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Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
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Agent Ghost
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Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 13:42
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 14:43
Sony is just a giant Copying Machine don' t mind them :P
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 16 Dec 06 6:45:13 >
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 16:20
Sort of pay back for the lost rumble i guess.
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- Joined: Jun 21, 2006
RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 17:12
Sony has a unique way of BS-ing their way into success. I' d have to applaud them for it. They talk all this crap about the PS3 ' starting the next generation for games' , and then not meeting up to their predictions. And then, they just kinda look around the other guys see what they have and think, ' hey we could do something kinda like that and make it original' (just like this new addition to the controller) And then, later on fix all their problems they dealt with or dealing with and still have the best success of all next-gen stuff. Don' t you find that intriguing? I do...
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 18:52
I like motion sensing, so this is good news. Wouldn' t want it to completely replace standard controllers though.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 20:55
If the 360 gets a motion sensing controller like the Wii-mote and Nintendo goes the Sega way and starts developing games for the 360, then we' ll have the optimal videogame experience.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 21:16
IMO the perfect scenario for gamers is if consoles are taken out of the equation entirely and every developer works on one platform PC. It would have a standard controller. With the money we spend on our PC and consoles we could just have one powerful computer that can handle all the games. The consoles themselves are nothing special, we buy them only to have the games we want. From a consumers point of view why spend thousands on consoles when you can spend the same amount in one place and make it better and have all the games at the same time. I' d love to see Mario, Snake and the Chief on the same platform, and why even pay more money for a static console if we already have a computer that can be upgraded as far or as little as you want? You might think the competition would die but the opposite would happen. My ideal situation is where every publisher/developer is fighting for the same marketshare. The marketshare would be much larger, (ie all gamers) so publishers would be able to afford larger budgets and make some kickass games not possible with the way things work now. With the situaltion now only Sony and Nintendo benefit instead of the consumers. at the same time the hardware components would get cheaper as the marketshare grows... Sony and Nintendo could make a fortune selling accessories and could even have branded videocards to ensure full compatibility with their games. I' m sick of consoles, I love the games but the hardware just pisses me off.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 16 Dec 06 13:19:36 >
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 21:41
I think the industry would shrink to nothing if only PC' s where available. People like consoles. I' m one of them. PC' s are never the same and not everyone wants to tweak options, install software, update stuff, spend money on upgrades and that sort of thing.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 22:27
It' s not as hard as it looks, once you learn how, it becomes fun. Maybe you' re right though since some people are allergic to computers. In the very least I would like to see one console that is designed jointly between MS Nintendo and Sony or whoever. One console to rule them all. It would support the different controllers and all the games. You would have all of the benefits of my original idea in my previous post except here you actually have to buy a console. How can you argue with this? You would have a better console performance wise for about what a 360 costs lets say and you have all the games.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 23:05
People aren' t allergic to computers; they' re just alergic to buying a video card for the price of the 360.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 23:16
Patents can take years and years to come to fruitation so while i' m sure the idea is that they have this possibility for PS3 i can' t see it happening any time soon. I also can' t see Microsoft getting involved, they' ll probably try to come up with something different instead.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 23:19
Yes, that' s something I loathe about PC gaming. Things move so fast that you have to keep upgrading just to play the latest games. At least once you have consoles, you generally aren' t required to buy loads of new bits to continue playing later titles. This is why, for me consoles will always come before PC' s as a gaming platform. I simply don' t have the money to constantly update my computer just to play the latest game that requires monster specifications .
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 16, 2006 23:20
It' s not as hard as it looks, once you learn how, it becomes fun. I' ve learned some but I still hate it. I prefer the more simple consoles. The only bad thing with consoles is that they don' t keep up with the technology but I don' t really care that much about graphics. Also, PC' s that are good at gaming are often loud and big. Unless you spend lots of money on cooling and that stuff. I think it' s better to force developers to optimise their games based on the hardware instead of forcing consumers to optimise their PC' s based on the games. And if every developer from all three consoles manufacturers along with PC develoeprs would develop for the same format then the competition would be so big that many of them would have to close down. Multiple formats allow smaller devs and certain franchises to grow and be successful thanks to a specific userbase or competition. ' Videogames have become big and mainstream thanks to the simple nature of consoles. If we would go back to the point where we have to learn PC specs and how to tweak and install then gaming will slip back into something only geeks are interested in. If people don' t have time to learn controls in a videogame or have the time to wait on loading times then they certainly don' t have time to learn everything you have to learn in order to get a full PC experience. And that' s why Nintendo is doing so good right now.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 17, 2006 02:13
I also can' t see Microsoft getting involved, they' ll probably try to come up with something different instead. I dunno, they' ve expressed interest in working with or outright purchasing Nintendo. Wether or not that would be good is debatable though. Good: Nintendo would have unlimited budget. Bad: ginjirou would possibly commit suicide. 
