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Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 20, 2005 15:12
3rd party is 3rd party Terry - it' s in every manual (use company' s hardware only) :) plus I' m not talking about all ps2 units dying the day after purchase - that system has benn known for it' s ...problems
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 20, 2005 17:17
You don' t launch a system to see if it works- that' s what you are saying-you launch it after you tested it in and out and made it perfect. And it' s not like they didn' t notice the noise in 360 - they just didn' t think it matters - cuz they have roots in PC market. What a load of biased rubbish. It sounds like you think you know more about X360 design than Microsoft does. How do you propose they reduce noise, heat and power consumption and still offer it for $299? They used/exhausted pretty much every feasible cooling solution I can think of. The X360 does work very well and in reality the amount of people having problems isn' t much higher than previous console launches. BUT it' s Sony and friends- Dreamcast had one model without flaws , same with N64 , GameCube.PS2 -13 versions and still not perfect. .... And that' s exactly what I was saying - Do something right the first time - that' s Nintendo for example.Only revisions of GBA could be considered some kind of repair but the truth is none of those versions were broken or flawed in the first place. You have to accept the fact that ALL consumer electronic products have flaws. There is no such thing as a perfect design. You' d have to be naiive to think that Nintendo products are perfect. My GameCube periodically thinks that my memory card is corrupt and wants me to format it. After I reset the console the problem is solved. Sometimes a couple of the controllers (not third party - usually port 2 and 3) aren' t recognized by the Gamecube so again, the system has to be restarted. Most of the problems I encounter seem to be OS related and not hardware - but it doesn' t change the fact that it still is a problem. It' s a fairly new (1 year old) system too. Do you rally believe that there will be a new version of 360? They didn' t even bother with X and they knew Japan hates it' s size. They probably won' t change the physical appearance/design any time soon. They have different hardware revisions as time goes on. The Xbox is currently up to v1.6. The PS2 and Gamecube also have different hardware revisions. The newer revisions usually have better parts (because prices go down over time) and updated firmware.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 20, 2005 20:39
I agree with UnluckyOne. No one does something right for the first time, especially if it' s a brand new thing/design like a console. My cousin has a Black Xbox, forgot what version, and I have a green one, it' s newer version and has a diff HDD. His has more problems than mine. The xbox 360 is running hot, but then apparently it cools down, just like any machine, just like cars, they heat up, then the fan comes on for a while and it runs " cool" for a while. Im sure MS knows/knew that some 360s would have problems with the cooling and things like that, but they probabily realised it when it was too late to go back and redesign the 360 case in order to fit a better cooling system. I' m sure, like UnluckyOne said, that later versions are gonna have better parts, better OS which maybe will optimise the system, making it run more efficiently, and they might even make a smaller AC adaptor, which I think is totally possible, or a third-party might make one. The noise problems, well, that' s a little harder to fix, but if I' m playing a game, I really don' t notice the noise at all, and I' ve had an Xbox for like 2 years now, I know what noise is (man that thing is loud, especially at night when im watching a movie on low volume) PS3 I think will have the same probs, cuz from the looks of it, it seems about the size of the 360, and if it' s true that they are in fact having a lot of problems with the cell processor overheating a lot, then it won' t be easy for them to fix it without sacrificing size. Anyhow, just put the console inside a pillow and problem fixed! BTW, have u guys seen the pics of the 360s they are selling in Korea??? they looks soo good, their cases are modded, they have designs, one of ' em has a soccer design and the " Ring of Light" with the logo on it has been replaced by a soccer ball (well, half of it, LoL). I' ll try to find the pics again and post them here.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 20, 2005 20:43
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 20, 2005 21:11
3rd party is 3rd party Terry - it' s in every manual (use company' s hardware only) :) plus I' m not talking about all ps2 units dying the day after purchase - that system has benn known for it' s ...problems You can' t use 1st party controllers if they all follow the same suck ass design that you' re trying to avoid  . That' s why I would NEVER invest in a separate Sony made controller. Sony' s d-pad design just sucks an absolutely insane amount of ass! For 2D-style games I' ve been using a third-party controller (Guilty Gear pad) for the PS2 without any problems whatsoever. Same goes for the Xbucket, used a third-party controller no problem. The Dreamcast on the other hand, Problem.. Also my GameCube died after leaving it running for 2 - 3 days straight. Meanwhile I' ve left my PS2 on for an entire week before with no problems whatsoever. I just seem to have better luck with the PS2 than a lot of other folks, and I have had worst luck than many others in regards to the Dreamcast and GameCube.
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 21, 2005 02:51
I have used a 3rd party (Mad Cats) light gun for the Dreamcast without any problems. The House of the Dead was really fun with that. So was Virtua Cop. For the Gamecube I first used a Joytech memory Card but it became corrupt every now and then. It happened to my friends as well so I really don' t recommend any Joytech products. When I got a Nintendo memory card, it worked perfectly. Anyway, Terry, you' re not supposed to leave a console on for 2-3 days straight. Why did you do that by the way? And why did you keep your PS2 running for a week?
Chee Saw
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 21, 2005 04:10
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 21, 2005 05:26
Killer I agree with UnluckyOne. No one does something right for the first time, especially if it' s a brand new thing/design like a console. My cousin has a Black Xbox, forgot what version, and I have a green one, it' s newer version and has a diff HDD. His has more problems than mine. That' s not what we' re talking about - Different HDD' s don' t cause problems in Xbox -if his HDD' s broken or has bad sectors - it could' ve been yours as well. Our little dispute is about " Why can' t their goal be fantastic system all over" instead of " ok let' s pump it with power and we' ll add the rest later" -That' s exaggerated a bit on purpose :) All those 360 issues are , like I said , small , but together they get a bit bigger and it just would' ve been nice to have them improved , but that' s not gonna happen so ... Anyway if games are good then MS wins and I have to deal with that :) What a load of biased rubbish. It sounds like you think you know more about X360 design than Microsoft does. How do you propose they reduce noise, heat and power consumption and still offer it for $299? Well that' s what I' m saying exactly - if you can' t handle that power at that price with that design then don' t force it. Console revisions are not what I' m talking about and to be honest we both know that Fan noise is not a design flaw - it' s made this way and they know it - all the overheating problems are , from what I' ve heard , just defects that MS is dealig with (and there aren' t that many). My point is - I want my electronic devices to be optimised (Design+power+cooling solution). I' m in a minority and I know that but I want a hardware that won' t (even in a slightest way) separate me from my work/entertainment experience (by noise or crappy controller or unstable OS etc.). I think Apple does that and Nintendo could be on the right path with Rev. MS is as far from that model as possible , but for some that' s a huge advantage and that' s cool with me . I wonder what PS3 will be like when it gets to stores.All that speculation over forums is pointles since PS3 exist only on gamers mouths for now. Anyhow, just put the console inside a pillow and problem fixed! HEHEHEHEHHE
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 21, 2005 06:04
I keep all my consoles running for a long time in a raw, think my GC run for a month straight out, while i was playing Twin Snakes, the drive was busted and it only registered cd' s half the time, so i just kept it running. Also do it when i play games in which i cant save whenever i want. My xbox 360 is running at home while in game in PDZ right now!
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