! And when i win against girls i like to write,Atleast god gaved you boobies. Hahahah. owned biatch! That might be the reason why i have so much negativ feedback
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- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 02:30
I also play games because it is a great alt to going out on Friday and abusing your liver. Now, my Halo 2 nights shall be replaced with " Gears" nights. Then " GearS" nights shall be replaced with " Finish the Fight" nights.. and so on.. I have a really great idea for a MMORPG, I could be onto a multi-million £ franchise.. *Sketches wicked ideas* That makes my 11th project to make money with... This is why I love playing games!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 03:40
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL When i win big hard games in Table Tennis i like to write them,---Noobi,you lost,hahaha! And when i win against girls i like to write,Atleast god gaved you boobies. Hahahah. owned biatch! That might be the reason why i have so much negativ feedback Lol quez where do you get this stuff ' ' at least god gave you boobies' ' . By the way I didn' t know anyone actually wrote ' ' player reviews' ' .
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 05:23
A strange man came up to me when I was young and brought me to a dark alley way, he offered me some Video Games, I declined but he would not let me go untill I played, I have heard my Parents and countless other people rant to me about Video games and how they are destory your health, but I was too afraid too say no, So I played a little. I started easy, a little nes now and then, I was young, and foolish... I wanted more, I NEEDED more, The snes came around, its super colourfull graphics made sure I was hooked, I could not imagine my life without Video Games. By the Time of the Playsation relase, I was an addit, I lived for Video Games, Days turned into nights, often I' d go hours playing, without food, drink or sleep. I had to walk around with dark sunglasses, as my eyes were very weak and only used to the dark room with the televsion, My skin was very pale, I never steped into the sunlight, My sleeping was erratic, My parents rang a Doctor, But i locked the door and continued playing, I pretended I was taking drugs, just to cover my Video Game addition, I needed help. And still do.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 21 Jul 06 21:25:58 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 09:17
Videogames is the ultimate art form as it contains everything from music, proffessional art, movie directing and voice acting to interactivity, litterature, and history. Asking me why I play videogames is like asking why I like culture. Videogames are fun, challenging, educational, escapistic (is that a word?) beautiful, rythmic, unifying creations that you can enjoy both by yourself and with others.
Chee Saw
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RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 09:23
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Videogames is the ultimate art form as it contains everything from music, proffessional art, movie directing and voice acting to interactivity, litterature, and history. Asking me why I play videogames is like asking why I like culture. Videogames are fun, challenging, educational, escapistic (is that a word?) beautiful, rythmic, unifying creations that you can enjoy both by yourself and with others. ... So, so gay.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 09:28
I know, are you hitting on me  .
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 09:39
Of course. We could make a Brokeback Mountain-esque movie about two gay Samurai! I like to play video games because I like discovering new things in them. Not only, like, getting to new levels and exploring, but also unlocking things. I think more games should have easter eggs. And there SHOULD have been a nude code in DOA:XBV! I have the nude patch, so it doesn' t matter anyway.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 10:16
We could make a Brokeback Mountain-esque movie about two gay Samurai! I' ll get Ang Lee on the phone now.  I can see the trailer as we speak. " Two lone samurai, with nothing but eachother, find themselves torn between love, and honor. Though their love is strong, the hate of their feuding clans threatens to tear them apart. Following in the footsteps of Akira Kurosawa' s The Seven Samurai... and anything with Pauly Shore in it. This is KOIJI MOUNTAIN"
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 10:49
Why do you play video games? Because it' s something I enjoy.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 14:20
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 15:02
I play games because they are very entertaining and I just love the site of a well put together game. Its become as common to me as watching television.
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: Why do you play video games?
Jul 22, 2006 17:53
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw Of course. We could make a Brokeback Mountain-esque movie about two gay Samurai! That has " Oscar Nomination" written all over it! It has to finish with one Samurai commiting Hari-Kari, because he thought he' d left the other for dead, then the other Samurai walks in on him just as he dies. The biggest amount of gay crying since I took home that Emo kid from the Bullet for my Valentine gig and bully rammed him. Ooops I play video games so I can live out my homo erotic fantasies with like minded individuals on Call of Duty 2 on xbox live. War is soooooooo gay.
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