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Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 04:10
Well, I just got the game and played the first single player level. I must say it feels good to be back in Sam Fisher' s shoes... although they have a different fit. What I mean by that is the control scheme has been overhauled along with the HUD. It feels really wierd at the moment and almost like I' m playing a completely different game. The graphics look different too. It' s hard to describe... it' s just different. After that first level the XBL multiplayer started to call me. I couldn' t wait any longer so I signed into LIVE and played some games with some clan members of mine, Yosh being one of them. Well hot damn, the hype was right! It' s crazy! I had my worries about balance and playability but after a few rounds I was just amazed. Only thing I didn' t like was when Yosh snapped my neck three times in a row. It was the second round I ever played, go easy on me man! Overall, I like it but I still have to get used to this new setup. The full review should be on the site in a few days.
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- Joined: Mar 23, 2004
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 10:51
I' ll add you to my Friends list on Live, i' ll probabley pick the game up today with the live subscription bundle, works out cheaper that way...anyway I' ve heard good things about it from my Fellow Xbox Live buddies in the State, so hopefully i' ll game with them tonight, maybe see you on..
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 12:44
Yeah, I' ll play a few games with you. That' d be cool I' ll probably be on with my clan so just send me an invite and I' ll pop over to your game.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 14:51
I' m getting this game tonight, although I don' t have (and don' t want) XBL. SC was my favorite game of 2002, and I greatly preferred it to MGS 2. The level of realism and the revolutionary nature of light vs. shadow in that game was unparalleled, and PT has been my most-anticipated Xbox game ever since.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 15:44
This game is much darker than the first so far. Especially in multiplayer. Levels are nearly dead black with maybe a neon sign or glowing button to make an erie glow. It' s a pain for mercs to see anything. I' d say the single player just doesn' t feel as revolutionary as the first, which is expected. It seems ike just more of a good thing. On the contrary, the multiplayer is just amazing and something completely new. I can' t wait to get some more play time in with it.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Atlanta, GA
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 16:17
I' ve only played a few minutes on the single player. But, I do enjoy the online stuff. Being a spy is very tryicky, but, Yoshi is getting the hang of it (hence, snapped neck multiple times).
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 17:28
I' ve been hearing nothing but great things about this game (as expected). At first I didn' t know how the multi-player would turn out but from the sounds of things it' s great. The game has a 95.5% average from GameRankings... that' s amazing. If you guys wanted me to play online with you I would... but I don' t own the game... or Live.  I want to get Live but since there' s a yearly fee I' m not getting it until I have atleast a few online games to play. Right now I only have Moto GP 2 and Mech Assault.
< Message edited by CapnCrunch311 -- 3/26/2004 5:28:47 PM >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 20:08
Crunch, the game comes with a two month free trial for xbox LIVE. You can cancel your subscription if you don' t want to pay for it after the two months. It' s one heck of a deal. SC' s multiplayer alone is worth it.
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 20:41
Two months free? That' s cool. There' s no way I' d cancel my subscription though, I' ve played on Live before and I think it' s great. I just don' t want to get it right away because I don' t want to go lots of time without having any online games to play, like I said, I only have two.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 22:04
Just get SC. Do you already have the comunicator? If not the new LIVE bundle comes with a couple free games I think.
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 26, 2004 23:09
I don' t have any of that stuff. I think the Live bundle only comes with demos. Didn' t it use to come with Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Tetris Online Edition? If it does I might have to look into that... not that they' re great games, it would just be nice to have something else to play.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 27, 2004 01:21
http://ebgames.com/ebx/product/238694.asp Well, you get Mech Assault with the current bundle. You could just trade it in towards another game. When I first got Live I only had UC and ESPN Football. It sucked at first not having any of the games my clan was currently playing(some old school GW guys that welcomed me into the clan as soon as I got Live). It wasn' t until two weeks after I got Live that I got CS. Luckily there are all sorts of people playing all the games. There are still tons of people playing UC, MA, ESPN, and all the others. You' ll most likely only focus on one game for a long period of time. CS was my clans addiction for 3 months. We' d throw in some R63 every now and then but CS was the big thing. Now SC: PT has taken over. You really don' t need to worry about having a lot of Live games, you' ll probably just become addicted to one.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 27, 2004 01:36
Yeah, from the MP standpoint SP: PT is pretty tough, especially as a spy. You' re very limited in your attacks and you have to rely on superior speed and maneuverability to escape most of the times.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 27, 2004 03:13
Very true Yosh. have you noticed how quickly a spy can disappear when you are a merc. It' s crazy! I' ve had people make a dash into a room and I get in it a split second later and bam, they' re gone. Spies really have a good ability to hide but as you said, their attacks are very limited.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 27, 2004 04:39
Just to clarify, there is the possibility of a free two-month subscription to XBL, a free 12-month subscription, and even a free entertainment center. Obviously, the latter two are more rare, but it' s still possible that they could be in your copy...
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow... wow!
Mar 27, 2004 04:50
Of course the free two month offer is pretty much standard these days in most Live games. I' ve got enough of those to almost have a free year by now.
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