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Agent Ghost
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RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 22:34
The question i need answering though is whether i need to upgrade my QX6850 now? Nah, *** it. The only difference is slightly higher clocks and a bit more cache. You won' t notice much difference in games, probably zero difference in high resolutions. Wait for The next gen Intel CPUs Nehalem. They' ll be monsers and will pretty much kick AMD away from the high end CPU business. They' re coming soon enough anyways (Q4 2008). The only downside to waiting is if your motherboard doesn' t have PCIE 2.0. The HD 4870s might not perform at their best if they' re on PCIE 1.0. Then again it might not make a difference at all. Even if it did, I' d still wait for Nehalem. You' ll end up needing to upgrade your mobo for these chips anyways (ram too).
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Jun 08 14:42:30 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 22:44
ORIGINAL: Nitro So with the GTX 280 being outperformed by the 9800GX2 at resolutions closer to what i' m playing at, the 4870 looks to be my next card. Probably 2 in Crossfire. The question i need answering though is whether i need to upgrade my QX6850 now? Nah. You' ve got a ~$1000 processor there. There' s no point in upgrading it unless you like spending money for a negligible performance increase. Generally, the last thing to become outdated in a PC is the CPU. By the time it is outdated, you' ll need a new MB/chipset anyway. Just overclock it if you really want to do something to it. You' ll be able to hit stupid speeds with a QX. The only downside to waiting is if your motherboard doesn' t have PCIE 2.0. The HD 4870s might not perform at their best if they' re on PCIE 1.0. Then again it might not make a difference at all. Even if it did, I' d still wait for Nehalem. You' ll end up needing to upgrade your mobo for these chips anyways (ram too). It' s just the same as the AGP 4x -> 8x scenario. No difference. 1 FPS difference in the worst case. Interfaces are generally way ahead of the game when they come out. We' re not coming close to saturating PCIE 1.0 bandwidth yet (unless you' re running some insane setup with 4 GPU' s). I' m not even sure AGP 8x bandwidth has been saturated yet. The main reason for the change was extra voltages.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 19 Jun 08 14:54:26 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 22:59
He did overclock it. He wouldn' t even see a 5% difference compared to an overclocked QX9650. Yeah. I still have no idea how AMD managed to fit everything on such a small die. That' s what got me at first. I did some digging. GTX 280 die for comparison. The ROPs are big. They should be similar to the ones in the HD 4870, except ATI only has 16 instead of Nvidias 32. My point is that from 3870->4870 they' re not getting a sizable change in size that the ROPS would give. There' s also cache, TMUs and other goodies that take up die space which will likely stay the same more or less. It seems more possible to double the shaders now that I can see how little space they might take. It would be interesting to have similar die pictures of the 9800GTX and HD3870.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Jun 08 15:01:47 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 23:12
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 23:18
ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne Just overclock it if you really want to do something to it. You' ll be able to hit stupid speeds with a QX. I did, to 4.0GHz. I know some people have taken it to like 5.6GHz, but i' m nowhere near experienced enough to be messing about like that. I' ve read that the QX9650 can be taken 6+ which is insane, ...but i wouldn' t personally risk it. I was asking because i wasn' t sure whether real world performance in games when running 2 4870' s in Crossfore would be bottlenecked by the CPU i have.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 19, 2008 23:40
No, in any case you basically have the best, so even if your CPU is a bottleneck you can' t do anything about it.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 00:31
Uh, ...introducing the 9800GTX+ ... LINK New 9800GTX+ Core clock: 738 MHz Shader clock: 1836 MHz 512MB GDDR3 Memory @ ~1000 MHz Old (LOL) 9800GTX Core clock: 675 MHz Shader clock: 1688 MHz 512MB GDDR3 Memory @ ~1100 MHz Will they do a GX2+???
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 02:33
A HD 4870 should beat this card. Don' t forget there' s the HD 4870X2 being released in a few months. You could even pair a HD 4870 with a HD 4870X2. ATI lifted the NDA on the HD 4850s. Reviews are rushing to the surface.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Jun 08 22:09:01 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 08:47
It' s just damage control from Nvidia. They were caught with their pants down and don' t have anything to counter with.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 09:27
Yeah I' d be much more interested in a 55nm GTX280, that should arrive in in the fall approx. The GTX 280 is a great chip, it' s just too big for it' s own good, clocks are too low. I imaging that a 55nm overclocked GTX 280 would be badass. There are water editions of the GTX 280, here' s an example: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 Core Clock: 680MHz (vs. 602MHz standard) Shader Clock: 1458MHz (vs. 1296MHz standard) Memory Clock: 2450MHz (vs. 2214MHz standard) Memory Bandwidth: 156.8GB/sec. The 55nm versions should at least see clocks like these at default with room for overclocking.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 10:03
if you have a powerful card why upgrade to a slightly more powerfull card? those things arent cheap! I guess its Human nature to want..
