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Where are all the heroes?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
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Where are all the heroes?
Aug 12, 2005 16:10
First let me give a thank you to all the individual gamers out there who have tried to take a stand for videogames whenever the media unjustly blamed videogames for yet another crime. I know if more gamers came together and formed a more structured organization we would have an actually voice in the media. But what about the devs? What about the publishers? Random gamers online may not be able to form a decent " videogame union" (or whatever you wish to call it) to help fight the media. But some devs/publishers are multi-million dollar companies. Given a devs/publishers resources you' d think gamers would have one truly recognizable face that will go on the air and verbally take a stand to help fight ignorant media bias and misconceptions. But there is no one. I encourage gamers everywhere to take a stand for videogames when necessary, but our jobs would be a lot easier if these gigantic corporations stepped in to lend a hand every once in a while.
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 03:12
Where are all the heroes? Perhaps being brutally killed by the evil Jack Thompson On a more serious note, I completely agree with you. It' s about time that both developers and publishers look after their industry, just as we consumers should. Then we' d probably have some chance of protecting our glorius past time. I' ll clear the name of video games from false accusations, even if it means my life
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 09:08
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 12:25
Sam Fisher kicks Snake' s ass. Anyway, I agree with you lotusson. At the same time though I understand why publishers don' t step up. It' s a waste of money. As much as lawyers want to stop video games they can' t simply because of the freedom of speech. Why waste time and effort when you' ve already won? Sure, they are getting a bad rap for some things but overall there isn' t a thing the government can do to stop videogames from showing what they want. I' m still trying to figure out how the government can go into Rockstar and do an investigation when they did nothing illegal. The ESRB isn' t governement run so they have no power to enforce ESRB standards. the government has no right going into rockstar, but even if they find some foul play, it' s still not breaking any laws. the government can' t do sh*t to them.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 12:42
Whatever you say Rampage, that' s not true. Sam Fisher and Splinter Cell are american remakes of Snake & MGS.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 14:25
Soon enough you will be warned by the other members of this site not to get into this arguement with me. I have gone on for pages explaining how much better Splinter Cell and Samfisher are compared to the MGS series and Snake.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 14:44
You' re misunderstanding me, rampage. I don' t wanna argue you, and i think, it doesn' t make a difference if i have now two stars or five. And if someone likes MGS more as Splinter Cell, it isn' t a reason to try to change his meaning. I think you' re a little bit to fanatic on this game...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Where are all the heroes?
Aug 13, 2005 16:09
ORIGINAL: Naked Snake I think you' re a little bit to fanatic on this game... Indeed I am, and I' m happy to admit it.  I just wanted to point out that your statement about SC being a MGS remake was totally false. I have proven it before and at any time I' m willing to do it again. Oh, and I don' t pay attention to those stars. they basically just say how long you have been in the forum. Don' t worry. I' m by no means interested in a fight. I like the forums as calm as possible. that is unless lotusson and I are sparring in our ninja costumes. Then all hell can be happily let loose.
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