If I knew they were breeding like germs underneath the rim of a toilet, I would
have used the toilet duck a long time ago..
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=ps3&message.id=358886&view=by_date_ascending&page=1 This forum compares the difference between 05 PS3' s and 06 PS3' s, and the
differences are
huge (pun intended). If you read the forum provided by
the above link, you will see.
It' s not just that though, it' s the
fanboys in the forum, they are now an
international sect, a new Hitler race. Do they not see that the 05 version is better
looking and has better components???
One guy goes as far to say:
" I prefer the new PS3, but I don' t like the fact that it' s bigger..." What????!!!

, I think it' s time for another Blitzkrieg, your thoughts please on the way
PS3 supporters have received news of their console...