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Ginger Atrocity
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 02:48
Meh... I' m at 94%. Impressions in a bit.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 07:00
My Demo is currently installing, did you try it yet? (i' m DL' ing the PS3 version, though)
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 09:21
I have played through the demo and the game is alot better than I thought it would be! The atmosphere is decent, the graphics are just as good. The gameplay is ok, it feels a bit rough around the edges. The AI could be better. Overall though I enjoyed the demo alot. Aspects of the game remind me of Eternal Darkness which is definiely a good thing!
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 17:35
Not a big fps fan, but the atmosphere was nice, very well done. The game play though i wasn' t as fond of, but then i did suck at it, so maybe it hampered my opinion
Mass X
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RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 17:58
Rent it at the very least. The MP sucks like no other and is very tacked on. So once you beat it all thats left is to go back and find the many many collectibles. HOwever since it' s a good game its at least worth renting.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 21, 2007 19:30
I rented it 6 days ago, and still have it. I beat it on medium. I have to say it was enjoyable, even though it has its problems. The AI is the most noticeable problem, in that they are slow to react and don' t seem to path in the most appropriate patterns when under fire. However, the predictability of the AI helps out with the other problem the game has which is twitchy, sluggish and jerky controls. They may be fully adjustable through sensitivity, but you never get past the quirkiness. It definitely doesn' t have the speed and preciseness that you get with a game like Resistance or CoD, or the control you get with Gears. Overlooking that though, the dual trigger control is fun, the guns are brutal and sound good, and the executions are great. The darkness controls feel a bit tired towards the end, especially if you devour a lot of hearts, therefore leveling up all darkness powers faster. I never got to tired of the spike/arm, I mean, who can get tired of throwing people 50 feet in the air, or impaling a guy 10 feet away? The storyline is good, and I love how the load times all have their own dialogue and shortscene to try and make it go by easier. The darkness world feels a bit underdeveloped but luckily it is a more minor part. I also dislike how much you have to travel from point to point, it breaks up the action too much for me, but it also makes you appreciate all the big firefights that much more. Overall, I would give it a 7.5 out of 10. Mostly because the controls and AI hold back what would otherwise be a really enjoyable FPS.
Ginger Atrocity
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Darkness Demo on XBL
Jul 22, 2007 01:19
Eeek. I hate dot reticles for guns. It leads to strafe & shoot ugliness.[:' (] It' s not a bad game... it' s not especially fantastic... but I' ve played far worse.
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