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What is the worst game you' ve played for --
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RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jun 30, 2004 20:54
Fathoms, wtf are talking about? For one, this is a PUBLIC message board which means that whatever you post is subject to retort by anyone that reads it. For another, what did I say about the Xbox in this thread that would have you spurt such fictitious flames? In fact, what have I ever said that makes you think I am fan of M$, because I' m not. I do like one of their products, the Xbox, and it is the only gaming system I own, but what that has to do with this thread is beyond me. So you can continue to berate my choice of consoles for unbeknownst reasons (b/c obviously since I don' t own every system I' m not a " true gamer" and my opinion can' t possibly be taken seriously), or continue to criticize my (and everyone else' s) choice of what games I (or they) personally enjoy, but you' re only making yourself look the fool by doing so. When will you learn that your opinion is not the final word on whether a game is enjoyable or not for other people, or for that matter-- which console they prefer?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jun 30, 2004 21:18
You' ve spent the last two years posting nothing unless it' s Xbox-related. Every time I post about a subject you know nothing about (played FFT?), you pop in to toss the insults. I questioned someone who listed a game on a " worst" list, that was admittedly played for one minute, and simply pointed out that it' s one of the most critically acclaimed games in history. I would' ve done the same thing if Halo had been listed. In short- you had no basis for even opening your mouth.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jun 30, 2004 21:53
You' ve spent the last two years posting nothing unless it' s Xbox-related. Hmmm...why don' t you ponder a moment why that could be? Maybe because it' s the only system I own and I haven' t played a lot of the PS2 or Gamecube games that are discussed so I wouldn' t have anything to add to the discussion. Every time I post about a subject you know nothing about (played FFT?), you pop in to toss the insults. First off, I wasn' t insulting the game, but rather your undying need to force your opinion on others. Secondly, I' d like you to provide one link where I pop into a subject about something I know nothing of and toss around insults about that subject....maybe about you, but not a subject that I know nothing of. I questioned someone who listed a game on a " worst" list, that was admittedly played for one minute, and simply pointed out that it' s one of the most critically acclaimed games in history. I' ve played games for a very short time and realized that I just can' t stand the game. By " very short time" that usually means about 1-3 hours. Final Fantasy 7 and Goblin Commander are both examples of this. I would' ve done the same thing if Halo had been listed. For some reason I doubt that. I' ve never seen you vigorously defend a game on any other system than the PS2 or PS1, even when said games are obviously inferior to others in the same genre. In short- you had no basis for even opening your mouth. I didn' t. I was actually breathing through my nose at the time.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jun 30, 2004 23:40
" Hmmm...why don' t you ponder a moment why that could be? Maybe because it' s the only system I own and I haven' t played a lot of the PS2 or Gamecube games that are discussed so I wouldn' t have anything to add to the discussion." Hmmm...maybe you might consider diversifying your gaming? Oh wait...I know already why you don' t. " First off, I wasn' t insulting the game, but rather your undying need to force your opinion on others. Secondly, I' d like you to provide one link where I pop into a subject about something I know nothing of and toss around insults about that subject....maybe about you, but not a subject that I know nothing of." Bullsh**. You wouldn' t have said one word if it was a game you liked. I' ll provide many links where all you do is provide nothing of worth; that' s easy. In fact, I' d go so far as to say that you don' t even post anymore unless it' s to start an argument with me. You can look at the Next-Gen Report Card topic. You couldn' t address the real topic; you had to bitch about how loading times are so important. I posted that same thing in two other forums, and I' ve counted dozens of replies that think the entire breakdown is completely fair and professional. You know, from real gamers that actually know games. " For some reason I doubt that. I' ve never seen you vigorously defend a game on any other system than the PS2 or PS1, even when said games are obviously inferior to others in the same genre." That' s because you' re fuxing blind. I don' t post enough in here to matter, but maybe you want to check out all the Xbox reviews I have here at Kikizo. I also spent yesterday trying to counter some fool in the GS forums who was trying to bash Chronicles of Riddick (BETTER than Halo, and in the top 10 best games this gen.) because he was nothing but a colossal Sony fanboy who kept saying that Killzone was " going to crush buth CoR and Halo 2." Based entirely on...nothing, as far as I could tell. And good job accusing me of " forcing my opinion on others" when you just stated that games I defend are " clearly inferior." Good to know that you' re the only one who has a right to make such statements. " In short- you had no basis for even opening your mouth." Said the moron who just told me it' s a " public forum" and that whatever is posted is " subject to a retort by anyone that reads it." If you were any more hypocritical, it' d be more sad than funny.