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Super Smash Brothers Brawl
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 13, 2006 20:24
Melee was the reason that I bought a Gamecube in the first place. So not even God himself can stop me from getting Brawl! *Ducks with the thought of something really bad occuring*
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 13, 2006 21:07
Yet more information on the game. I have just recently read that Dr Mario will no longer be a full character but will instead be a different suit for mario. If this is infact revealed to be true than I would expect there to even be a nurse Peach. Pichu will be removed and set as an devolution of Pikachu, but he will be smaller and weaker just as he is in Melee. Also Raichu will be an evolved Pikachu but will be slower heavier but stronger than Pikachu. Pikachu will still have Ash' s hat. This is just speculation, but I think Snake' s box will be used as his shield thing- which were previously used with the shoulder buttons. Tom Nook is supposedly going to be added into the game as an extra character(sign swinging inevitable). Sonic will make an appearance and will have a final battle with mario where there will be a short ingame film where mario meets sonic and shortly after mario and sonic will fight. The entire battle will be seet in emerald hills, and will have an epic soundtrack for the final showdown between the two once and for all. That last one was a lie, I got it from gamespot, it would be the defining moment for games though.
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 14, 2006 10:05
ORIGINAL: mxpx182 As a second note, could someone explain to me why the hell I' d ever want to play this game??? I love Nintendo, but I can' t figure out what' s good about the smash brothers games? I' ve only played one for about half an hour, and it was entirely forgettable. Any insight would be great. If you weren' t fighting against friends, then that is the reason, like UnluckyOne said. The single player is not very fun at all, even in Melee, though it is improved. Multiplayer is the reason to play it, and not against just bots, as they don' t provide the same level of entertainment or skill that a real human player does. Masahiro Sakurai said that he wanted to make the single player mode more immersive, but wasn' t able to focus on it as much as he wanted to because of time constraints, etc. With the delay, this Smash Bros. will have more development time than any of the others, and Sakurai has said he' s going to use the time for a much better single player. *Edit* Also, even if the single player doesn' t end up well, this game will go ONLINE. A feature that will be the main selling point for many.
< Message edited by he -- 13 May 06 20:07:28 >
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 14, 2006 10:28
CJ, with a Hot Coffee super tech? ROFLCOPTER!  Like that would ever happen. This is Smash Brothers, not Def Jam. Smash Brothers is meant to be a multiplayer experience, ESPECIALLY when you can get a group of three others for a four player smash-fest. Egos, alliances made on the fly... heck, it' s like the best parts of Survivor in quick 2-7 minute spurts, mixed with classic and current gaming icons! Classic stuff to be sure. Sonic vs Mario. Many of us have envisioned that confrontation. Newgrounds has multiple parodies based on that one matchup, although I prefer the Newgrounds' Megaman vs. Samus/Arthur games more. Sonic and Mario were THE rival mascots of the 16 bit era. Someone get Sonic on board the Brawl ASAP! Online Smash... no more excuses about not having any friends. Won' t cut it anymore. Still, you should try to find local buddies to train with anyway. Better to trash talk in person, after all.
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 14, 2006 22:58
While I love having many, many people crowded around the screen and shouting into it as if they thought it would respond, I think it is still always nice to have at least one unlucky bot on the field every once in a while. When my brother is too cowardly to play, me and my dad usually go for a free-for-all with bots on as well- just to laugh at the damn things' stupidity. It' s so fun! On a side note, I do hope that the battle stages are as balanced(if not better) as the ones in Melee- and also VERY interactive! I prefer the original Smash Bros mostly for the more frantic feel it had with it' s smaller levels. I also hope that Nintendo see sense and bring back the clever character entrances just before the start of the scraps- Those were class! I think it would be neat if Brawl had some sort of flat Mario Party board for a level, in which players can trigger events by stepping on randomly flashing icons on the ground. I also believe that Paper Mario would make a great addition(seeing as the unsuited Samus is in the game)as well as Diddy Kong(paired with Dixie for the up + B move).
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
May 15, 2006 00:31
ORIGINAL: Marink I also hope that Nintendo see sense and bring back the clever character entrances just before the start of the scraps- Those were class! Those were awesome! I was incredibly dissapointed when they didn' t include that in Melee. Ness' s warp entrance was my favorite. If they include them, Wario needs to ride in on that Harley. I also believe that Paper Mario would make a great addition(seeing as the unsuited Samus is in the game)as well as Diddy Kong(paired with Dixie for the up + B move). Diddy they can get, but Dixie I don' t think Nintendo has the rights for. They got the rights for Donkey Kong (of course) and Diddy when Rare left for Microsoft, but Rare kept Dixie and all the other Kong' s. I' m not even sure if they' re going to be able to reference Donkey Kong Country or not. (Though this might come as a relief to some as it means the DK Rap will not be making a return.)
