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What Game(s) are you currently playing?
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Mass X
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 04:39
Not liking the Multiplayer? first thing i want to get into once my 360 arrives. whats wrong with it? Lag? the modes? Full public room one 100% lag free, its just the gameplay itself. You' ll find it next to impossible to get a kill with machine gun fire or missles. Only sure fire way to get a kill period is to use tracking missles and that itslef is only a 50/50 chance of success. On top of that not every aircraft has a secondary tracking missle so you' re even more limited. The chases are not chase but more of a test of patience to see who' ll veer off the constant U-turns you' ll be stuck in first. Evading tracking missles is easy. Just wait for the alarms to hit peak and do a high-g turn. Other missle types probably will only accidently hit you same with machine gun fire. The gameplay got worse once I found a lame way to win each and eveyr bout. Its simple at the start of each round fire off you main missle in any direction, by the time those get a goo distance you swap to you tracking missles and the second they lock on fire in a steady paced way and you' ll be gaurenteed a hit and kill in seconds. When you start to get too close to the fight where its just constant chase U turns immediatly nose dive and kill yourself ( you wont get penalized) this will restart your position further away giving you a veiw of everyone in the distance for easy tracking missle kills. Rince repeat. While everyone is in the Uturn extravaganza you' re off racking up the kills with ease. As for the game types and what not there really isnt much. You got 6 maps for team battle and battle royale. 2 co-op, a few seige types. and some minor other things. Tho shost selects the settings before the room opens and sends out invites or waits for people to join. 2 massive problems tho. One no one, public or friend, can join once a match has started. There is no spectating at all or no lobby to wait in during a match. Two to change the settings you have to end the game session and restart the room. So all that together leaves a very unsatifying multiplayer experience. Very very unsatisfyung...
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 05:58
Oh man, that does sound bad, seems like serious lack of playtesting on Namco' s behalf. shame they never had players like yourself the test that mode properly before it shipped. Still, at least the 1p mode is good.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 10:24
Couple of my friends enjoy it, while the majority think " meh its ooook..."
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 10:46
Thanks for the analysis there, Mass X. Looks like I' ll still be playing Crimson Skies for my dogfighting fix!
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 11:39
Right now I am playing Flatout Ultimate Carnage. Great game, fun. It is always entertaining to bowl with a human body.
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 13:09
Virtua Fighter 5 demo that was released. Good ole Sarah.
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 26, 2007 21:44
I beat Metriod Prime 3 Within the first week or 2 on Vet I didn' t try the normal I was really Playing Shining The Holy Ark (Just beat it Wednesday) Space Hulk Star Fighter Guardian Heroes (pretty hard on normal one player 09 continues in Arena) {Guess I need to pick Nicole instead of Ginjurou  } All since Wednesday Warhawk Not mine can' t just play anytime( the exception)
< Message edited by Kannon -- 26 Oct 07 13:46:34 >
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 27, 2007 00:57
Guardian Heroes (pretty hard on normal one player 09 continues in Arena) {Guess I need to pick Nicole instead of Ginjurou } Guardian Heroes has become far too easy for me. I' ve researched exactly which moves and magic attacks gives you the most experience points and I' ve discovered ways to combine the two to get the optimal Exp point increase. I' ve also found out ways to take on some enemies one at a time and keep juggling them in the air to get practically unlimited experience points. If I use the Undead Hero things get even easier. *Sigh* they need to make a sequel now damnit!
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 27, 2007 04:02
Play a decent session on a 360 and it' s lastest games. One of them being (of course) VF5... Very nice, Nicer looking than the PS3 version, better textures and AA, refined 1player build mode, better all round AI and being Ver C, some minor subtle fixes with some frame-hit ratio' s. Not too happy with the 360 verson Orange box.. 30fps?? Why Valve? Hl2 engine is a light weight engine, surely they could of made Hl2, eps1&2 60fps? or am i asking too much? My old, old Pc via p4 2.4ghz, radeon 9800 ran HL2 miles better.. Portal dosent matter too much though.. it' s excellent in any form. (have not D/l the PC yet). BTW, I rate 360 VF5 as the best, overall looking game on 360 (and PS3) so far..
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 27, 2007 07:41
Warhawk Juiced 2 (Xbox 360) Halo 3
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 27, 2007 10:52
Playing the addictive Project Gotham Racing 4.