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 6/30/2004 11:42:14 PM >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 01, 2004 02:55
Hmmm...maybe you might consider diversifying your gaming? Oh wait...I know already why you don' t. Of course you do. You' re fathoms, you know everything, duh. But just for my own curiosity, could you go ahead and fill me in? Bullsh**. You wouldn' t have said one word if it was a game you liked. It wasn' t the game I was even referring to (other than the part that I quoted and listed strategy games that were better than it), it was your bullshit superiority complex. I' ll provide many links where all you do is provide nothing of worth; that' s easy. LoL. Then where are the links? No, seriously, if it' s so easy you should be able to provide multiple links of where " I pop into a subject about something I know nothing of and toss around insults about that subject." In fact, I' d go so far as to say that you don' t even post anymore unless it' s to start an argument with me. Wrong. Now let me demonstrate what providing links is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...shall I continue? You can look at the Next-Gen Report Card topic. You couldn' t address the real topic; you had to bitch about how loading times are so important. I posted that same thing in two other forums, and I' ve counted dozens of replies that think the entire breakdown is completely fair and professional. Well...load times was the current topic of that thread so to speak and I have had experiences with games that had such long/often loading times that it was too frustrating for me to even play, so I shared my thoughts. I' m sorry, but that was quite relevant to what was currently being discussed as I believe it was Joe that you were berating because he thought loading times could take away from the gameplay, but of course you claimed his opinion was not valid, just as you do to anyone you disagree with. You know, from real gamers that actually know games. You' re so pathetically predictable. I even posted in this thread that you would say something like that-- trying to discredit my opinion because I don' t own all of the consoles. That' s because you' re fuxing blind. I don' t post enough in here to matter, but maybe you want to check out all the Xbox reviews I have here at Kikizo. I never said that you didn' t like any of the Xbox games. All I said was that I have never seen you vigorously defend a game unless it was on one of Sony' s consoles-- just an observation. And good job accusing me of " forcing my opinion on others" when you just stated that games I defend are " clearly inferior." Good to know that you' re the only one who has a right to make such statements. That' s my opinion, and anyone is free to make statements based on their opinion in this forum, not just me. In the same regard, you' re free to disagree with it. Although, just so you know, I was mainly referring to that thread where you were claiming Red Faction to be one of the top FPS' s, but rest assured, there have been other times that I have disagreed with you about a game. Said the moron who just told me it' s a " public forum" and that whatever is posted is " subject to a retort by anyone that reads it." If you were any more hypocritical, it' d be more sad than funny. LoL. I forgot to put quote tags around, " In short- you had no basis for even opening your mouth," which you yourself typed in your preceding post. Then you go off on a rant about it thinking that I said it when you can' t even recognize your own words. That' s utterly hillarious. Good job of arguing with yourself. I also spent yesterday trying to counter some fool in the GS forums who was trying to bash Chronicles of Riddick (BETTER than Halo, and in the top 10 best games this gen.) because he was nothing but a colossal Sony fanboy who kept saying that Killzone was " going to crush buth CoR and Halo 2." Based entirely on...nothing, as far as I could tell. You mean to tell me that you argue with yourself over at Gamespot too?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 01, 2004 03:48
