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Stuck on an Island
Nov 13, 2006 10:57
Ok, you have to assume that this island has electricity, but you are only allowed to bring one of each: Game Music CD DVD Book Electronic 5 Items to help with life/survival Here are my choices: Game Oblivion IV (I havn' t gotten Gears of War, yet) Music CD One-X - Three Days Grace DVD Yeah, its a series, but Band of Brothers and I' m good... Electronic Computer (mostly for internet) Book Probably, a Tom Clancy or Micheal Criton (sp?) book that I havn' t read 5 Items for survival 1. Duct Tape 2. Knife 3. Matches 4. First Aid Kit 5. A Tarp I think I could live a year with that. --Edit-- Forgot my book, lol And since we need that PC for the DVD and music, I' ll let you bring two electronics.
< Message edited by _Ninja_Protocol_ -- 15 Nov 06 19:09:23 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 13, 2006 11:32
Nice post, but I hope you meant the PC version of Oblivion as you wouldn' t have a 360, and I' m also assuming this Island has an active phone line if you have internet. Game: Huxley (I' d have it shipped to me when it comes out) Music CD: None, no cd player and my music is already on my computer DVD: Bad Santa or The big Lebowski(those movies cracks me up everytime) Book: The Hithicker' s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy (in five parts) Electronic: My computer including screen, keyboard/mouse,speakers etc. 5 Items to help with life/survival: 1. Towel (read my book choice to get it) 2. Duct tape (good call) 3. Swiss army knife 4. 8 person tent (why settle for a two person tent?) 5. Magnefying glass (matches would last a month) Assuming I had good weather a decent source of food, clean water and nice big leaves to use as toilet paper, this sounds like a better life then the one I live now. I would bring the magnefying glass to start fires this prevents me from facing the awkward moment when I run out of matches. The tent is self explanitory, I would bring a big one to store wood in order to keep it dry when it rains. A survival knife is prety much standard. The duct tape fixes everything, tents torn...duct tape, torn my leg on a rock...duct tape. As for the towel you need to read my book choice to understand.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 13 Nov 06 3:32:53 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 15, 2006 18:14
Game World or Warcraft Music CD Marilyn Manson: Holywood DVD Kill Bill 1+2 Electronic Computer, because without it, music, game and dvd wouldnt be very useful :P 5 Items for survival 1. Duct Tape 2. Knife 3. Lighter with loads of gas 4. Fishnet 5. Guinee Pig to taste if food is edible!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 15 Nov 06 10:14:52 >
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 15, 2006 22:15
Game: Probobly World of Warcraft since it' s a endless game. Music CD MUCC - Cover parade DVD Jenna Jameson unrated (Come on guys, I' m just saying what everyone is thinking.) Electronic Computer My toothbrush Cellphone (to get me the f**k out of the island) Long badass cable to hook me upp with internet somewhere across the ocean... Items for survivial Knife First Aid Kit Lighter Harpoon Flaregun
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- Joined: Mar 29, 2006
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RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 17, 2006 07:05
Game: Tetris (I want a game with guaranteed lasting replay value) Music CD: burn a mix of my favorites and take it with me DVD: Kung-Pow Electronic:Assuming I already have a video game console, tv, and CD/DVD player for the other items? I guess computer, there' s not much else. Toaster? No, I don' t have anything to toast. Ooh, maybe an electric stove/oven? Book: Finnegans Wake (if I' m gonna stay on an island and possibly go insane, I' m gonna do it in style) essentials to survive: 1. tarp (thick, large, etc.) 2. survival knife/axe/machete 3. flint 4. fishing gear 5. electric stove/oven (ooh, I fit that in anyway!) with manual and some replacement parts
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 18, 2006 06:27
I live on a Island with electricity, Are you tring to insult me Ninja Protocol??
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 20, 2006 12:23
I live on a Island with electricity, Are you tring to insult me Ninja Protocol?? Not at all, but if I was stranded there this is what I would bring...
< Message edited by _Ninja_Protocol_ -- 20 Nov 06 4:27:15 >
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 20, 2006 22:24
Game: Saint' s Row CD: She Wants Revenge DVD: Requiem for a Dream Book: The Bible (Not) Electronic: x-box 360 5 Items: 1) Blanket 2) Pillow 3) Lighter 4) Flashlight 5) Tent
Terry Bogard
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RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 21, 2006 00:25
Game: Capcom Classics Collection Remixed for the PSP (there are 20 games in that one collection) Music CD: Burn as many video game and anime MP3s as I can to a disc in data mode. DVD: The Transformers The Movie 20th anniversary edition  (or burn as many movies and TV shows as I can to a blank Dual Layer DVD at low-decent quality Book: " Separate Lives" Electronic: Sony PSP and Mac/PC.. 5 Items for Survival: 1. Microwave Oven 2. Refrigerator 3. frozen pizza and/or frozen burritos 4. water 5. Searchlight (similar to the one used for Batman' s Bat signal)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 20 Nov 06 16:28:08 >
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Stuck on an Island
Nov 22, 2006 08:28
5 Items for Survival: 1. Microwave Oven 2. Refrigerator 3. frozen pizza and/or frozen burritos 4. water 5. Searchlight (similar to the one used for Batman' s Bat signal) That doesn' t really sound like surviving to me...that sounds more like living...without a car.
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