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Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
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Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 01:46
Mass X
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 01:57
Well many of us will rejoice in the news. There will always be someone who will turn this into bad news...somehow someway it' s bad news to someone.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 02:42
Well many of us will rejoice in the news. There will always be someone who will turn this into bad news...somehow someway it' s bad news to someone. *cough cough* Virtua Fighter 5 *cough*
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 03:29
I dont play VF but I know its a game that relys on fast responses, hopefully the lag wont affect the game [like Doa4].
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 03:51
Well I' m sure there are people who doen' t mind too much if there is a bit of lag here and there so long as they can practice and mess around with people online. But then who knows, maybe it' ll be lag free I wonder if the PS3 installment will ever see an online patch? However does anyone here now want this game more, knowing it has online?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 04:52
[like Doa4]. I dont play VF but I know its a game that relys on fast responses, hopefully the lag wont affect the game [like Doa4]. It will be ' broke' for people who know the game indepth. The games button hit rate is 60 frames every second, matching it' s Frame-rate... DOA, tekken ETC are 30. I take SEGA will half the response hit-rate to make it atleast playable over BB connection. It' s good to see AM2 go out their way and Add a network game for the audiences expectations.
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- Joined: May 28, 2004
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 06:02
It will be ' broke' for people who know the game indepth. The games button hit rate is 60 frames every second, matching it' s Frame-rate... DOA, tekken ETC are 30. I take SEGA will half the response hit-rate to make it atleast playable over BB connection. It' s good to see AM2 go out their way and Add a network game for the audiences expectations. What are you are talking about. Both Doa and Tk are 60 frame per second fighters. Also, doa plays 60 fps online as well. Online play will not provide a perfect medium for competition, thus making Vf' s online mode a form of casual play. This is something that is currently employed by the doa community.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 06:14
I think he means the button hit rate, rather than the FPS on the later games.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 06:44
What are you are talking about. Both Doa and Tk are 60 frame per second fighters. Also, doa plays 60 fps online as well. Online play will not provide a perfect medium for competition, thus making Vf' s online mode a form of casual play. This is something that is currently employed by the doa community.  collision hit rate dude. Not FPS.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 06:58
It' ll be nice to be able to play another fighting game online but as somebody who takes these things seriously in arcades i fully understand that connection limitations will make any kind of serious play impossible. This will be the only difference though, other than slighly cleaner visuals. The 360 version will be version C whereas the PS3 version is version B but there will be a version C download for PS3 owners. It' s a shame the PS3 game isn' t going online really, especially since it' s technically possible and Dark Resurrection is making the jump.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 07, 2007 09:18
I think it' s great news. It' s not going to be suitable for serious fighting, but provides an additional draw for some casual fun. I wonder if this will do anything to boost 360 sales in Japan? At least for a couple of weeks.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 7 Jul 07 3:10:53 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 09:02
collision hit rate dude. Not FPS. Collision hit rate is intertwined with frames per a second. Each fighting game move list is broken down into: A) Execution B) Hit Detection c) Recovery Vf is no different, and follow the same rules as every other major 3d fighter, except sc3 which is 30 frames per second.
Adam Doree
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 12:27
It' s impossible that it would work anywhere near properly. All that has happened is MS has obviously paid Sega/AM2 to swallow its pride and the guaranteed fact that online play is impossible for competitive players, in return for a bullet point on their list of system exclusives/exclusive features. 90% of players won' t realise or care, so it' s an OK trade off to them, and AM2 knows that 90% of western players who would buy the game on 360 don' t know how to play VF or care enough about the technicalities (cough, hence why DOA does work online, cough) so I guess everyone figured, what the hell, and went along with this destined-to-be-highly-flawed mode. This is interesting news, for sure, but I wouldn' t say it' s good news especially to be honest.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 12:47
Competetive gaming in general sucks over the internet. In the majority of competetive games a 20 millisecond delay easily gives an unfair advantage. With a 50 ms delay in Unreal Tournament 2004 it is basically impossible to get a head shot on a half-decent opponent. Playing on xbox live against random people on random connections without dedicated servers pings are typically greater than 100 ms. Games are still fun on the internet, they just aren' t nearly as true as playing over a LAN or on the same machine. The same goes for Virtual Fighter. I would say it is a good thing as long as they don' t make the offline mode worse.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 13:19
It' s a smart move by Sega. The way I play games has changed over the years. There' s very few games I' ll even consider getting if they don' t have an online mode now. I don' t have unlimited time to play by myself, and don' t know anyone locally who' d play this enough to be competitive. And the main reason I play online is to stay in touch with actual friends. This will go a long way to convincing me and my friends who play online weekly to get this game.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 16:19
What i don' t want to see is SEGA backtrack on their reasons for not implimenting it in the PS3 version. I don' t want to hear why they " decided" to include it in this version, ...i don' t want any kind of explanation. I have too much respect for AM2 to be disappointed by bullshit PR speak about Xbox live or whatever...
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 08, 2007 19:40
It' s not just VF5 that will suffer a lot from lag, Gears of War does, Halo does, and DOA does, so much that in Gears of War, I find myself aiming two steps ahead of the host just to down the bastard. In DOA4 if everyone has a good connection it' s like playing on LAN. It' s only when that one idiot comes in and messes up the lightning fast connection that everybody else gets the booby prize. DOA4 does work on timing, especially with the counters and stuff, let' s see how badly VF5 suffers, I' m sure it will be fine when there are two people with a great connection playing.. =D
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 09, 2007 00:28
This SUCKS Donkey Kongas! Why? Because I own the Ps3 version and WILL NOT by the 360 version for the Online play, and extras. True, I' m do not care that much about online play, but I still want it! But not bad enough to pay for the game twice, even though I can afford it. Damn Microsoft for getting Online VF%, Damn Sega for making VF5 with online after I bought the non online VF5, and Damn Sony for nt having Online in VF5 for Ps3!
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 09, 2007 02:23
It makes me slightly happier for choosing not to pay for a PS3 and wait for the game to come out on the 360. Online isn' t a mode I' m likely to use a lot but it' ll be fun to have a play around on.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: Virtua Fighter 5 Goes Online (360)
Jul 09, 2007 02:37
ORIGINAL: VirtuaPAI What are you are talking about. Both Doa and Tk are 60 frame per second fighters. Also, doa plays 60 fps online as well. Online play will not provide a perfect medium for competition, thus making Vf' s online mode a form of casual play. This is something that is currently employed by the doa community. Collision hit rate is intertwined with frames per a second. Each fighting game move list is broken down into: A) Execution B) Hit Detection c) Recovery Vf is no different, and follow the same rules as every other major 3d fighter, except sc3 which is 30 frames per second. What a dumbass.
< Message edited by emofag -- 8 Jul 07 18:39:37 >
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