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What dreamcast games should i get?
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What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 06:27
http://img499.imageshack.us/img499/3900/grandia223tc.jpg I managed to fix a DC emu,so i could play some of my brothers old dc games,grandia 2+ skies of arcadia,and doa2 with a USB control,but what other games should i get? ofc i guess these 2 rpgs will keep me busy for a long time right? anyway i need to still my hunger untill i have my 360. ps! yes i have a dc but its in the wardrobe same with my n64/psx and nes/snes,and not fun to bring up in my room where the only place i have next to the tv is for the dvd and the future 360,so yes i use a emu on pc >_<
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 29 Dec 05 14:29:22 >
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 08:46
That dude, IwantShenmue3; he might be able to think of a good DC game. ;)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 09:03
Depends on what kind of games you like. I like Soul Calibur, Shenmue 1 & 2, Sonic Adventure (only the first), Headhunter (made by Swedish developer Amuze I believe), The House of The Dead 2 (lightgun makes it much more fun), Virtua Tennis, Phantasy Star Online, Crazy Taxi, Sega Rally, Tokyo Extreme Racer 1 & 2, Metropolis Street Racer, Street Fighter 3, Daytona USA, Power Stone 1 & 2. Man there were so many good games for the Dreamcast. Ign.com has a list of what they think are the best DC games: http://dreamcast.ign.com/index/choice.aspx
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 09:05
daytona usa and virtua tennis sounds good. however i might have to import those,cause my emu only plays ntsc. finished shenmue 2 on xbox and loved it...might try shenmue 1 too. House of the dead 2 was a classiker played it in a tivoli everyday with friends.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 12:03
hey QuezcatoL I downloaded Chankast becuase i want to play shenmue 2 [but i have no dreamcast.. well i used to] anyway how did you get yours to work? i got annoyed at mine and uninstalled it, becuase every time i put into the disc it said ' cannot find image' or something like that. I know your meant to make an ' image' of your disc of your game and put it on the computer but i have nothing that does that. Just could you please tell me what to do. Cheers. Oh, and games? when i had my dreamcast some great games where shenmue 1 [hopefully 2], Street fighter 3rd strike and jet set radio.
Vx Chemical
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 12:08
Funny how the Xbox has gathered so many of the Dreamcast franchises, like Jet Set Radio, DOA, Shenmue, and im sure there are others.
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 12:23
and project gotham racing
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 12:48
Try out emutalk.com they explained how to do there. Anyway,use daemon tool,and choose for ex emulate a hard drive lets say you took a emulate HD called J,then you start chankast and press change cd drive or wtf it says :P and take play games through hard drive " J" Then you just has to start Chankast,howver if you already done this,and still cant get shenmue working i suggest going to emutalk or other sites where they discuss the chankast emu cause iseen other people with your problem and some other guys has explained what to do,however i was not intrested at the moment so i cant remember what the answere was >_<
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 14:00
If you' re a fan of Spawn, you should get that game on Dreamcast. That was the best Spawn game made because of the multiple characters, transformations, different abilities, and just all out shooting to the end. Plus whenever you beat the level, it does a freeze frame with slow mo around the person with the highest kills and shows them killing whoever. That' s always a cool feature.
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 14:07
Dont forget Rez and Space Channel 5!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 14:16
kombatfighter, that game is awfuly bad .... i played it and you can check out the reviews so i don' t recommend it at all
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 15:53
Puyo Puyo Fever, Puyo Puyo 4 (not sure if those are NTSC though), San Fransisco Rush 2049, Shenmue 1 and 2 (not sure if 2 is in NTSC), Armada, Ikaruga (not sure about NTSC), Half-Life and Headhunter were never actually released but are complete games, Chu Chu Rocket, Toy Commander, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive 2, Quake 3 Arena, I could go on if you want.
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 29, 2005 16:15
Shenmue and Shenmue II, Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, Metropolis Street Racer, Soul Calibre, Crazy Taxi, Resident Evil: Code Veronica.
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 07:03
kombatfighter, that game is awfuly bad .... i played it and you can check out the reviews so i don' t recommend it at all LOL, I didn' t say it was a good game. I said it was the best Spawn game made when it came to playing with different characters and using thier abilities.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 07:16
Gonna try out Skies of arcadia in some hour or two,i will upload pics then. Btw going good in grandia 2 am in some kind of village where the people has lost their taste
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 12:07
I think Shenmue 1 was only available with english speech in all regions. Shenmue 2 however had japanese speech in the european version but I think it had english in the US version as in the Xbox version, so the EU DC version is the best. Headhunter was released but only in Europe. Half-life was released in Europe but I don' t know about the other regions. One DC game I always wanted to try out was Sword of the Beserk, based on the manga/anime Berserk. Have anyone played that game? The Berserk game for the PS2 seems really cool anyway.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 14:21
Half-Life was not released anywhere. They finished the game and then sony paid them a bunch of money not to release it on Dreamcast. They even had finished copies out and reviewed by magazines. You can find it on the internet. My friend actually got warned by valve for sharing Half-Life Dreamcast on kazaa.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 14:36
look guys, the guy is emulating and dreamcast is dead , so i think you don' t have to mention games like half life or headhunter or even multiplayer games, you should have nothing in your life to play these games and beat them... games that i would play on dreamcast even today are : " shenmue shenmue II skies of arcadia grandia II sword of bersek resident evil code veronica rez crazy taxi aaaaaand that' s it" i think that' s what was terrible in dreamcast, not enough as i call them " serious games" , most of its biggest titles are just for fun or to play with your friends... games like resident evil, metal gear solid, gran turismo, no castlevania (yeah it was canceled damn you konami  ), or " awesome" RPG' s were really rare, hey i just mentioned them above !!
Game Junkie
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RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 15:05
Seeman, its more of a virtual pet then a game but I always wanted to play it. It was going to be my first Dreamcast game but at the last minute I decided to get a ps2 instead of a dreamcast.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What dreamcast games should i get?
Dec 30, 2005 17:08
i think that' s what was terrible in dreamcast, not enough as i call them " serious games" , most of its biggest titles are just for fun or to play with your friends.. That' s very similar to something I said in another Dreamcast-related thread. By the end of the Dreamcast' s life, it became well-known for its plethora of arcade conversions. I' m one of the biggest arcade junkies here but a console needs a good balance of arcade conversions and console specific titles. The balance was too lopsided on the Dreamcast. In terms of good games, the ratio was more like 80% arcade conversions and 20% meaty, memorable, Dreamcast-specific games.. I mean I could simply just walk over to one of my local arcades and play 75% out of that 80% in a more favorable arcade setting.
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