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What Game(s) are you currently playing?
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 20, 2007 01:19
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 I started the PS3 version proper last night and it' s worse than any review has made out. The framerate is disgusting, the tearing is as bad, if not worse then the 360' s is in the first villiage, yet PS3 suffers everywhere, and the texture quality is noticably worse. Good, Hve not opened it yet, should be able to do a swap for the 360 version. Sound. It' s a really good game, but it' s not for everybody. I' m enjoying it, but i also really enjoyed Double Agent (though not as much as Chaos Theory) too and many people were disappointed. The 360 version is better because Ubisoft simply [rightly] expect to sell more copies on that version, and so didn' t spend the money required to bring the PS3 version up to par. It sucks for people that only own a PS3 and really want the game but it' s Ubisoft and it' s how they operate. Double Agent, Vegas, GRAW 2 and now Assassins Creed are all better on 360. They look better and they run better. They' re not bad games, and compared to many other titles they' re still pretty awesome, but it you want the best version you want the 360 versions. Obviously, when the PC version of Creed comes out it' ll be the definitive verion of the game (probably). Unless they completely screw it up, it' ll look nicer and run smoother than the 360 version, ...but for me, somebody who doesn' t use a HD projector, or play games on my TV, the 360 version is king. Now, the game is far from perfect. The combat, as i stated in the other thread - is broken, ...but the game is about the story and the freerunning, not the combat, so it' s something i' ve purposefully overlooked. The game didn' t live up to the hype, even for me, but it' s pretty solid [if somewhat buggy in places] and well worth playing as long as you' re not short on cash. It' ll be interesting to see what they do with the sequels, even more so where they take the next Prince of Persia game, and even more so how the dynamic crowds and social stealth in Conviction pans out...
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 20, 2007 01:57
ORIGINAL: Nitro The combat, as i stated in the other thread - is broken, ...but the game is about the story and the freerunning, not the combat, so it' s something i' ve purposefully overlooked. So why dont you just overlook the combat in too human and just focus on the story and the role playing elements  ..
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 20, 2007 03:58
ORIGINAL: 2pac ORIGINAL: Nitro The combat, as i stated in the other thread - is broken, ...but the game is about the story and the freerunning, not the combat, so it' s something i' ve purposefully overlooked. So why dont you just overlook the combat in too human and just focus on the story and the role playing elements .. Y' know, i thought exactly the same thing, ...and i thought about posting it, but decided - nah In fact, even though i knew from the beginning that Mass Effect was going to be badass, it' s recently given me more hope for Too Human. I' m buying it anyways, and deep down i know i' ll like it, but it' s fun slating struggling developers.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 20, 2007 21:51
ORIGINAL: Majik ORIGINAL: 2pac ORIGINAL: Nitro The combat, as i stated in the other thread - is broken, ...but the game is about the story and the freerunning, not the combat, so it' s something i' ve purposefully overlooked. So why dont you just overlook the combat in too human and just focus on the story and the role playing elements .. Y' know, i thought exactly the same thing, ...and i thought about posting it, but decided - nah In fact, even though i knew from the beginning that Mass Effect was going to be badass, it' s recently given me more hope for Too Human. I' m buying it anyways, and deep down i know i' ll like it, but it' s fun slating struggling developers.  When is the damn demo coming ? I am currently playing Crysis Crackdown Switchball You guys should try switchball . I found it surprisingly enjoyable .
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- Joined: Jul 28, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 22, 2007 00:33
Super Mario Galaxy The best god dam game ever created.
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 22, 2007 09:11
Portal The best god damn game ever created. AND it has a catchy ending theme. Your turn!
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 22, 2007 09:35
Crysis,CoD4,Assassins creed,and Fear files. And in friday I will have Mass effect+AC6,not bad heh?
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 22, 2007 11:52
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 26, 2007 13:19
I am playing Uncharted and Assassin' s Creed. Uncharted is amazing, I love the game. AC kind of fell flat on its face for me. It looks pretty, it controls well, but going over the same half-baked investigation missions over and over again when they are all the same so I can get to the real meat of the game, the assassinations, which are enjoyable and different from one another, is just painful. Is not a bad game by any means, but is not the be-all it was hyped out to be.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 26, 2007 22:36
Crysis = Really is the shit.. (If you play it on a PC to do it justice AND help' s if you use your Nano suite Properly  ) HL Eps 2 = Playing in between Crysis, Feels even more dated and Scripted than ever (after Crysis), still great in its own right, full of nice puzzle ideas, im liking it. Mass Effect = A perfect Game to play on sundays. Instead of watching repeat Space Programs, live it  , Intereact with it, bitches. I see ME more of a interactive ' Star trek' Rather than a traditional Videogame IE SMG. And thats a good thing, Cool, unique gaming experience indeed. Zak & Wiki = Seeing as though UK Wii releases are so far behind, i have a Second Wii to play Gems like Z&W Early. The first few puzzles started off really predictable and gimmicky but i realized they are merely tutorials, the real clever stuff kicks in a few Puzzles after. Great Game, so original too. If you have a Wii and don' t own this game, you have missed out. Outrun 2006 (PC) SMG and vs VF5 of course.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 26 Nov 07 14:50:37 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 05:52
This past weekend I was on a FLIGHT gaming kick. Played and finished 3 flight combat games on the Xbox 360; 1. Ace Combat: Skies of Liberation 2. Blazing Angels 2 3. Project Sylpheed It' s kind of funny how one game deals with planes from the past, one game deals with more modern fighter jets, and the other one deals with futuristic space craft.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 06:48
It' s kind of funny how one game deals with planes from the past, one game deals with more modern fighter jets, and the other one deals with futuristic space craft. I bet, Jeez Thats alot of Flight, you must be Motion sickness immune.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 06:53
Crysis = Really is the shit.. (If you play it on a PC to do it justice AND help' s if you use your Nano suite Properly )
Did you actually get your " high end PC" this time?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 07:43
I bet, Jeez Thats alot of Flight, you must be Motion sickness immune. I imagine most of us don' t get motion sickness. I wouldn' t play videogames if I had that problem. Do you get motion sickness?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 08:01
Did you actually get your " high end PC" this time? Ya, About a month ago now. I imagine most of us don' t get motion sickness. I wouldn' t play videogames if I had that problem. Do you get motion sickness? IT was a joke, For some reason HL2 engine makes me feel alitte MS after a while.. but apart from that, nope. On the Subject of HL2, I completed Eps 2 earlier on today, The last Mission was very cool indeed. Didnt expect the abrupt ending though.. was quite moving actually.. snif.. snif.. Hope they make Episode 3, more open ended, Give Gorden the Car to travel a sandbox World (black mason being your Base) in which you can evolve the story at your own pace. That would be cool.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 27 Nov 07 0:02:12 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 08:11
I actually find the HL2 engine dizzying as well. We must be mentally challenged in some way, I guess
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 08:20
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 09:37
Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway - PC Edit: Sorry guys, wish I' d gotten a pre-release, but no, I' m just absentminded.  I meant to say Earned in Blood.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 27 Nov 07 20:30:10 >
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 09:48
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway - PC What?
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Nov 27, 2007 18:00
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