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 Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance
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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 07:19
24 fps in movies as with all other movies,and 30 fps when it comes to games.
I dont know what i was writings,and no,24 fps and 24 hz isn' t the same either.
However its gonna be fun to know which kind of person here has a 1080p tv that get its signal from hdmi output.

I must have been confusing movies and games,ofc 1080p can go over 24,30 fps,even 60 fps.
But i doubt that will happend in many games.
Also as ken said,their games will be in 120 fps.

1080p ... in 120 fps... TT
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 May 06 23:27:21 >
Joe Redifer

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 07:56
The fastest HDTV that I know of is 100Hz. That means it cannot display anything faster than 100fps, period.
Chee Saw

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 07:58
I, personally, do not have a problem with 30fps. Maybe I' m just not as sensitive to the difference as some, but I think PGR3 and Tomb Raider look awesome! PGR3 truly gives a good sense of motion while you' re playing it, and that is what matters most in a racing game!

I think this whole frames-per-second debate is just going around so that people can feel like they' re smart, or something. All I know is that on my 133" high-def screen all of my 360 games look badass! And trust me when I say, at that size every imperfection shows!

As far as 1080p... yes it may matter in the future, but I don' t think it' ll be much of a concern this generation.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 09:16
the higher reso the slower the games fps will be...
I mean 1024' 768 is a reso we had for a long time now,and many games looks perfect in that when having all other things in high/4xAA.

So mayby 720 p can stay for ahilwe,but i dont know...

seeing how 1080p seems to be what we gonna watch our movies in,by the future so...

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 09:45
30 fps, 60 fps, it does not matter much to me what frame rate games are, as long as it gets the appropriate fps for the title in question (F-Zero GX really needs the extra 30 frames as insurance). What matters more is that games should never, ever, drop the framerates, especially the dramatic drops. While I watched the MGS4 high res trailer, the game graphics were very beautiful. However, when the framerates dropped for me to notice, I got sucked right back out from the whole experience, which is truly a shame. Not that this was Kojima' s fault, mind you....

If developers make a game that runs at 30 fps, it should not drop any lower, since that is easily noticeable by us discerning gamers. 60 fps, I can understand a hit here and there. Drops from sixty frames per second are not quite as noticeable, so it is not quite as much a concern.

The big problem though is that American and European developers love pushing the graphics envelope so much that they allow the frame rates to be hit in such a noticeable fashion. This has peeved me off for the longest time. The framerate must stay up, or the experience drops with it. Plain and simple.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 09:53
Just so you know...
Next gen HD videos...need a power pc to run them properly...
if you dont have a good enough 3d card or cpu it will lagg :O

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 10:33
HD videos need Power PCs or higher?

Now I' m torn. Do I get all three consoles and abandon building a new, Vista ready machine, or WiiDS and build a PC? Bloody heck!

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 10:38
I meant HD videos for games.
And yes,that is not me just guessing,thats what dev said themself,for ex itagaki told people to have a p4 2.4 ghz 512 ram 256mb 3d card to be able to see DOA 4 in HD at a normal speed.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 10:45
I have that. Barely.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 15:43


I think this whole frames-per-second debate is just going around so that people can feel like they' re smart, or something.

No it' s because some of us realise that 60fps is much more fluid and smooth than 30fps. In a fast moving game it makes the whole game-playing experience more realistic and enjoyable.

My first console was a Dreamcast. I was quite shocked when I got an Xbox, and realised that a number of games on it, like Forza and PGR2 were only 30fps. The next gen (from a Dreamcast) but a backwards step in framerates. Now with the latest generation which are several times more powerful than an Xbox, 30fps should be a thing of the past right? Well apparently not. Devs seem to have got lazy and think a sub-standard framerate is acceptable. It' s quite simple for me, I just won' t buy any next-gen games which are 30fps.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 16:07

It' s quite simple for me, I just won' t buy any next-gen games which are 30fps.

That seems pretty irrational to me. You' re going to be missing out on hundreds of awesome games.

Personally I don' t mind if a game runs at 30fps or 60fps. As long as it' s playable and appropriate to the style of game then why worry? Of course if I had the choice I' d go with 60fps but its absence is not going to prevent me from buying a game that I like.