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 18, 2006 07:32
I have no problem with sony having there own version. But what would seriously tick me off is if sony piggybacks Nintendos success with 3D motion sensing. IMO if motion sensing is the next big thing in gaming (which i believe it is) then Nintendo should be the premier console maker because of it, in other words Nintendo should be #1. sony should never be able to be #1 because of motion sensing pioneered on the Wii. If motion sensing does not decide the winner of the this generation then obviously it will not be such a big deal, but if it does, then Nintendo deserves #1 position until either microsoft or sony come up with something else capable of winning a console war.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 18, 2006 07:47
If this concept sees daylight early enough and Sony are smart then they could in effect kill Nintendo. As cool as 1st party Nintendo games are we' ve already seen that they can' t compete with the masses of 3rd party games that Sony [and Microsoft] has backing them. Even with more 3rd party support than they had with Gamecube. Nintendo would be seriously damaged as such a peripherial on PS3 would see a huge amount of developer support also. I also think Nintendo would rather go handheld only rather than the SEGA route. Continued success in the handheld market would keep them going.
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 18, 2006 08:17
Well i wouldn' t expect that we will see a version for the ps3 because its too late to include it, plus developers will not be too happy having to come to grips with motion sensing plus HD graphics - precisely why the Wii was deliberately lacking in the graphics department (that and price). If it comes for ps4 i think it would still be too late. Wii (if successful) will become the name in motion sensing gaming, relegating the playstation brand to history just as playstation relagated Nintendo brand to second place 2 generations ago (N64). You may think the playstation brand is bullet proof but history has shown brand names can lose there luster as quick as they become popular. BEsides look at all the mainstream attention the Wii has achieved in a short time. Southpark first, now you have Dr Phil endorsing it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfLnCyajUYE&eurl= Thats in the first few weeks in Wiis existence. That type of promotion is priceless in cultivating brand recognition, especially to Non gamers the Wii is targeting. There are too many problems surrounding the playstation name. On the other hand NIntendo Wii has enjoyed alot of positive responses so things are looking good for Nintendo. I don' t think i' m overly worried about the future of Wii, especially with the state sony is at the moment. Besides from what i heard this is still a patent Application. THe patent has not been officially granted regarding this technology. LOL this news shut up all that ' Wii is a gimmick' talk from all the sonyfanboys.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 18, 2006 08:35
If this concept sees daylight early enough and Sony are smart then they could in effect kill Nintendo. As cool as 1st party Nintendo games are we' ve already seen that they can' t compete with the masses of 3rd party games that Sony [and Microsoft] has backing them. Rubbish.. DS/Nintendo are owning everything ATM, and thats mainly due to Nintendos own games and making money off Hardware. Nintendo has Soo many 1st party ' Established' and new franchises that is/will sell in their millions, from Pokemon to Mario to Braintraining, Wario Ware, Zelda, Metroid, to Cooking Mama to Animal crossing ECT, ECT, and god knows how many other quirky, hit franchises they have up their sleeves.. Wii and DS especially are now getting massive exclusives IE: Dragons quest, FF.. Loads of Big devs have exclusive games in the works for Wii and DS right now. Even if this concept reaches PS3, it' ll only confuse consumers/followers, could even make things worse for PS3, new control schemes is a big risk and is more proven to work if people expect it from the begining (IE we all knew what Wii and DS was about). Nintnedo have nothing to worry about, especially with more and more Developers truning their heads towards the ownage of Nintendos DS, Wii natrually will follow. By Nintendos next console.. they should be owning.. So many new gamers are starting with Nintendo DS/Wii. Nitendo seem to be attracting these, building a new breed of userbase, Big Devs are already aware of this.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 18 Dec 06 0:36:37 >
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RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 18, 2006 22:53
Sony has a unique way of BS-ing their way into success Does sony have success these days? In the very least I would like to see one console that is designed jointly between MS Nintendo and Sony or whoever That would be pretty cool, but there would also be many flaws. I would hate to play zelda on an xbox controller and there would be no competition meaning no new consoles. If there was no competition then they would start to slack up on the games because they wouldnt have to worry about somone having a better game than them .... and just out of curiosity, how can sony have a patent on motion sensing controller when the wii has it too?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Sony applies for a motion-sensitive controller patent
Dec 19, 2006 12:32
That would be pretty cool, but there would also be many flaws. I would hate to play zelda on an xbox controller and there would be no competition meaning no new consoles. If there was no competition then they would start to slack up on the games because they wouldnt have to worry about somone having a better game than them .... and just out of curiosity, how can sony have a patent on motion sensing controller when the wii has it too? Well if I had my say in matters the console would support three different types of periferals (one sockets type) so Nintendo MS and Sony could have their own controllers supported on the console (all games would at least support the traditional controllers). Also the competition would be with PC, as well as with themselves. Whenever a new console is due, and they would want to release new ones every 5-10 years in order to sell more accessories and give a boost to the market they would have to make it good enough to compell people to buy a new console. As for the sony patent. You don' t make a patent on just an idea but the specifics on how to execute the idea as well. So I' m assuming the sony patent works differently then the Wiimote. Actually a few years from now when I have all three consoles I' m going to take them apart and rebuild them under one custom case , in order to have the effect of one uber console. I' m going to call it the 3.6.tii Station.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Dec 06 4:39:28 >
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