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Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 13, 2005 13:56
That' s funny cuz it' s you who started the " mom" thing - and that didn' t seem to original at the time , so unless your " comebacks" become more original you shouldn' t really talk about originality. Still even if my mom had an accident I wouldn' t bring it like that in my post - you' re just pathetic. Yeah sure post a picture maybe I' ll cry. It is pointles whether you point that you' re a developer or are becoming one -it doesn' t make you the oracle of the industry and that' s the point - Jerks who think that saying stuff like that will make them the ultimate wisdom holders. See If I was to become a Dev I' d never use a line like that for adding some " respect" - especially on forum where every fool claims shit like that. I may not be always right but I don' t need to say anything about my IQ or stuff - it' s something smart people don' t need to mention.But how could you know that right? After reading most of your posts I' d say your education needs a lot of work mister developer wannabe. Man you' re fool
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 13, 2005 17:58
STOP FIGHTING!!! YOU' RE TEARING THIS FAMILY APART!!  *Runs into room and slams door*
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 07:17
Gangsta, you' re just an asshole and that post proves it. I don' t even have to dispute what you said because it' s pretty much all right there proving your stupidity.
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 08:38
Jesus Christ! If you two doesn' t stop fighting I' ll make sure some smart ass hacker creates a virus and send it to destroy Kikizos servers!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 09:11
I' m done. He' s not worth my time.
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 09:56
That' s the spirit
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 10:03
Oddly enough, ginjirou just gave me an idea for a new video game(which, funnily enough, isn' t really hard).
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 10:06
Huh? I' m curious! What kind of game would that be?
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 13:35
Well... It all takes place in some kind of internet forum, with your typical forum members with typical forum names. Anywhoooo, they' re all just minding their own business when suddenly an evil threat post appears, posted by a user named The_EVIL_OnE!!, that says: " I pwn u ALL!!!!!!11111 AHAHAHAHAHHAHA! NO ONE WILL STOP ME! I AM SUPREME I WIL KILL U ALL" Obviously, said user is just a retarded newbie(don' t say a word) and thus doesn' t pose much of a threat. Two certain users, however, won' t take this kind of crap from anyone, so they accept the guy' s challenge and start flaming him. Then a couple of members get banned(the forum equivalent of dying) and the rest realise that that this newbie must be working for someone. Anywhooooo, the former two decide to hunt him down and flame him in order to get him banned(please... don' t ask). *SPOILER* They find out that there is someone among them planning on creating a virus and unleashing it on the fellow members to destroy them all, leaving him/her with all the power in the forum. Enough to control the whole of the web(and eventually, everything that runs by computers)!*SPOILER* Yeah sure, laugh it up. Just remember... I pwn u ALL!!!!!!11111 AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 14, 2005 14:18
Sorry guys for wasting space on some stupid shit (yeah that' s you Rampage but you knew that right?)
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2004
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 15, 2005 17:41
maby i can switch the mood back ontoppic.... i cant wait untill the revolution hits the streets, but (and its a big but) it really depends on if i can get a normal controller with it. i dont mind playing with the new " remote controll shaped" one, but really, how do i controll racing games with it ? even with games like mariokart i can' t imagine how nintendo implement the gameplay events. i guess its just a matter of waiting. i am unpatiently awayting website reviews about the console, and how games are controlled. becouse not every new thing is a improvement. but untill that time i keep myself occupied with what' s here now.... game on dudes and dudette' s
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 16, 2005 08:13
i cant wait untill the revolution hits the streets, but (and its a big but) it really depends on if i can get a normal controller with it. i dont mind playing with the new " remote controll shaped" one, but really, how do i controll racing games with it ? even with games like mariokart i can' t imagine how nintendo implement the gameplay events. i guess its just a matter of waiting. i am unpatiently awayting website reviews about the console, and how games are controlled. becouse not every new thing is a improvement. What do you mean by ' normal' controller? And perhaps you could move the controller side to side to steer the car/kart/whatever on racers? Let' s also not forget that extra analogue stick bit with the controller...
< Message edited by Marink -- 16 Dec 05 16:13:50 >
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 16, 2005 11:24
I think they' ll be some sort of ' holder' to place the remote and things inside to make a more traditional remote. I remember IGN did a mock up of what it might look like and made sense. As cool as games that just use the remote will be 3rd parties will need to be able to have ' normal' controls or won' t develop for it. Either that or we' ll get DS style watered down games with remote *advanced* controls (which actually make the game worse).
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 16, 2005 13:43
yeah it' s official - they are definitely creating a standard controller " shell" for the revolutionary one :) I read somwhere (IGN maybe I don' t rimember) that it' s very similiar to GameCube' s controller
Chee Saw
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 05:55
ORIGINAL: music_maniac1965 i dont mind playing with the new " remote controll shaped" one, but really, how do i controll racing games with it ? You must be kidding! Racers require the SIMPLEST controls! You could just use just the remote part for controlling a racing game. Push left, you go left. Push right, you go right. One button to accelerate, one button to brake. Just remember, you can hold the remote part like this, and it' s the same as an old Nintendo joypad: And much to Joe' s chagrine, the A button is still on the WRONG SIDE!! LOL
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 11:18
Which A-button is placed wrong? The small a-button or the big A-button?
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 13:11
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Which A-button is placed wrong? The small a-button or the big A-button? The small a button. See, since the beginning Nintendo decided to eschew the actual order of the alphabet and place the B button before the A button. I think most of us are ok with this, except for Joe. Joe doesn' t like people messing with his alphabetical order!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 13:49
hehe :) I think that no matter how hard it is to believe , those guys from Nintendo can pull some cool way of controlling every type of game with it. I' m shocked with Mario Karts DS - this game uses D-pad ,but controls are so precise - Wipeout Pure or Ridge Racer for PSP aren' t even close. I guess I believe Nintendo when they say they can make it work.Some call people fanboys for that - sux to be them. I don' t believe Sony with their Performance statements and " future" thing (- I' d love to be wrong about them) but it' s the system to get if you like cool games (MGS , FF , DQ and so much more) MS sort of dissapointed me with 360 (fan noise and size are the things that I really hate in my Xbox ) but if games are good I will get it just like the last one.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Dec 05 21:52:33 >
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 13:54
..... yeah, i hate the noise my xbox makes ..... aparantly 360 noise is much worse.... .... will PS3 be similar? ... will it have a ' powerbrick' also??
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RE: Revolution Specs and Price (99$!!)
Dec 17, 2005 19:19
Not sure why people complain about the fan noise. It' s not noisy at all imo. If you want to hear a noisy console listen to the Dreamcast for a while. That' s noise.
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