This is a tad complicated...
Microsoft DO have a 12 month exclusivity deal for Pro Evolution 6 but only in Europe.
The Japanese and Americans aren' t being left out though. Konami can release Winning Eleven Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 (big name) on PS3 in the US and in Japan, just not in Europe.
The content will be the same, but if you want to play the game in Europe the only next gen version available will be 360. Or at least that' s what the situation will be if you go to a European store.
See, PS3 will be region free for games so a European PS3 owner could just import the US version of the game.

As for FIFA 07. YES Microsoft DO have the game " exclusive" for about 12 months but only because EA won' t be finished with the PS3 version until about this time next year. As IGN put it " Microsoft scored and exclusive by default" .
Original Article So Microsoft technically both did and didn' t lie. Both titles ARE exclusive for about 12 months but the US version and Japanese versions of Pro Evolution can still be released. So, PS3 owning Europeans can' t play FIFA 07, instead they' ll get FIFA 08 (as will 360) and if they want to play Pro Evolution they' ll have to import it.