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Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 23, 2006 11:10
Just put Sonic (and even crash bandicoot) on the Next Super Smash Bros and i' ll be happy (hell chuck in every mascot - that would f**kin rock!).
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 23, 2006 11:39
At least Sonic Wildfire (for Wii) appears to be good; plays as the classics were, but more importantly it' s FUN! Hold out for that one, and hope that' ll more future Sonic games will be in that vein rather than the 360/PS3 ones... I' m still waiting for a next-gen Panzer Dragoon Saga ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s7.gif) If all that money that went into developing Shadow the Hedgehog [:' (] and the new Sonic [:' (] were poured into Smilebit, WE' D SEE IT BY NOW
Joe Redifer
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 23, 2006 12:09
I am not thinking of Crash Bandicoot (he sucked since his first game). Also at least they knew when to give up.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 23 Nov 06 4:10:27 >
Dead Saint
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 23, 2006 19:29
well according to oxm VF5 was all set for the 360 until right before E3 when it was made PS3 only[SEGA might regreat that now what with all the PS3 shortages] SEGA could do with getting rid of everyone at Sonic Team, cant remeber the last time they came out with something good? And i prey they NEVER make a Nights 2 because it will surely suck.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 24, 2006 00:57
And i prey they NEVER make a Nights 2 because it will surely suck. They should hold back Nights 2 untill Nintendos next Console, not only would the wiimote be established and perfected but Nintendos next console will be have the visual power.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 24, 2006 02:40
SEGA could do with getting rid of everyone at Sonic Team, cant remeber the last time they came out with something good? Maybe not get rid of everyone but switch things up a bit by moving members over to the various other teams within Sega. I think they just need better direction as there have been moments of greatness in their recent to previous gen offerings, it' s just that those moments are unfortunately much shorter than in their past classics.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 Nov 06 18:41:24 >
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 24, 2006 08:51
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Why are we talking about AM2? This thread is about how much Sonic Team sucks ass. And they do. They suck. I have more fun trying to hold in explosive diarrhea than I do playing any Sonic Team games from the past half-decade. Same goes with Sonic himself. He is retarded. Or as one of my fellow admins from Magic Box put it: If you have followed Sonic by playing Sonic 1 first.....Sonic is easily video games version of that pretty ex-girlfriend you all had and then left and watched as she hung out with the wrong crowds, became a crack whore, lost her looks, but still desperately tries to put on makeup to cover knifewounds, scars, and wrinkles. Now she just sucks the dicks of ugly men, in this case, naieve gamers who don' t know any better, and uses the money to buy more crack. So, so true! TBH, the only 3D Sonic title I bothered to 100% complete was the original Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. I didn' t bother to touch the other ones. The only Sonic title I purchased since was Mega Collection Plus for the Xbox. I must be one of the lucky ones... ORIGINAL: f3hunter When asked why PS3 only... " There is the fact that VF4 had already been released on the PS2, but another big reason is that the Lindbergh and PS3 GPUs are both from NVIDIA, so the technical barriers are low. Also, VF5 is tuned to the limits of the Lindbergh' s capabilities, so multiplatform development would have been difficult." So not wrong, AM2 are a small but dedicated team and porting VF5 would be alot harder and time consuming to do on a console with a totally different GPU than one with virtually the same.. ...but the GPU in the Lindbergh is, to the best of my knowledge, a bare-bones GeForce6800. It' s already two generations behind! It shouldn' t be THAT hard when the technology has already surpassed it. And if AM2 can port a game that uses an archaic Pentium 4 CPU to work with the Cell, they can do anything...
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RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 27, 2006 13:21
And because I' m bored and want to hate on PSU some more --- While I am the judge of no man' s opinion, as I have a few games I love that would raise eyebrows, speaking on just a technical level PSU should be a lot more than what it is. PSU, in contrast to the surrounding level of technology, was released already outdated. Even with factoring in the hardware PSU was originally designed for, the technical aspects of PSU is flat out lacking. The control system leaves a lot to be desired for. Using just the basic 8-way movement walking can (and is) a choir, made even worse the crippling camera. I don' t know about melee classes, but playing as a cast was horrid. You' re forced to strafe constantly if you want to have any hopes of hitting your target. Combined with how incredibly long it takes to cast a spell you' re stuck watching the game more than playing. And of course when enemies get to close you' re forced to flee with means losing complete sight of the enemy as the camera goes wonky on you. Futhermore, in comparison to other MMO' s on the market PSU just isn' t that advanced. PSO wasn' t so bad considered games like WoW/FF11 hadn' t hit mainstream with a incredibly rigid party system, but once you experience such a system it' s hard to go back. I wanted to be a healer in PSU more than anything else. Heck, I would have been happy with a hybrid class that was light on healing and big on damage. PSU offers none of this. There' s no room for healing as the game is built completely around doing damage. Besides, since you can' t consistently and accurately target someone you couldn' t heal them anyway. Now, I don' t think Sonic Team should have completely changed the PSU formula and flat out copied other games, but, considering the advances in MMO' s over the years I can' t help but to feel that Sonic Team should have strived to make PSU something more than what it is. Right now there' s nothing about PSU that Sonic Team can claim PSU does better than any other MMO out there. I can' t debate how much fun other people are having with the game but from a technical standpoint the game seems heavily flawed.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 27, 2006 15:56
I was thinking about this earlier today while I was playing Sonic the Hedgehog...I realized the game does kick-ass...the execution is just extremely poor...then I thought that since this game is a blinding sign of Sonic Team' s downfall they could redeem themselves. If they can release a patch for Sonic the Hedgehog that addresses a ton of issues not only will it show to what extent online distribuiton can help for console games...but gamers might just forgive them a little bit. PSU is understandable sucky...it is much easier to downport than upport...so essentially Sonic Team/Sega was just saving on money...which most companies would do...except the ones that value their customers :P Just kidding of course, still a Sega fan.
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- Location: South Floreda, USA
RE: Sonic Team: Holding Sega Back
Nov 29, 2006 05:56
A little OT, but getting back to the reason why I initially posted here, I' m almost done with my letter to Sega regarding Virtua Fighter 5 going multiplatform. When it' s done, I' ll post it up in my blog for you all to read.
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