1. THIS thread is an example of a link you request. You' ve never touched FFT, yet you state that all those strategy games are better than it. I' ll have 50 people in here within an hour stating how they don' t agree. Those games you listed are also all rehashed; nearly identical carbon copies of one another. Starcraft is still the best of the bunch, but in the end, nothing but diffference in type of units and setting is changed. The strategy aspect is exactly the same. Lastly, your lead statement was about how I " force my opinion" on others, which had nothing to do with anything. The first line in your post was personal. That' s example #1. YOU fu**** this thread up. Deal with it. 2. You had no worthwhile comment in the Report Card thread, either. You don' t own a PS2, and you haven' t played enough games on it to even comment. I had probably played more games on BOTH the Xbox and PS2 than you have, and yet, you just said that you were right. You are also the only one that would label the discussion between Joe and I as " berating." That was just a common discussion, which of course you had to fu** up with your BS. Example #2. 3. In the thread that got locked by a bevy of morons including yourself, your only contribution was the same as it always was: something about forcing my opinions on people. The purpose of the discussion was the definition of subjective and objective; two terms I guarantee you' re still clueless about. But you didn' t care about that; I was just the one in the wrong. Why? Because you said so. 4. Hypocrisy is your best friend. " Everyone is entitled to their opinion," you say, and my saying that FFT doesn' t deserve to be on a " Worst" list is " forcing my opinion," while you can say, flat-out, that a bunch of games you list are automatically better. Again, apparently because you say so. I' m not entitled, but you sure are. I' m " forcing," you' re just " saying." Riiiight, got it. 5. Your last four posts, in three different topics, have all been directed at me, and all in an argumentative manner. You have contributed nothing else. 6. You own one system. You' ve posted about that system' s games for over two years. Nothing else. Nothing at all. Regardless of the reasons behind it, it' s clear that you have no interest in anything else. No real gamer thinks this way. Nothing negative regarding MS/Xbox, nothing positive regarding any other company or console. If you think this is generalizing, you may want to look at your accusation of me; supposedly supporting nothing but Sony-based games. You want a contest? I' ll dig up all the posts I' ve made, JUST in this forum, on my praise of any game not on the PS2, and then YOU do the same of any game not on the Xbox. Guess who would bring up a whole LOT more posts? Come on, DARE me, xboy. 7. Reality is tough to discern for those who can never admit when they' re wrong. The reality, unfortunately for you, is that everything here is truth. Now I could go on owning you hardcore all night long, but I' m tired now. I' m also through wasting all this time with someone like you, when I could be responding to some real threads elsewhere. You' re done, so just slink off somewhere. I' ve asked you before not to respond to any of my posts, for this very reason...maybe you' ll listen this time.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 7/1/2004 3:49:29 AM >
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- Joined: Jul 02, 2004
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 02, 2004 04:43
im going to go back to the topic for a sec, i think iys Megaman X7. My friend and I were excited a new Megaman! o yea...OMG why god why what have they done. its glitchy as hell and its pointless. they ruined a very good thing
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 03, 2004 03:00
(BETTER than Halo, and in the top 10 best games this gen.) WTF? CoR is good, but thats just overboard. I loved CoR, but it will most definately not have the stayin power or the fan base of Halo or Halo 2. And Fathoms, you do tend to call ppl fanboys and try to act as if what you say is the word of god. If he wants to say FFT was a bad game in his opinion, let him. I believe as a forum instead of calling someone and " xtard" whatever you mean by that, (I assume F*cktard? real original, loser) you should listen to his insight and try to see it from his perspective. Im really tired of loging in to Kikizo and seeing " 4 pages of Fathoms being made fun of and making no sense what so ever) Please, quit calling people fanboys, because if they are, it would be obvious enough that you wouldn' t be the only one to notice. And since your comeback will be something along the lines of " Go crawl up M$' s ass" or " Youre and ignorant fanboy" , go ahead fathoms. Your opinion really doesnt count here anymore. Out of the high posters, (Mass, U, Lottuson, ect.) youre the least respected. So Fathoms, just quit while this is civil because I (and everyone here that is tired of your ***) can come up better insults that " xtard" . Now just walk away, while you still have a little bit of dignity.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 7/3/2004 3:03:48 AM >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 03, 2004 17:51
It' s good that some are finally seeing what Skurf and I have for years now. You disagree...you are a fanboy, that' s just how it' s always going to be with him. And like you I also have to disagree with CoR being better than Halo. I sold CoR as soon as I beat it, because there was absolutely no reason to keep it. I still have Halo, and still play Halo...at least the multiplayer parts.
