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What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
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Michael Star
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What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 07:19
Just out of curiousity, I' d like to know what the average price is most people are willing to pay for the machine? Although most guesses are always in dollars, these always translate directly into euros even though the exchange rate is $1.20 for €1,-. I would probably be willing to pay about €/$600,- max. by the time it gets released, for a plain box. So, I' m not asking you how much you think it will be the ps3 is gonna cost, but what you' re willing to pay for it.
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 07:29
..you know.. ..i coulda sworn this forum was titled " Everything else" ....
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 08:05
um, I' d prolly pay $100 for it if it runs linux, but it prolly won' t cause sony lies.
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 08:20
..i coulda sworn this forum was titled " Everything else" .... ^
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 08:58
Now that we' re in Videogames, ...as it stands i' d pay no more than £350 ($610). As it stands.
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 09:03
500-550 dollars,not more,and if it cost more i wait untill the pricetag drogs,no way are parents gonna buy anything above this in big masses. Even though im sure a lot of gamers will buy it even with a overpriced tag... Nah it wont sell as much as sony want with anything near 600 and thus it will go down in price so it can beat 360,im sure sony wanna win over them in numbers as fast as they can.
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 09:23
Depends what features it ends up with. If it focuses on being a games console, then maybe upto £350 like Majik. But if it ends up being the all round HD entertainment hub they' re suggesting then anything goes I guess. Can' t see it being anything that revolutionary however, so maybe £500 max. They certainly wouldn' t convince many ppl at that price though, Blu-ray or not!  I' d rather buy the Rev at its much lower price point. Tbh games are outrageously overpriced as it is, and PS3 games will be trying to push that further.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 22 Feb 06 1:25:03 >
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 09:58
Depends on whether early titles use DVD9 like 360, or whether they force developers to use Blu-Ray. Since Blu-Ray costs more to both manufacture and develop using, higher prices for PS3 games is a possibility. Maybe even £59.99 in the UK for a AAA title. My math looks like this: -£350 (what i said i' d pay for the console itself) -£50 (HDD) -£30 (2nd pad) -£50 x 3 (3 launch games, at least) -£40 (12 month subscription to Playstation HUB) -£20 (VGA cable) On launch day, at a minumum PS3 would cost me £640 ( $1,117 or 937 Euros) And that' s the minimum. What i think i' ll have to fork out look like this: -£450 (what i expect PS3 to retail for in th UK) -£50 (HDD) -£40 (2nd pad) -£55 x 3 (3 launch games, at least) -£40 (12 month subscription to Playstation HUB) -£20 (VGA cable) So on launch day, if i want a PS3, i think it will cost me about £765 ( $1,335 or 1,120 Euros) I could end up missing my first console launch since the SNES  
Terry Bogard
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 10:00
I' ll pay WHATEVER Sony charges.... I' ll pay no more than $50 over their MSRP for a U.S. unit and I won' t buy any of those store bundles no matter what!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Feb 06 3:08:14 >
Game Junkie
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 12:02
The same I paid for my 360 (400usd) but I will likely wait until the price drops even further. I would love to get a ps3 but the 360 has worthy games that I won' t even have time to play.
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- Joined: Feb 02, 2006
RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 14:23
The 360 is basically a 700-850 console when you really think about it. If you want the extra wireless controller other accessories, hard drive, more than 2 games, play and charge kit, extra rechargeable battery back you will pay around that number. NOW if the ps3 retails at 600 or higher then be prepared to spend like 800 900+ If its close to the $900 its predicted to be then wow :)
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 18:48
I' ll wait for some info about it - I' m not sure if I want it - If they don' t deliver I' m not even thinking about price. The key word is Features - if they really do make it as cool as they state (yeah right) it could be worth even 600 $
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 22 Feb 06 10:49:58 >
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 22, 2006 18:57
I' d say around £400, Especially having to purchanse seperate HDD, extra pad, hdmi cable (if not included but available) or component if not. Plus games (if there is anything worth buying at launch... I' m not holding my breath)
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 23, 2006 01:03
Well my 360 cost me about £850 ($1,480 or 1,244 Euros), but i bought all the launch games. I won' t be repeating that with PS3 though because i don' t think it' ll be worth it. I have serious doubts about the console and i' m looking for E3 to set me straight!
Boss Hogg
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 23, 2006 01:15
It depends what games PS3 has at launch but as of now I wouldnt pay no more then $400.
< Message edited by Boss Hogg -- 22 Feb 06 17:15:53 >
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 23, 2006 02:19
Majik why buy a HDD? A memory card will probably be enough,if you not gonna play some mmorpg over ps3...
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 23, 2006 02:40
To me the amount of available titles I want will decide how much I' m willing to spend. I' m not even going to pay 300$ for a console if it' s only got one game I really want. But if it has like 5 or more games released within its three first months, then I' d be ready to pay up to about 700$. If the console doesn' t show any big weaknesses of course.
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RE: What would you be willing to pay for a PS3?
Feb 23, 2006 03:57
Majik why buy a HDD? For the same reason i have one for 360, for downloadable content and my own music ingame.
Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
Feb 23, 2006 06:36
So it seems most of you haven' t really decided yet even " if" you' re going to buy one. And I guess you' re right about that too; First, it just hás to be better then anything else graphically, or at least breathtaking enough, second, I' m not paying for the Blu-ray stuff because they want to conquer the world with it, and third, develloppers better not underestimate the " need" for improvement. I remember games from the past for the ps2, which were not by far ps2 worthy-let alone spending $50,- on ' em. They show off demo' s and previews, now I (we) only expect better than that. They state it' s amazing, I expect amazing " the getaway preview style" I think it' s finally time for games to look as good realtime as rendered. Does anyone remember the days when you start up a game and got this beautifully rendered movie, just to be disappointed again when the game began?? Right. I really think it' s not up to Sony anymore; they' ll deliver a machine capable of little miracles. It' s up to the develloppers, not to be sloppy, not to rush things, and put quality over anything else. To put it another way: There' s not a single game I' d buy a console for, I just hope there' s a console, I' d buy a game for.
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RE: conclusion
Feb 23, 2006 22:20
I will buy one regardless but only when there are enough games available. No matter how amazing the graphics are it would feel kind of stupid to pay 500$ if you' ll only be able to enjoy one single game. I think people should stop expecting Sony to deliver the best graphics because, seriously, that' s not what they did with the PS2. Their real skill is getting lots of great titles for their consoles and that' s what I think we should be expecting instead. We should expect lots of great games that uses the power of the PS3 for great gameplay, not only graphics. This is what the PS2 did and it' s why I loved the PS2. And if the PS3 will do the same, then I' ll love it to.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Feb 06 14:21:15 >
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