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Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
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Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 16:07
If I knew they were breeding like germs underneath the rim of a toilet, I would have used the toilet duck a long time ago.. http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=ps3&message.id=358886&view=by_date_ascending&page=1 This forum compares the difference between 05 PS3' s and 06 PS3' s, and the differences are huge (pun intended). If you read the forum provided by the above link, you will see. It' s not just that though, it' s the fanboys in the forum, they are now an international sect, a new Hitler race. Do they not see that the 05 version is better looking and has better components??? No!! One guy goes as far to say: " I prefer the new PS3, but I don' t like the fact that it' s bigger..." What????!!!   , I think it' s time for another Blitzkrieg, your thoughts please on the way PS3 supporters have received news of their console...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 16:27
Actually. when reading it, i found that the majority were kinda negative about the size and the missing features!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 16:55
I glanced at it for a few minutes and while there were a few wildcards most of the posts seemed to be pretty level headed. Of course Sony fanboys seem to be a little more extremist at times but I could probably post a link to some Nintendo or Xbox forum and see pretty much the same amount of fanboyism to each respective console. Who cares anyway? If the ignorant want to go around and live in a fantasy world then so be it. Not my problem. Reality can be a scary thing for some people.
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RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 16:57
those pics are great and the difference is huge - Vx is right though - those guys aren' t fanboys at all.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 17:08
for some reson i think the 2005 one is bigger but they look the same size I have just taken a few personal favourites of mine... Any 1 wanna offer this guy a telescope? Is it just me or do you think it' s possible that the smaller version was just a mock up case to put on display, then when they tried to fit everything in there they realized they had to make the case bigger. I personally think the 05 version is better looking and it has so many extra connections in the back, not saying you need them but they' d be nice and I think we all agree that we like our electronics sleek and smaller, the 06 version looks quite a bit larger and not quite as sleek. Otherwise good comparison with all the pics, Thanks. Do these guys even read news articles? It has been confirmed that they were empty, yet he is still speculating? Although he does give an honest opinion. The new boxes are mock-ups, too. There isn' t a functional PS3 box with the guts inside of it yet. Everything at E3 has been running on the latest dev kits. This one has blind hope... Any 1 told him E3 actually took place this year? i think the 06 is nicer, even with the vents C' mon now... So you mean the PS3 that was spinning in the PS3 case that had that look was just a virtual phooshop image? The only honest and level headed guy, I like the fact that on page 1 he called it ugly, and then the other guy tried to defend it by saying it was Photoshop. Lock up your wives and daughters people, the fanboy renaissance is about to begin!!!! Just a few of my fav quotes.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 18:44
They don' t sound too fanboyish compared to some boards iv' e visited. And I kinda liked the older version i' m not a fan of the whole vent like look, but maybe it' s to pass as much air in and out as possible.
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RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 18:55
Who cares about what the fanboys thinks, especially in another forum? Btw, I don' t think the new version looks much worse than the old. The vents are cool because they make the PS3 look less sterile and the size isn' t that terrible since they made it fatter and not longer or something. I don' t like many of the changes they made on the PS3 *cough* controller *cough* but the looks are OK imo.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 May 06 10:59:25 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 19, 2006 23:02
I think like a lot of things people might get use to the controller when I say that I mean the recycling of it and probably forget but I wonder what it will feel like to subconsciously expect the rumble to kick in and it doesn' t.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 20, 2006 01:28
Most of them are pretty okay. Standard folks defending their system; though quite a number are idiots. They' re just in self-denial anyway.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Sony fanboys? Or just lemmings??
May 20, 2006 06:01
I still didn' t see any fanboys in those quotes :)
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