Perhaps I' ve become tolerant of these things because I' ve played PC games for so long. It' s sometimes quite an effort to constantly get above 30fps on games like Oblivion without spending thousands of dollars on hardware upgrades, so you have to make do with what you' ve got.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 14 May 06 8:08:14 >

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 16:21

ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne

Perhaps I' ve become tolerant of these things because I' ve played PC games for so long. It' s sometimes quite an effort to constantly get above 30fps on games like Oblivion without spending thousands of dollars on hardware upgrades, so you have to make do with what you' ve got.

On a fixed hardware platform like a games console however, there is no need or excuse for games not to be optimised to run at 60fps IMO.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 16:33
I agree, but there are too many nubs that buy games and judge them by graphics in screen shots and things like that. That is why they rarely show real gameplay in advertisments for older consoles like PS2. At least some developers like team ninja still go by the 60 fps standard.

PS2 commercials are usually pretty funny but they never show any real game play. It is good marketing on their part but a bit immoral by my standards, the same thing could be said about the screen-shots of CG on game boxes. They fool a lot of people.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 16:56

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

I agree, but there are too many nubs that buy games and judge them by graphics in screen shots and things like that.

Very true. I just hope 30fps games aren' t becoming an increasing trend.

That is why they rarely show real gameplay in advertisments for older consoles like PS2. At least some developers like team ninja still go by the 60 fps standard.

Yep and kudos to them

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 19:53

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

I agree, but there are too many nubs that buy games and judge them by graphics in screen shots and things like that. That is why they rarely show real gameplay in advertisments for older consoles like PS2. At least some developers like team ninja still go by the 60 fps standard.

PS2 commercials are usually pretty funny but they never show any real game play. It is good marketing on their part but a bit immoral by my standards, the same thing could be said about the screen-shots of CG on game boxes. They fool a lot of people.

What really gets me is how you always get somone suing for false advertising like (call of duty) so now I think companies make it a must to always put at the end of the advert ' ' Not in game footage' ' . I think they should always advertise with in game footage.

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 20:13
i often make the graphic good enough so it runs in 30-40 fps when it comes to pc games...
For me 30 fps is more then enough,as cliffy said,we could hit 40+ fps but gonna just add more candy until we hit 30 fps.

That sound good to me,however 120 fps games...will they have eye candy?

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 20:28
For me 30fps is only really acceptable in games like Resident Evil 4 which is both smooth and stable overall.

However for the next-gen anything below 60fps is unacceptable, if it runs at 60 with mild slowdown then that' s okay for FPS' s and third-person games. I still stand by my view that anything Dreamcast era onwards in the home should be running at 60fps. After all that was one of the reasons why the Dreamcast was to bring a new era of home high-end visuals, arcade Model 3 quality polish but all at a smooth 60fps.

Seems like even the best western devs just don' t care enough about this though. 30fps was only done on PSone and Saturn because of lack of proccessing and graphics power, and with clean and refined programming routines, 60fps is possible with the likes of Gears of War and most of the best looking next-gen games.

" running at a TV scorching 60 frames per second"

Taken from the back of the box for Tekken 1 on the PSone. Seems like mainsteam gaming has killed that as a standard for all games to aspire to.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 14 May 06 12:29:15 >

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 23:33

I agree, but there are too many nubs that buy games and judge them by graphics in screen shots and things like that.

Hit the nail on the head, over here the dumb-type gamers mostly judge a game by it screenshots and rave over just ' screen shots' .. go look at sites such as Xboxyde where the people go crazy over any 360 game using HDR texturing..

These western gamers seem to be buying these games running at ' half-assed' frame rates so developers just tend to get lazy and carry on with the same thing...

I could understand in the Saturn and playstation days when the hardware couldn’t cut it, sometimes even with the GC, Xbox and PS2 days... but in this generation its just unacceptable and Lazy.


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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 23:36
Yes im sure killzone 2 will look as it looked last e3 ;)
And ofc it will have a decent fps at the same time.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 May 06 15:37:14 >

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RE: Western Devs aiming for ' 30fps' annoyance - May 14, 2006 23:40

Yes im sure killzone 2 will look as it looked last e3 ;)
And ofc it will have a decent fps at the same time.


What is this guy on?
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