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Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 05:06
....also known as 戦国無åŒ2 (Sengoku Musou 2) in Japan, Koei' s Samurai Warriors 2, much like Dynasty Warriors, has the player mowing down hundreds of enemies in a feudal Japanese Setting... ...features include a maximum of 26 playable characters, character specific special moves and attacks, two player co-op and your own selectable class-specific bodyguards... ...SW2 looks like a pretty strong multi-format rival to 360' s exclusive Ninety Nine Nights (N3)... ...as well as boasting superior visuals, the Xbox 360 version will also support competitive battles between two players across Xbox Live... This game is still a work in progress but from the videos i viewed, it seems to make better use of 360' s hardware (in a general sense)... ...certainly the backgrounds, and environments have much more life and detail than what i saw from that N3 demo...... ...also there might not be as many foes on screen as N3, but SW2' s come across as having some modicum of AI and are pretty individualised... ...it' s combat engine looks to be just as good too, with the game coming across as being more focused on 3rd person adventuring..... 360 Gameplay clips Hands on write-up
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 05:37
Are these the kinda games you' re into then bish?.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 06:09
Doesn' t look much better than a the ps2 game, still along the same line, if not slightly better, than the ps3 game (bladestorm or something) Koei should really hire some people who know how to do visuals well, because as it is koei suck. Not to mention that their games are so samey, they need more variation between each iteration.... Japanese EA? lol, maybe not that bad.
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 06:58
I can' t stand the entire dynasty warriors series - it' s completely unplayable for me This looks just as " fun" as any entry in the mentioned above series.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 07:08
Yea it does look as crappy as bladestorm but that' s probably unfair cos i' m not really interested in that genre much.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 07:38
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Yea it does look as crappy as bladestorm but that' s probably unfair cos i' m not really interested in that genre much. I used to like DW when i first played the demo for 3 on the PS2, so I went and bought it, great fun. Then 4 and then 5 came out with little changes, certainly not enough for me to warrant another purchase. Played a friends Samurai Warriors for all off about 2 minutes before turning it off... There are better hack and slash titles. Berserk ps2 being my fave.
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 07:42
Doesn' t look much better than a the ps2 game ...yea... ...just like N3 really... Are these the kinda games you' re into then bish? ...nahh i can' t stand this type of game either, i was just posting the details for who ever might be into it..  ...
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 18:19
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 18:46
ORIGINAL: Bishonen Doesn' t look much better than a the ps2 game ...yea... ...just like N3 really... Permission to react sir!
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 12, 2006 23:18
...granted... ....x-box 1.5 would probably be more accurate...
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 04:10
Thanks Bish for changing your icon back to Balrog/Vega, it' s just not the same reading your posts with some green nasty looking thing.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 05:27
ORIGINAL: uumai Thanks Bish for changing your icon back to Balrog/Vega, it' s just not the same reading your posts with some green nasty looking thing. Yea it was weird....thought it was just me.
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 08:00
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- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 08:15
Bish, have you never played the original on PS2? I didn' t really find my very short play time with it to be much different from Dynasty Warriors and it never looked much different. Forgiving onimusha' s 8-way control to start with the games were great (though 4 was a break from the series that while good, wasn' t as good imo)
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 08:26
...nope.. ...never played the original.... .....but SW2 looks sort of ok-ish to me at the mo... ...it' s only a work in progress though...
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- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 08:31
Bish the best way to look at it is... Would you pay (whatever it is 360 games go for where you live) for a game that looks on par with an (e)xbox port of a ps2 game. Rather than a next gen game. Koei are going some way to back up people' s thoughts on Xbox 1.5 same with PS3, they are just lame these days...
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RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 13, 2006 22:14
Bish the best way to look at it is... Would you pay (whatever it is 360 games go for where you live) for a game that looks on par with an (e)xbox port of a ps2 game. Rather than a next gen game. Koei are going some way to back up people' s thoughts on Xbox 1.5 same with PS3, they are just lame these days... ...of course this game isn' t next-gen... ...i' m just saying that the finished product might turn out to be ok overall... ...regardless of graphic level... ...and no, i wouldn' t buy it brand new at full price, but might consider getting a pre owned copy if i was into this game enough.... ....this is a multi-format title by the way.. ...it' s also coming to PS2 and Ex-box...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 13 Aug 06 14:15:54 >
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Samurai Warriors 2 (360)
Aug 14, 2006 03:04
I knew about the ps2 version not about the exbox version though.. I don' t see the point in supporting exbox anymore.. A lot of publishers are wising up now.. it' s not worth it. I can' t wait for about a year after the ps3 launches and then all games are next gen, not made with ps2 versions in mind...
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