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What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
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RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 15, 2004 21:52
I have designed a pirate costume and my girlfriend put it all together. A lot of time was spent looking for authentic looking material. My favorite part was the hook hand. It was a very rusty and blood stained hook, along with an infected veiny and puss drenched wrist. I figure pirates dont have a big medical history so it seems right to make that look unhealthy. That was last year. Im still drawing ideas for this year.
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- Joined: Aug 21, 2004
- Location: chicago, IL
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 17, 2004 00:50
well this is what i would like to look like when halloween rolles around  but it an' t gona happen
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 19, 2004 04:59
Hey, dabears!!! Welcome to the forums... Also, how did you get that picture to post? There are many of us that are having trouble getting pictures to post, and we would like to hear from someone that has successfully embedded a picture in their post. Would you honor us with your genius?
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- Joined: Sep 13, 2004
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 19, 2004 05:34
HOnor me with the genius of where you got that neato one, eh? Someone made that armor, koool! Also like those other gys who made trooper armor from " Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" movie. Now that was awesome...
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RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 23, 2004 04:03
Yay for having a costume designer as a friend. she is making me a kick ass wench costume. it will be so much fun! meanwhile she is dressing herself in vinyl.
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- Joined: Aug 21, 2004
- Location: chicago, IL
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 24, 2004 02:18
ORIGINAL: DaRoosh65 There are many of us that are having trouble getting pictures to post, and we would like to hear from someone that has successfully embedded a picture in their post. Would you honor us with your genius? sure i will tell all how i posted this picture, 1. i did not use this web site to upload the picture because i know of a web site that will host any type of pict that is up to 1MB in size for free and there are many web sites that i have herd of that will do the same you just have to find the sites. and that is it ORIGINAL:NukeouT HOnor me with the genius of where you got that neato one, eh? Someone made that armor, koool! Also like those other gys who made trooper armor from " Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" movie. Now that was awesome... well i got that picture after some diging around the nightmare arrmor web site and found it but originally it was a horrizontal picture but i took it to photo shop and turned it 90 degrees to what it is now yes the people did make the MC suit but we will not be geting one real soon because it cost $3,500 for one, and yes the same people that made the MC suit did make the darkeyes for the movie " Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within"
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 24, 2004 03:31
I thought that was just a computer generated picture, not a real costume!!! That' s way cool!!! ...but $3,500? That' s way not-so-cool!!!
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- Joined: Aug 21, 2004
- Location: chicago, IL
RE: What Costume Do You Plan To Wear This Halloween?
Sep 24, 2004 14:57
ya it is the real thing and the people who made the suits have been in a number of placs like E3 and a few other conventions that involved halo 2 and i am sure you could see them walking around in the MC suits, from the movies that were made, from all of the E3 coverage on the internet. and when i first saw the MC suit i so wanted one, but when i saw the $$ i realized i would not be getting one
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