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RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 05, 2004 03:24
immortaldanmx, I believe xtard stands for X-Box fanboy.
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
- Location: America's Finest City
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 06, 2004 03:13
this gen: xbox- defender ( so hard to control the planes) pc- vietnam black ops 2 ps2- do' nt own gc- dont own last gen: snes- war 3010 nes- section z lol....i doubt u guys even heard of much of the above games  
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- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 08, 2004 01:13
Thanks Lotus, I guess I dont " sprikity the same lingity" as Dr. Evil would say. LOL.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 08, 2004 16:27
immortal: F*** off. You can' t read either, obviously. You can stay the hell away from me too. Until someone reads a word that is written in the last post, you' re all retards. Halo is slow, Bungie got out of developing any further levels/areas by having the player run back through those already created (can we say " cop-out" ?), the story is lame, there aren' t anywhere near enough weapons, and the first-person control when in a vehicle controlled in 3rd-person is a flat-out development mistake. I can count flaws in CoR too, but not as many. Seeing as how you love opinion so much, how' s about you figure out what that really means, instead of telling me that it' s " overboard," and providing no real thoughts of your own to substantiate the " overboard" opinion of mine.
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RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 10, 2004 01:33
I' m starting to think I have a kikizo niche for turning threads into flame wars.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Jul 11, 2004 03:38
No, Lotus, its just fathoms cant get his head out of his ass for 2 seconds to admit he is wrong. Im finished arguing with you fathoms. No one on this forum likes you, so go to one of these many forums where you have " many friends" .
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2004
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Aug 09, 2004 19:51
my worst games: this generation: driv3r. the AI s*cks big time, and after such a long development time still glitchy graphic' s ? they' ve got to be kidding us ! dreamcast: without a doubt taxi 2, the game that belongs to that french movie taxi 2 (how original). the graphics are unbearable, and gameplay is none existent ! playstation 2: F1 championship season 2000. graphic' s are not that bad, but the gameplay is way off ! this has to be my best " dust collector game" ever ! psx: don' t recall the proper name, but you controlled a combat warrior and the game is in EXTREMELY pixelated 3D. the steering of the " hero" whas terrible ! he could not even circle around, he controlled like a car, and in doing so, he only could run in a circle. so turning around while standing still is a no no...... lol pc: fifa 98 world cup. hmmm, this whas soccer on slow motion. need i say more ?
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2004
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Aug 10, 2004 16:09
i want to go swiming. Anyone have a pool i can use?
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- Joined: Jun 30, 2004
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Aug 10, 2004 23:03
That' s a though one since I normaly try to avoid bad games. But let' s see the worst game award of this generation (that I played) would go to: Unreal 2 for the PC, first game that comes to my mind. The game was garbage and I didnt feel the need to finish it. And last generation would be: Alot of people wont agree with me on this one but heck it' s an personal opinion. The game I disliked the most and mostly because of a big dissapointment is Final Fantasy 8. It was such a huge let down and it felt completly different then FF7. I never felt the urge to complete it and it was simply boring. And worst game ever? I have no clue. Like said above I try to avoid bad games and mostly get some impressions first before I buy something. The two games I stated arent really the worst offcourse and there are games out there that scare me more.
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- Joined: Aug 08, 2004
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RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Aug 11, 2004 09:13
For me the worst game ever on the ps2 has to be Charlies Angels Full Throttle. Don' t even ask me where i got it, but my advice is to stay the hell away from it.
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- Joined: Jun 30, 2004
RE: What is the worst game you' ve played for --
Aug 11, 2004 09:52
Now that you mention that game, I played it once at a demo pod in a local store here. Man it was just awfull :) I cant understand why they even released it. Not that I played it yet but that new Catwomen game seems terrible to [:' (]
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