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Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
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Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Nov 11, 2005 11:28
If you look at this article (http://cube.ign.com/articles/665/665952p4.aspx) at IGN where Reggie Fils-Aime talks about Nintendos plans for the future and the industry in general, you' ll notice that one of the things he says hints that downloading retro games to the virtual console will probably be charged: " Virtual console is a direct pipeline to new, simplicity-seeking, blue ocean customers. And these are proven, high-quality game experiences that we an, of course, make available at a far more affordable price than current hits. " It' s not an official statement, but one would guess that this means there will be a fee. What do you think?
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Nov 11, 2005 12:21
of course you will be charged for games you download, it is already official i just forgot where i read that (many times) cus it was a long time ago....
Terry Bogard
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Nov 11, 2005 12:55
The fee was known back when the downloadable feature was announced. No surprises there, I certainly didn' t expect them to be free
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Nov 11, 2005 13:59
Yes,i was expecting fee for games made by companies other then NINTENDO,but themself? Thought it could be a good marketing way to self of the revolution...if it was free for all Nintendo games(obs i mean games nintendo made or published).
Vx Chemical
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Nov 11, 2005 14:08
I find it kinda silly to pay for games that i might have played on the NES, its really stupid, especially for people who still own the games. I dont know, unless its beneath 5£ per game, i think its too steep.
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 06:57
It' s for people who don' t own those games. The cost is said to be as low as 2$ for some - Jim Merrick said that.
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 07:16
i don' t see the service very useful if it' s not free... emulators are everywhere with good to very good qualitites so why bother ??
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 08:39
With retro-gaming being so popular, it only makes sense to make these games available - if even for a modest fee. I' m onboard with the whole concept...and will probably be first in line on launch day!!!
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 08:43
I' ll probably just end up emulating if there' s a fee. My SNES and N64 are over in the US as I lived there once upon a time...
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 10:13
Using emulators is illegal if you do not own the original game! Keep that in mind you damn thieves! Criminals, that' s what you are. They should put all of you in jail where you belong. Now I' m off to play some Nes and Snes emulators, and yes, I actually own the original games bwahahaha!
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 11:35
They might do a pay-per-game or unlimited dl for a flat fee type thing. Like napster charge 10 quid a month for unlimited dls or 79p a track. If they set up a good service for it, I' d say that was reasonable. Emulators are a faf imho!
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 12:01
ginjirou please shuuuuuuut sue me , there are people who already pay fortune in their games they won' t bother with " extra fees" just to play Golden axe while it is free on internet, those games are just for nostalgia and to remmember the old time, lot of people around the globe use emulators and those people are honest so don' t judge people by futile matters... i' m being realistic if you don' t like it , who cares anyway
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 14:20
I can get a emu and games for all nes-n64 games without problem,emus doesnt suck,the psx emu shown that for ex. Its just perfect. I dont wanna support emus but,...well you know what? i do,i love emus,im not gonna lie,i dont like going to the wardrobe and getting down my old machine and start it,its a nice retro feeling,but i rather play a game at my pc at my 19 tft and save whenever i want. However,i would never play a mario nes on a pc ofc :)
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 15, 2005 16:06
I' ll probably end up buying it for emulation purposes mainly. While emulating SNES, NES and earlier consoles is quite easy and has been perfected, N64 emulation leaves much to be desired - and when my 64 broke, I tried very hard to play the games I could no longer play. Sure the good emulators out there will emulate most games, but they are far from perfect. I' m quite happy to pay a few dollars for perfect emulation of old favorites.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 00:40
Id love a chance to play the Original Perfect Dark, which i never got around to, and even Mario games, since the only Mario games i have played other than Mario Kart is Mario 64 DS. I never had a nintendo back in the day, Cry!
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 08:07
Using emulators is illegal if you do not own the original game! Keep that in mind you damn thieves! Criminals, that' s what you are. They should put all of you in jail where you belong. Now I' m off to play some Nes and Snes emulators, and yes, I actually own the original games bwahahaha! You gotta receipt for all those games?
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 08:24
Quite a few people these days even download modern day games via emulators. I don' t mind playing retro emus, but modern ones are a whole different story. It' s not nice to download games that they still make money from  . There might even be Revolution emus where you use the mouse and keypad...
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 10:37
It is a service that I would be willing to pay for certainly. Even still, if I find a re-release of a classic game that I loved from NES (such as bubble bobble) I will still pick it up for $10 today. There is something different about playing a game on a console with a controller (and with the revolution controller, you have the built in original NES controller) than playing a game on an emulator on a computer.
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 13:45
Yeah but some people will never understand that difference ...sux to be them
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Revolution - Looks like virtual console games will be charged for
Dec 16, 2005 15:00
ORIGINAL: DaRoosh65 Using emulators is illegal if you do not own the original game! Keep that in mind you damn thieves! Criminals, that' s what you are. They should put all of you in jail where you belong. Now I' m off to play some Nes and Snes emulators, and yes, I actually own the original games bwahahaha! You gotta receipt for all those games? No, I stole the games but I still own them
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