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 27, 2007 11:24
Crysis demo.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 28, 2007 03:45
Call from a freind...looks like i' ll be playing Zak & wiki 2morow  .. From her impressions (one of the few girl gamers who knows her stuff) The game sounds taxing and an extremely unique experience.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 02:42
an extremely unique experience. Of course its unique, no one ever thought of flailing your arms like an idiot in a game aimed at 10 year olds before
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RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 03:25
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx an extremely unique experience. Of course its unique, no one ever thought of flailing your arms like an idiot in a game aimed at 10 year olds before Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure is a dumb name, plain and simple, but don' t let that (or the game' s seemingly " too kiddie" exterior) deter you from picking it up because this is one of Wii' s very best offerings. Not only is it beautiful, taking visual cues from Wind Waker, but it' s really clever and equally rewarding. When you solve one of the game' s booby-trapped levels, you will absolutely feel like you' ve accomplished a genuine feat. The puzzles will work your brain over in some cases. Bearing that in mind, Z-Dub would appear to be exactly the opposite of what its name and art style suggest – this is a game for adults and not so much kids. Hmmm really now for 10 year olds. Well then I' m rather a 10 year old who swings his arms around than idiot 10000 on xbox live or whatever. Well if solving well designed puzzles isn' t your thing or you just simply can' t handle them fine by me. Just keep idiotic comments for yourself. People who can' t appreciate things like this from time to time shouldn' t talk to much about gaming. Narrow minded people are just plain annoying. But hey, go ahead keep goin, not my fault you' ll be missing out on a great game.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 03:47
Just keep idiotic comments for yourself. People who can' t appreciate things like this from time to time shouldn' t talk to much about gaming. Narrow minded people are just plain annoying. Who the *** are you demonroth? Youre not relevant to any discussion anyone has ever had on this forum. Youre a faggot, much like VF. Im giving VF shit, if youre too stupid to realize that maybe you should keep to yourself. Well then I' m rather a 10 year old who swings his arms around than idiot 10000 on xbox live or whatever. And to clarify, until Mario Galaxy comes out, the wii is a peice of garbage. Mine is in my little brothers room, he enjoys wii sports, but then again he also enjoys the disney channel. And yes, I think Id rather be " idiot 10000 on xbl" , you know, the enjoyable online service, than stuck on a console without one. Im tired of fanboys throwing a bitch fit about facts. I like how if you have anything negative to say about the wii you must be an xbox fanboy. Take a look around, People with 360s, PS3s, and PCs are playing games, people with Wiis are still saying " we' ll have good games soon" . Well if solving well designed puzzles isn' t your thing or you just simply can' t handle them fine by me. Yes, I mean, I loved portal, Im sure I could never handle a game intended for 10 year olds. Face the facts, when a publisher puts a game on the Wii, theyre aiming it at grandparents or little kids. Like it or not, thats the image that nintendo has chosen for themselves, and thats the image people get when you talk about the Wii demographic.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 28 Oct 07 19:58:30 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 03:57
Hmmm really now for 10 year olds. Well then I' m rather a 10 year old who swings his arms around than idiot 10000 on xbox live or whatever. Well if solving well designed puzzles isn' t your thing or you just simply can' t handle them fine by me. Just keep idiotic comments for yourself. People who can' t appreciate things like this from time to time shouldn' t talk to much about gaming. Narrow minded people are just plain annoying. But hey, go ahead keep goin, not my fault you' ll be missing out on a great game. Nuff said
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 04:00
Nuff said Wow, you must really be gamer4eva, just quote the other people who love childrens games.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 04:00
Until recently when my free month XBox Live ended Halo 3 and CoD4 beta. Then Bioshock, ' cuz I' m slow and didn' t have strong enough PC so played it with my friend on 360. After which I bought Orange Box and am still playing. Then downloaded the Crysis Demo, which I finished. So to sum it up: Orange Box, is what I am currently playing.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What Game(s) are you currently playing?
Oct 29, 2007 04:16
Immortal, seriously... You must think everyone in this forum was born yesterday, your creations to create tension will not work, because no one cares.. this will never be a 360 defense-force forum, so live with it. Either post to the thread or not atall. Please.. Back to topic.. Today i played Zak & wiki for about an hour and walked away really happy with it. The first few puzzles are standard Wiimote affairs but then it uses it features in the most unlikely fashion. Extremely clever Puzzles later on really tax your brain. This game is definitely one for adults with more than just common sense but a creative mind too. Only got to the 5th Puzzle and was well and truly Stuck.. Jaimie was trying not to laugh while i had no idea what to do.. lol (she knew what to do as she' s on the 11th Puzzle). I' m not going into any detail of the puzzles as it' s something players need to experience. Portal is clever, Zak & wiki is genius. A Must have for all Wii owners. Capcom have done well! Cannot wait for the UK release Then Bioshock, ' cuz I' m slow and didn' t have strong enough PC so played it with my friend on 360. I played abit of Bioshock yesterday, not sure about this game TBH, will try and finish it though.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 28 Oct 07 20:22:08 >
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