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Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to crush Square
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RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 19, 2007 13:14
Well the 360 really needs to get its marketing down in Japan. If people don' t know about something, how are they going to be able to buy it? Then agian, marketing isn' t one of MS' s strong points either. So, thier kind of SOL until they hire someone that knows what thier doing...
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 19, 2007 15:34
To say that the japanese market is irrelevant when fucking Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, and such sell almost 1million units in one month??? You have too look at it from his point of view. The Japanese market is irrelevant when his favorite console does poorly there. If or when it does well, then he will consider it relevant. 
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RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 19, 2007 17:51
At least Microsoft is ' trying' (emphasize on trying) to open up new markets. It' ll be interesting to see, for example, if India becomes a viable market. That 360 commercial for India really wasn' t so bad (until that Mr. Fantastic stretching part), but beyond that I' m not really sure what kind of marketing they' re doing over there. If Sony has any faults, it' s that they are too contented with their age-old success and personally, I think they' ve been kinda lazy and pretty boneheaded with their marketing strategies lately. It' s almost like they' re expecting success to come automatically without much effort =/
Mass X
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RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 01:09
Meh if they get the Japanese market it will be a very very nice benefit. However, with the Japanese developers expanding and leaning towards other territories its not entirely needed or required. There' s nothing to really lose in trying to gain it tho. Its such a random and strange market and one that is gonna be hell to break into seamlessly for a western company. To compete with not one but two major japanese companies on their home turf what else can you expect? Anyhow Im not much for JRPGs so I should' ve just passed up this thread, but owell. Gamings gaming. Forums are forums. Posting is posting... bananas are yellow. The sky is somtimes cloudy. mind wondering tends to lead to more wondering...
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 06:31
all japanese rpg´s suck this days, well, all but Shin Megami Tensei
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RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 07:43
Too bad the fanboy fags cant read an entire post. Yes, its irrelevant, when its not the size of the other 2 markets by a long shot.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 07:49
Too bad the fanboy fags cant read an entire post. Yes, its irrelevant, when its not the size of the other 2 markets by a long shot. Nobody said anything in their posts that would make them fanboys. They didn' t even mention a console name, so I don' t know where you got that from. Yes, it' s not as big as the other two markets, but its still important, and no matter what, selling consoles there helps. Sure you could win " overall console sales" w/o selling in Japan, but a console would have to do extremely well in North America and Europe in order to do so. Meanwhile, another console could have average sales in all three markets and do just as well.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 07:53
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Too bad the fanboy fags cant read an entire post. Yes, its irrelevant, when its not the size of the other 2 markets by a long shot. Then please explain to us why is MS investing so much money to penetrate such an irrelevant market, are they retarded??? or they just love to waste their money???
< Message edited by fernandino -- 19 Mar 07 23:53:59 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 08:00
Nobody said anything in their posts that would make them fanboys. They didn' t even mention a console name, so I don' t know where you got that from. He was refering to the fact that the ones he is calling fanboys are ps3 pro.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 08:03
Then please explain to us why is MS investing so much money to penetrate such an irrelevant market, are they retarded??? or they just love to waste their money??? Well, for one MS has the money to throw around. two, if the 360 were to suddenly boom in japan then they would have a shot at making money. Plus if Japan would ever get their heads out of the DS' ass, and the 360 doing well, then that would boost their chances for their next generation xbox
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 08:07
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Well, for one MS has the money to throw around. two, if the 360 were to suddenly boom in japan then they would have a shot at making money. Plus if Japan would ever get their heads out of the DS' ass, and the 360 doing well, then that would boost their chances for their next generation xbox Well, that would mean that the japanese market its not such an irrelevant market after all.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 08:09
Well, that would mean that the japanese market its not such an irrelevant market after all. IMO, i think its something that they could really go without, but it wouldnt exactly hurt to have
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RE: Sakaguchi on Microsoft' s rubbish Japanese marketing, CELL being weak and wanting to
Mar 20, 2007 20:04
I always imagined Sakaguchi as the guy I' d have living in my house who would pick up my three kids from school and treat them to ice-cream behind my back when I said they couldn' t. After reading this interview, I am sorely disappointed...
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