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 20 Jun 08 2:04:34 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 11:11
I' m not upgrading to a slightly better card. I' m upgrading to two slightly better cards  . Actually a HD 4870 should be a decent upgrade over a 8800GTX. The HD 4850 is a bit better than the 8800GTX. The 4870 is a nice boost over the HD 4850. 20% higher clocks with room for overclocking, twice the memory bandwidth and size. The 4870 should fit in between the GTX 260 and GTX 280 performance wise. Part of is wanting to donate my 8800GTX along with my origianl build to replace the family computer. My younger brothers are using integrated, it' s pathetic. ------------------------------- Edit: The HD 4850 and HD 4870 actually have 965 million transistors on a 55nm process. -HD 3870 has 666 million 55nm process. -8800 GTX has 681 million on a 90nm process. -GTX 280 has 1400 million on 65nm process.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 20 Jun 08 3:51:30 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 16:47
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost You could even pair a HD 4870 with a HD 4870X2. Really? I didn' t know that. I' m very interested in the HD 4870, but i want to know how 2 will perform in the real world versus the GTX 280.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 17:59
Ok, so i know that the benchmarks and reviews aren' t all in yet, but what are we looking at in terms of performance over the full range from both makers!? What' s going to be the top end card, the GTX 280??? Or at least the overclocked models by 3rd parties??? What' s going to be the best SLI/CrossFire solution??? Also, is there a single card that would offer increased performance over my BFG 8800 Ultra OC if i wanted an interim solution until the 4870X2 hits???
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RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 20, 2008 21:42
If you have a Crossfire capable board (either Intel or AMD) then I' d recommend going for it. For its price/performance, Crossfire seems to really be worth it this time around. Example of it' s impressive scaling: As you can see, it' s around 90% performance increase with a second card. As it stands now, two 4850' s go toe to toe with the GTX 280, while being $200 cheaper. The 4870 should perform a further 20-30% more. If you don' t have a Crossfire capable board, just wait for the 4870X2. It' s apparantly not just crossfire on a board either. A better interconnect and perhaps unified memory will probably be a couple of features that increase performance even more than standard crossfire. I have little doubt that it' ll beat the GTX 280. So far, SLI seems to be getting left in the dust when it comes to scalability.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 21, 2008 12:38
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 25, 2008 11:54
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RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 26, 2008 00:20
The 4870 is looking really good at the moment. GDDR5 gives a nice performance increase. Faster than the GTX 260 and about 10-20% slower than the GTX 280. It may also be limited by only have 512MB of GDDR5 vs 1GB of GDDR3 in the GTX 280. Not bad for a card that' s about half the price. Overall I' m far more impressed with what ATI has brought to the table than what Nvidia has this time around. I' ve worked out that over the past every purchase of mine goes Nvidia -> ATI -> Nvida -> ATI -> etc. So I guess it was due this time around. Interesting architecture overview here. It shows all of the changes and reasons ATI can pack so much into 260mm^2. http://www.rage3d.com/reviews/video/atirv770/architecture/
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jun 26, 2008 07:11
In a few games the HD 4870 actually beats the GTX 280. http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3341 I read a few reviews last night, Anandtech impresses again. I think the reviews are written by engineers. I always learn something by reading their stuff. They even have a few 4870 crossfire benches. The Rage3d made a great one too. I' m pretty sure I' ll be picking up two HD 4870s 1GB and I' ll overclock. They kill the GTX 280 for about the same money. The GTX 260 is useless at that price range. The HD 4870 beats it in most cases and is 100$ less. Majik to answer your original question of the best graphic solution. If you want two cards two GTX 280s are usually stronger than two HD 4870s. Three GTX 280s are even better, although I wouldn' t get three if I were you. For people with limited budgets the HD 4870 rapes the GTX 280 in price/performance. ATI will steal the performance crown from Nvidia with the HD 4870X2 in a few months.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 25 Jun 08 23:12:23 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Upcoming Graphics Cards
Jul 03, 2008 14:44
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