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UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
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UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 00:47
Less than a year after it' s March 23rd launch in the United Kingdom and the PlayStation 3 has hit the million units sold mark, according to UK market research company Chart-Track. Despite a somewhat rocky start, Sony' s initially luxury-priced console has managed to reach said milestone even faster than it' s predecessor, the PlayStation 2. Not only has it outperformed it' s older brother, but the PS3 has also been completely kicking the ass of Microsoft' s Xbox 360 as well. " ChartTrack has also revealed that the Sony console has been outselling 360 for the last month. " It has been outselling 360 for the last four weeks, but they were neck and neck over the Christmas period, weeks 49-52," said ChartTrack director Dorian Bloch." KOTAKU Besides the folks on Kikizo, out of curiosity, how many of you know someone who owns a PS3? I can' t think of any I know, and yet every time I go into a game shop, one or two people walk out with PS3s.
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 00:54
OMG, PS3 outsells 360 for a single month!!! PS3 wins console war!
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 00:58
As far as I can tell from the numbers, the 360 seems to only really be selling well in North America. Japan loves their Nintendo, and it seems as though Europe has adopted the PS3 as their console of choice. Pretty interesting if your think about it.
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:02
I know a lot of people who have PS3' s... none of them bought recently.
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:07
The fact that it is considered news when sony outsells the 360 itself shows how disappointing the ps3 has been .. Ofcourse sony is going to get increased sales , its getting decent games now . I am sure every forum will now have some retarted fanboy saying ' so it begins' or something along those lines . I am eagerly waiting for GDC , i expect some awesome announcements ,especially from MS .
Vx Chemical
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:08
i know one person with a ps3 besides myself ofcourse. and i know 5 with xboxes. All my friends have been hardcore PC gamers, so the 360 is what was most likely for us to get.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:10
I know a few with ps3' s 4 of them since the 40gb was introduced, one of them exchanged his 360 for ps3. Also everyone i know with both ps3 and 360 bought dmc4 on ps3 ^_^ even though it was £10 more
Chee Saw
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:12
I know two people with all three (not including myself), three with the Wii only (all girls), and one with the 360 only (also a girl).
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:13
ORIGINAL: uumai Also everyone i know with both ps3 and 360 bought dmc4 on ps3 ^_^ even though it was £10 more Why? So they could spend a half an hour installing it to have 2 second faster loading times?
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:16
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: uumai Also everyone i know with both ps3 and 360 bought dmc4 on ps3 ^_^ even though it was £10 more Why? So they could spend a half an hour installing it to have 2 second faster loading times?  ..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:29
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: uumai Also everyone i know with both ps3 and 360 bought dmc4 on ps3 ^_^ even though it was £10 more Why? So they could spend a half an hour installing it to have 2 second faster loading times? Because the 360 pad is sh.it for anything other than shooters and driving games. EDIT: Anyway... the fact that it outsold 360 means nothing... it' s the fact that it' s outsold PS2 with the timelines aligned that' s more interesting Wii took 38 weeks to hit 1M sold. PS3 took 44 weeks to hit 1M sold. PS2 took 50 weeks to hit 1M sold Xbox 360 took 60 weeks to hit 1M sold.
< Message edited by nitro -- 13 Feb 08 17:38:07 >
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:39
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: uumai Also everyone i know with both ps3 and 360 bought dmc4 on ps3 ^_^ even though it was £10 more Why? So they could spend a half an hour installing it to have 2 second faster loading times? Because the 360 pad is sh.it for anything other than shooters and driving games. EDIT: Anyway... the fact that it outsold 360 means nothing... it' s the fact that it' s outsold PS2 with the timelines aligned that' s more interesting That is interesting . Just shows that ps2 gained momentum later on . Glad to see the 360 and ps3 duking it out . This gen is going great except for the Wii selling so much . Yes , i know i have been bitching about the gimp a little too much but all i can say is DAMN !!!
Vx Chemical
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:40
Its amusing though, that a previous PS flagship sold more on the 360 than on the PS3
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:41
ORIGINAL: Nitro Wii took 38 weeks to hit 1M sold. PS3 took 44 weeks to hit 1M sold. PS2 took 50 weeks to hit 1M sold Xbox 360 took 60 weeks to hit 1M sold. What about the original Xbox ? Shouldnt that give us a good idea how how good the Xbox brand is doing ?
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RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:52
ORIGINAL: Nitro Because the 360 pad is sh.it for anything other than shooters and driving games. I disagree... I think the 360 controller is one of the best I' ve ever used. By far the most comfortable. I really hate Sony' s controllers. Playing games on my PS2 annoys the shit out of me just because of the controller. Feels like a cheap plastic toy made for people with awkward small hands.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 01:53
ORIGINAL: 2pac What about the original Xbox ? Shouldnt that give us a good idea how how good the Xbox brand is doing ? Dunno. I' d guess that it was longer than 60 weeks though. Gamecube raped Xbox here initially... then kinda died a slow death. 360 suffered stock shortages for about 3 months after launch. PS2 suffered stock shortages for over 6 months after launch. PS3 has never been out of stock. Wii has only just become available again after being out of stock for the second time - the first for about 3 months and the second for about 5 months. It' s still not back in stock nationwide but it should be by mid-March. 360 is doing fine. Microsoft need to detail their 08/09 gameplan, announce some new games and keep selling at the rate they' re selling at. They won' t catch Nintendo unless Wii plateau' s this year (which is possible but less likely than ever) and PS3 still needs another price reduction. The most worrying thing is the underwhelming PS3 software sales. Lifetime sales should be good in general, but when exclusive games on 360 are pre-selling 1M... and third party games are moving 3 - 4 x as many copies on 360 as the PS3 versions...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 02:00
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: Nitro Because the 360 pad is sh.it for anything other than shooters and driving games. I disagree... I think the 360 controller is one of the best I' ve ever used. By far the most comfortable. I really hate Sony' s controllers. Playing games on my PS2 annoys the shit out of me just because of the controller. Feels like a cheap plastic toy made for people with awkward small hands. Well i am a midget so maybe that' s why Sony' s controllers feel plasticky. They feel cheap. Especially the SixAxis because it' s so light. The Dual Shock 3 is much better, but it still doesn' t feel as solid as a 360 controller. I prefer the 360 pad racing games... especially since most driving games now use the triggers for accelerate/reverse, and I prefer the 360 pad' s sticks for first and third person shooters because of the stick alignment and the triggers. I don' t like the bumper buttons, the d-pad or the face buttons though, and when it comes to games like DMC or Tekken... i couldn' t stand playing with a 360 pad. I prefer the PS3 pad for action games (like DMC), fighting games and platformers.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 02:13
This gen is going great except for the Wii selling so much . Yes , i I love reading shit like that.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 02:14
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 This gen is going great except for the Wii selling so much . Yes , i I love reading shit like that. And i like writing them ..
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: UK: PS3 Breaks 1 Mil Faster Than PS2 - Outsells 360
Feb 14, 2008 02:30
I have really large hands, and i have to disjoint my thumbs to play with Sony controllers. I thought the originals xboxs huge controller was great. Though the 360 pad is the best ive ever held. Though the wii controller that sucks ballz, i had to glue mine together, damn thing was broke when i got it
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