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Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
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Agent Ghost
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Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 09:22
I was in my local video store trying to find a used copy of COD2 (my copy is now unusable) and to my surprise I found Saints Row just sitting there. Damn I almost forgot that it was out. Its pretty good but I find it way too easy, I can have the cops and a rival gang completely pissed off at me and still survive. I liked how in GTA you would get raped by the army if they ever showed up. Saints Row is a great rental but I wouldn' t buy it. Enchanted Arm is also out in NA...
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 31 Aug 06 1:23:04 >
Evil Man
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 12:13
I will probably pick up enchanted arms on friday...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 16:52
ORIGINAL: Evil Man I will probably pick up enchanted arms on friday... You think it' ll be good?!
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 16:55
So far the only review I have seen has given it a seven out of ten for being a typical JRPG... I really want to see the Raikoh Golem though, apparently he is really rare.. I' m not really a fan of turn-based, so my brother is probably going to pick this one up for himself. I' ll give it a try though..
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 16:56
Saints Row has been getting really good reviews.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 16:59
I' ve seen some movies with some totally gay party members - the guy with saxophone as a weapon and almost female voice...I hate those weird japanese characters...
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 17:02
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Saints Row has been getting really good reviews. That' s to be expected... It' s an exact GTA clone! If you were waiting for the next GTA this would help you along nicely. This game has been met with a lot of " Now you know the next GTA is going to look so much better than this" I won' t be picking up Saints Row.. The only game I will be picking up in the next week is Dead Rising...
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 17:03
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I' ve seen some movies with some totally gay party members - the guy with saxophone as a weapon and almost female voice...I hate those weird japanese characters... In the japanese version he sounds fine, but looks the gay part... I have no idea why they ramped up his gayness to a seismic value of 10 for the english version though...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 18:01
Errrrrr  well at least EA gets here on the 8th so not too long of a wait......still makes me angry...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 18:03
It' s not out in EU or atleast not in Sweden yet,and that' s a good thing since i doesnt have any money on me at the moment.
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 18:17
Saint Row looks tight, when it first showed up, I tried the demo...couple mins later... almost fell alseep@_@ wassup wit that, maybe its just me, I really don' t like how the game lets you create you' re own charactor(yeah I know it lets you be creative), but I' m into games that already has its own charactor creation, because of that it just ruine the fun out of me, I' ll pas and wait till GTA4. Hmm Enchanted Arms looks good but not that great, probably check it out later, right now I still beating the crap out of zombie in Dead Rising the game has great visual and gameplay, but with the 72hr period of the game, I' m trying to do as much side-mission and save as much survivors as fast as I can, might have to beat it more then 2-3 time to get a good rating.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 20:09
well at least its the first ' decent' gta clone as I have heard. I havent played it, hell, I have only played cod2,pgr3 + kameo on the 360, thats it. But anyway, This just makes everybodys expectations for gta4 go way up.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 20:16
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber But anyway, This just makes everybodys expectations for gta4 go way up. Good ....rockstars have had it too easy. I wanna see how gta4 will turn out now.
Mass X
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Aug 31, 2006 23:13
The only complaint I have about Saints Row is its online play is still a but buggy. But this game has so many little things that I havent read in the reviews. Such as if you wanna replay a mission at anytime, just take a ride to the theatre. Or if you' re pretty messed up call 911 on your cell phone and a medic will come to aid you, same with various other services. I also found a number spray painted on a wall and decided to call it, now I have a guy in a chicken suit on call whenever I need back up. I like how the game is separated into 4 stories which you coudl choose to do at the same time or one at a time or whatever and it tracks it nicly. Everything is very organized and easy to use. And there is so many options to customize your style and cars. The garage system is andled nicly as you dont have to worry about ever losing your fancy new ride once its been stored in a garage once. The framerate so far has only taken a hit when I was using the rocket launcher on a tanker truck near a gas station with many people around...yeah you do the math. Aside from thats amuch better then it was in the demo. And its cool if you leave the radio on in a car you can still hear it while outside the car only slightly muffled. There' s alot of stuff for GTA fans to love about this game but they really need to fix the online cause from what I was able to play it was really fun. However I do wish it stole just a few other things from GTA such as motorcycles and airplanes. The ragdoll physics in this game would make those vehicles very satisfying. Blood wouldve been a nice addition. Might as well go the distance if your gonna have an over the top action game. Put some gore in it.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 03:44
Saints Row is indeed brilliant, it even betters the mighty GTA is some aspects. The shooting mechanics in particular are far better than GTA and enemies actually react to bullets thanks to the ever reliable rag doll physics. I also like the fact that the main missions can be restarted instantly whenever you fail. The online play is fantastic fun too, but it does suffer from some awful lag from time to time. Enchanted Arms is looking great too!
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 03:54
Errrr i' m so jealous I have to wait so long for en arm and saints is sounding great.
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 05:19
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 05:36
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RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 05:39
Keep hoping that one day every company will start paying attention to Europe!!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Saints Row and Enchanted Arm is released
Sep 01, 2006 07:19
Maybe one day there will be a console maker from europe (mainly the uk) so we can have stuff first.....dreams. erm.. Cough*.. we got LocoRoco first... Japs imported it from us! ha! Hell was feelin chilly that day.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 31 Aug 06 23:19:42 >
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