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Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
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Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:27
Because I have a new console after mine died, and I havent bothered with live since I got it.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:27
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 3 Sep 06 0:28:01 >
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:28
Because I have a new console after mine died, and I havent bothered with live since I got it. Ah! You planning on signing back up though?!
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:30
If he had that,he would be able to take recover like we others did.
Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:34
I didn' t send it to support, I walked into the store with my receipt, told them it didn' t work, and they gave me a new one. And yes I just made one.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:35
Why did you made a new one? You can recover any gamertag you dumbfuck.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:41
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Perhaps,the tearing make it unplayable for me :P Btw majik either you call me BMFE2 king -since im ranked top 200 in 1vs1 ladder. or N3 king. I beated tiz in the 1000 achivment I thought I would go easy on you  .. I decided to give my eyes a rest... Rest assured I got most other achievements before Quez on N3. Muhahahahahahaha!! We' ll race next time on Gears of War!!
Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:42
Because it fucks up my saves when I import a new account, and they work again when I delete the gamer profile, I thoiught it' d work if I made a new acct but it fucked up my saves with the new account too just now. On the HDD I can see the saved games but I cant load them in any game.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 3 Sep 06 0:46:15 >
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:56
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Because it fucks up my saves when I import a new account, and they work again when I delete the gamer profile, I thoiught it' d work if I made a new acct but it fucked up my saves with the new account too just now. On the HDD I can see the saved games but I cant load them in any game. Only the games you' ve saved on a certain gamertag will work. It' s dumb because you can' t import your saved games from one gamertag to another, they are gamertag specific..
Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 08:58
I didnt have a gamertag with my saved games
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 3 Sep 06 0:59:33 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 09:03
GUYS I CAN FINALLY HAVE HD ON MY LCDTV. A english friend ,HAD THE SAME TV. He said only to get a DVI-VGA adapter. And then change the channel to PC. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES Next time im going into the store and buy it for 10 dollar. Then HD with widescreen for me. OWNED PEOPLSS!
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 09:14
ORIGINAL: Evil Man I didnt have a gamertag with my saved games Did you not save those games under a specific profile name? Cos they' ll likely be unique to that profile name.. In order to have the save games work, you would need to register that profile name you used as an X-box live gamertag..
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 09:15
ORIGINAL: Tiz ORIGINAL: Evil Man I didnt have a gamertag with my saved games Did you not save those games under a specific profile name? Cos they' ll likely be unique to that profile name.. In order to have the save games work, you would need to register that profile name you used as an X-box live gamertag.. Actually I might be wrong but you may be able to save without a gamercard if you use a slot memory can you?.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 09:18
You' d still need a profile name though... That' s my experience anyway... Even when I had a core 360, I was saving games on the MC, but when I tried to load it on somebody elses 360 or under a different profile name it wouldn' t let me.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 09:21
ORIGINAL: Tiz You' d still need a profile name though... That' s my experience anyway... Even when I had a core 360, I was saving games on the MC, but when I tried to load it on somebody elses 360 or under a different profile name it wouldn' t let me. I didn' t have a profile on my original xbox though so I thought it probably worked similarly.
Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 10:20
I just started over with my new gamertag only save I had on there was like 8 hours worth of oblivion and 1 hour of enchanted arms anyway.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 3 Sep 06 2:20:57 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 10:21
ORIGINAL: Evil Man I just started over with my new gamertag only save I had on there was like 8 hours worth of oblivion and 1 hour of enchanted arms anyway. Ouch!
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 21:41
Well, that also happened with me and Oblivion... I had my primary save on the hardrive where I was level 45... When I sent it for repairs, they reformatted it, and the only save I have on my Memory card was at Level 31... How' s that for ouch? Not to mention all my DOA data.. I have had to get that back about 4 times now.. Crappy 360 consoles..[:' (]
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 22:22
Just had to say how funny saint row is...on my playlist iv' e got aiiiisha' s singles ' ' leave the ho' ' ...' ' bounce like my checks' ' ...and i' m trying to find ' ' don' t f**k me like you' r wife' ' ...oh and iv' e been having fun blowing stuf up with that rocket launcher thing.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 03, 2006 22:33
I don' t reall like those kind of games.. If my brother gets it, I' ll play it for about an hour, and then stop.. Have you tried the online yet Dasher?
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