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jun 10, 2006 19:52
Bowser Jr is in the game, as well as Falco, cel-shaded Link, and Ridley(Metroid). Ice climbers and Game & Watch will not be returning. There will be no more clone characters, all characters will have their own unique move sets. HAL is aiming to include about 40 characters in the game.
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jun 10, 2006 19:59
Provide links please.
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jun 10, 2006 20:27
Oh yeah, I apologise. SSBB info I' m not sure how official this site is- hell, I wouldn' t be surprised if it' s all just a big rumour- but Baby Bowser and Ridley surely can' t be a bad thing(if it' s true that is).
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jun 12, 2006 14:45
This, I think, is an essential read for anyone wanting Smash updates. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=72642&page=1&pp=40 Apparently, though the English SmashBros site hasn' t seen many updates, the Japanese site has received some responses for emails sent in. This is supposed to be a translation of part of it. Not really official, I know, but if anyone knows another way to translate it, or wants to try themselves: http://www.smashbros.com/jp/toukou/ Have at it. Any way, some of this I find very interesting (and frightening), like " This time, we' d like to stress easiness over the small details of combat, so overall it might become somewhat easier." I hope they don' t take item-catching and the other abilities out! I still want some challenge when I play! Also, they' re apparantly rebuilding the characters to allow more freedom in aerial combat, which seems to be the focus now. Sakurai says that 1-2 non-Nintendo characters (besides Snake) are planned, and those characters have to have appeared on a Nintendo system before, which makes sense. In addition, " Sakurai will eventually reveal all the secret characters (most likely before the game' s release), and he will make Snake (and all other guest characters) into an unlockable character." So, Snake' s going to be an unlockable? That' s going to be the first one people go after. It' s really going to make him seem that much more awesome, since the player had to do that much more to get him. Also, when talking about Kirby' s copy ability, Sakurai says, " I guess I have no choice but to make a Snake copy, too. Should it be a bandana? Or perhaps a beard?" MULLET! There' s some other interesting stuff I didn' t mention here, just read the post.
< Message edited by he -- 12 Jun 06 6:45:54 >
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jun 22, 2006 04:38
Sakurai has updated the Smash Bros. site again, though sadly this update is just informing us that he will no longer be updating the site until the release of the game. It' s probably better for him to just focus on working on the game anyway. Additionally, why haven' t there been any responses to my previous post? Did you guys read the link? Had you already known about it? Input?
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Jul 31, 2006 17:51
Another bit of information, but this one isn' t nearly as monumental. Kojima is said to be developing the stage for Solid Snake in Brawl. link This might point to other things, though. Could Kojima also be developing weapons for Brawl from the Metal Gear series? Sakura has already said that he won' t give Snake any guns or knives (even though Smash Bros. has guns and swords already), but other weapons (Stinger or Nikita, perhaps) may be eligible.
Jessica Spencer
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Aug 07, 2006 20:46
 Super Smash Brothers Brawl is going to be great!!!
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 01, 2006 03:58
The Wiire is reporting that there is going to be new Brawl footage at Nintendo World this year ( link).
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 01, 2006 23:01
Bowser Jr is in the game, as well as Falco, cel-shaded Link, and Ridley(Metroid). Ice climbers and Game & Watch will not be returning. There will be no more clone characters, all characters will have their own unique move sets. HAL is aiming to include about 40 characters in the game. Not like i would miss game & watch and the ice climbers, but didnt they already say everyone thats been in a SS game would be in this one?
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 02, 2006 03:37
It looks great, I just can' t wait until they release it.
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 02, 2006 12:19
I wonder if they have anymore un specified charaters? There' s a rumor that Sonic made make it in...which actually makes a whole lot more sense than Snake being in it if you think about it...
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 02, 2006 12:28
I don' t want Sonic to be in Brawl... They' ll either under-speed him or... give him a weapon... Either way,they' ll make a lot of cust from his character and who he is.... Then they' ll make a gay classic " Mario vs. Sonic - The oldest rivals" special event... DON' T PUT SONIC IN SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL!!!!!!!!!!
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 02, 2006 13:23
If Raikov could be a different skin for Snake in Brawl... Would we get a couch-grab move o_0? If they could get the Harvest Moon guy/gal in there, I can imagine all the moves you can do with the different barnyard tools...
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RE: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Nov 02, 2006 22:58
sonics controlls would be too screwy. they would have to do somthing to make him useful, but they will probally make it even gayer by throwing tails in there and making him follow sonic around like in every other game
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