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Was smackdown that important?.....
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Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 09:28
Well the flying handbags suggests.... http://www.news4gamers.com/ps3/News-5815.aspx According to staff at WWE euroshop and at THQ, the WWE have been upset over the annoucement by THQ, for dropping this years addition of its ever so popular smackdown series for the PS3. Staff at WWE euroshop have even stated that they,ve been told not to sell THQ' s videogames until further notice. THQ signed WWE to10 year contract to publish the WWE games on various platforms every year. According to THQ reps, the WWE have a profound relationship with Sony corp, and have felt cheated by THQ over the annoucement. Since the contract began, Sony have supported the WWE for 23 pay per views and 41 house shows and tours, and use to sell Sony products at its WWE store in times square. Rumours did spread a while back that the WWE were looking to part with THQ and sign with a bigger company (EA probably), but THQ held there ground. If this story of a rift does get bigger, i doubt THQ will have the WWE on its books. so what is everyones take on this?.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 6 Aug 06 1:28:52 >
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 09:39
I never understood the whole thing with " wrestling" its all fake anyway...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 09:45
But why are they kicking up such a fuss over it?. It' s kinda sounding like a girlfriend convincing a guy his mom is a devil witch scenerio....
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 09:52
I have NEVER liked wrestling, the only one I actually played for longer than 10 mins is No Mercy on the N64.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 09:58
Yea I dont like wrestling games either I get bored like 5 minutes in.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 11:13
I on the other hand LOOOOOVE well-designed wrestling games.. I' ve been playing Wrestle Kingdom from 11 a.m. this morning and am still playing it as we speak.I guess that' s 11 hours so far
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Aug 06 3:13:49 >
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 15:51
Wrestling and Nascar games are designed for the Redneck/Hillbilly population of the United States, these people have low IQs, dont go to school past 3rd grade, practice incest and are responsible for voting in some of the most fucking retarded presidents the US has ever seen. They are infatuated with stupid shit like Wrestling and Nascar - because they' re stupid, stupid people like stupid things, I think it' s pretty embarassing for Nascar to be the US' 2nd biggest " sporting" event and for Wrestling (Fake wrestling, that is, real wrestling is unpopular here) to be up there as well. It' s especially embarassing when you consider real sports like football (soccer) have a very low following in the US. How can you like nascar and wrestling more than soccer? Seriously? You have to be fucking retarded IMO.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 6 Aug 06 7:55:03 >
Mass X
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:17
Or too look at it another way, humans tend to have a diverse amount of interests in many many different things. Just like your mommy and daddy had an interest in eachother and well... I guess I do agree that certain interests do lead to levels of severe retardation. However, for the most part there' s no reason to rip on others interest just because it doesnt conform to your own. Hell you sound more like one of those individuals who would side up woth Bush if you think about it.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6 Aug 06 8:25:14 >
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:24
This guy must be one of those hillbillies, go back to fucking your sister and think up of something better besides mom/dad jokes, kiddie.
Mass X
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:26
Should I take a cue from you and think more along the lines of incest jokes? I suppose talking about you lifestyle could be ia bit more interesting...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6 Aug 06 8:28:37 >
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:26
I' m not joking.
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:29
Should I take a cue from you and think more along the lines of incest jokes? I suppose talking about you lifestyle could be ia bit more interesting... And learn to spell for christ' s sake. " You lifestyle" ?? " be ia" ?? I' m sorry I don' t speak retard.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 6 Aug 06 8:30:15 >
Mass X
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:30
Ok fine fine fine you' re right, your incest fetish should be taken seriously and we should look to help you rather then poke fun of it.
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:33
*yawn* Yeah, you' re lame and retarded.
Mass X
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:33
And learn to spell for christ' s sake. " You lifestyle" ?? " be ia" ?? I' m sorry I don' t speak retard. Gasp you' re right! Ahg the heavens forgive me for my typographical errors! I do apologize. What I was trying to say is, " You are one fucked up individual to think fucking your siblings is perfectly fine. As well as licking daddy dearests cock. We should get you help A.S.A.P.!" That more your language? *yawn* Yeah, you' re lame and retarded. Thats yawn must be your way of holding back the tears...I' m sorry it' s ok little buddy. I' ll stop for now let you re-group.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6 Aug 06 8:37:04 >
Evil Man
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:38
ZZZ First mom jokes, and now trying to use my own shit against me and failing miserably. How about a little originality.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 6 Aug 06 8:39:09 >
Mass X
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:44
So nothing more to say then? Alright, well that was fun.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 16:49
Wrestling and Nascar games are designed for the Redneck/Hillbilly population of the United States, these people have low IQs, dont go to school past 3rd grade, practice incest and are responsible for voting in some of the most fucking retarded presidents the US has ever seen. They are infatuated with stupid shit like Wrestling and Nascar - because they' re stupid, stupid people like stupid things, I think it' s pretty embarassing for Nascar to be the US' 2nd biggest " sporting" event and for Wrestling (Fake wrestling, that is, real wrestling is unpopular here) to be up there as well. It' s especially embarassing when you consider real sports like football (soccer) have a very low following in the US. How can you like nascar and wrestling more than soccer? Seriously? You have to be fucking retarded IMO. tottaly agree But wrestling while in videogames isn´t that bad since it´s not fake. I guess Smackdown is the kind of game that would interest to EA since they like make a lot of those sport sequels. I just don´t understand why they always make stupid upgrades to Fifa every year, ProEvo in the other hand keeps getting better and better. The problem is that many people still buy Fifa games  .
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 6 Aug 06 8:55:41 >
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RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 17:00
Really don' t like wrestling and games or anything else associated with it, however I suppose it' s a fairly big deal for sony losing the game as a number of people do like it. It' s nice to see one company care about it' s relationship with another company, and someone who is actually on sony' s side. Great they need the support, I hope for the sake of ps3' s mass market appeal that the game gets put on the machine. Otherwise, I couldn' t give a flying F***.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Was smackdown that important?.....
Aug 06, 2006 17:43
ORIGINAL: Mass X Or too look at it another way, humans tend to have a diverse amount of interests in many many different things. Just like your mommy and daddy had an interest in eachother and well... I guess I do agree that certain interests do lead to levels of severe retardation. However, for the most part there' s no reason to rip on others interest just because it doesnt conform to your own. Hell you sound more like one of those individuals who would side up woth Bush if you think about it. Aha-ouch! I felt that all the way from here.
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