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 So, How' s Vegas Two?
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Vx Chemical
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 23, 2008 16:32

though flawed in execution.

I disagree with this, it was just a design option. The game was more built up as a strategy game than an action game, the story was optional.
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 00:03

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated

The rest...

Frontlines: Fuel of War
Call of Duty 3
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
The Darkness
Unreal Tournament 3
Perfect Dark Zero
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Medal of Honor: Airborne
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific
BlackSite: Area 51
Conflict: Denied Ops
Call of Juarez
Quake 4
Hour of Victory
Soldier of Fortune: Payback
Resistance: Fall of Man

That' s an interesting point, but I don' t see how you can list those games in defense of FPS' s being multiplayer centric, when for the most part, those aren' t games with good single player or multiplayer. With bold titles being the exceptions, debatable by taste, they suck on all fronts. As a general rule, a piss-poor developer will turn out piss poor code, whichever mode they work with.

The FPS genre is littered with trash games. Always has been, always will be. There' s no denying that, and there' s no stopping it, but to say that first person shooters are multiplayer centric just doesn' t add up.

Using the 360 as an example, in 06 only 60% of all Xbox 360s (boxes, not gamers) had been signed on to Xbox Live, with even fewer opting to purchase Gold. The numbers are old, and I' m sure the Live attach rate has grown since then, but it would make sense that the general demographic still stands. A large minority of people not signed into Live, the majority with Live Silver, and a large minority with Live Gold. (Feel free to correct me if more recent numbers have been released. That' s speculation, and nothing more)

There are staple franchises like Halo, and more recently Call of Duty, that come across very strong in single player, but there are plenty of titles I could list that came across very strong in single player, and very weak in multiplayer. FEAR and Prey being the first two that come to mind. Those two certainly didn' t get critical acclaim for their online modes.

Vegas was the first R6 game that had a decent storyline.

I have to side with VX on this one. The original had a solid plot, though flawed in execution.

Yes and why do they suck? Because of piss poor multiplayer.

The single player in Perfect Dark is just as bad as the single player in Halo 3
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 00:10

Yes and why do they suck? Because of piss poor multiplayer.

I heard Frontlines: Fuel of War' s multiplayer was pretty decent??
Vx Chemical
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 00:23

The single player in Perfect Dark is just as bad as the single player in Halo 3

this makes me think that you played neither!

Ginger Atrocity
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 10:27

I heard Frontlines: Fuel of War' s multiplayer was pretty decent??

Frontlines is similar to an updated Battlefield Modern Combat. If you played the former, no use buying this one.

It' s not bad mind you, it just came out about 6 months too late. If it didn' t have halo 3 and CoD to compete with it most likely would have held up better.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 10:29

I disagree with this, it was just a design option. The game was more built up as a strategy game than an action game, the story was optional.

That' s what I mean. Though not the case, I know, It felt like they created missions, and managed to tie them together in a cohesive well-written plot.
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 24, 2008 23:42
Well the first two Rainbow games were pretty hardcore niche products anyway. It wasn' t until Raven Shield was released that the series found real success, and Raven Shield (and it' s expansions) was all about the multiplayer.

The stories in the Rainbow Six games are meh at best, and only Vegas managed to convey it properly. Vegas 2 looks really weak, ...but it might be worth picking up for the online modes
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 12:00

SURPRISE! It' s shit.

Enough said. This game sucks I just got the ps3 version ( Thank god I did not pay for this.) and let me make this clear do not buy this game. I hope it rocks on the 360 because the ps3 version is worst than the first vegas. How the hell can they release stuff like this. Don' t they have a process they have to go through before they release games like this. I mean come on somebody had to play this before it came out. What a waste of money.

Man talk about drooping the ball. Now I can send this back to gamefly for dark sector.

Vegas 2:WTF (Code Name The Let Down)
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 13:12

ORIGINAL: mikayd2

SURPRISE! It' s shit.

Enough said. This game sucks I just got the ps3 version ( Thank god I did not pay for this.) and let me make this clear do not buy this game. I hope it rocks on the 360 because the ps3 version is worst than the first vegas. How the hell can they release stuff like this. Don' t they have a process they have to go through before they release games like this. I mean come on somebody had to play this before it came out. What a waste of money.

Man talk about drooping the ball. Now I can send this back to gamefly for dark sector.

Vegas 2:WTF (Code Name The Let Down)

What is so bad about? Can you be a little more specific?
Vx Chemical
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 13:56

What is so bad about? Can you be a little more specific?

My thoughts exactly!
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 20:03

What is so bad about? Can you be a little more specific?

The Graphics are just terrible. The hit detection is all over the place. The frame rate seems to slow down when the fighting gets heavy. Also this game runs slow as hell.
The controls are jack up no there is no more sprint button. Also there seems to be a delay in the controls . I have to press the grenade button way ahead of time.

Vegas looks a little better but man the game play is shot to death.

I hope this helps Sorry for being so vague.

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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 21:57

The Graphics are just terrible. The hit detection is all over the place. The frame rate seems to slow down when the fighting gets heavy. Also this game runs slow as hell.
The controls are jack up no there is no more sprint button. Also there seems to be a delay in the controls . I have to press the grenade button way ahead of time.

Vegas looks a little better but man the game play is shot to death.

I hope this helps Sorry for being so vague.

graphics are more or less the same as Vegas 1, for some (including me) it' s disapointing

Hit detections are exactly like vegas 1, which is great.

Controls are the same as vegas 1 with some minor additions, this is still great.

What do you mean by " there is no sprint button" ? yes there is, it' s a new feature which makes the game feel fast.

Slowdowns are seldom while tearing issues are frquent.

i play the game on 360.

< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 26 Mar 08 13:58:24 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 26, 2008 22:14

Slowdowns are seldom

are bad in the ps3 version.
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 27, 2008 04:15

Slowdowns are seldom

You get them all the time on the ps3 version.

Is it hard to join a game on the 360 .

This game could have been great . Why do they release things in such a condition Is it a money thing or a time frame thing I just don' t get it.
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 27, 2008 04:40
I got it yesterday(360 of course) and I have to say that the single player is much better in this one than the first so far. I haven' t touched the multiplayer, but I can' t see it being worse than the first one. Teammates AI was done excellently. The only bad thing is it seems like they haven' t done much to the game, but why fix what isn' t broken. I highly recommend this game if you liked the first. So far, 9/10 for me.
Mass X
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 27, 2008 06:48

Is it hard to join a game on the 360 .


Hardly. Got quite the list when I search up my very specific match settings. Doesnt take long to choose a game and join in at all. Even the less played Attack and Destroy with no respawns is easy to jump into. Lag free and everything.

My problem is the easily campable respawn system. CoD4' s mobile spawn system was hard to camp the other team, possible, but hard. Which is why I play Rainbow with limited or no respawns in team based games. The few additions have sped up the gameplay and but its still very very tactical. It accents CoD4. Meaning it will be hard for me to grow tired of either one now.
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RE: So, How' s Vegas Two? - Mar 27, 2008 07:51

ORIGINAL: mikayd2

Slowdowns are seldom

You get them all the time on the ps3 version.

Is it hard to join a game on the 360 .

This game could have been great . Why do they release things in such a condition Is it a money thing or a time frame thing I just don' t get it.

My guess for this situation is that fixing those issues would have took a long time to do and they were going for a simultaneous multiplatform release and didn' t want to delay the other versions. I' m sure the developers wanted to fix it, but the publishers decided it was good enough to ship.
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