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Rainbow Six Demo now Live
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Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 10:27
So what dyu guys think of the R6 demo that' s just come out?? I' m very impressed! The music, visuals, atmosphere, tactical mechanics are all pretty well done. Much better than GRAWs effort imo. Only thing was that in some places it' s possible to get the game down to about 5 fps (not exaggerating!), but lets hope thats a demo issue. So I might even get this for PC. (btw feel free to merge this with Agent Ghost' s topic below.  )
< Message edited by choupolo -- 24 Oct 06 2:29:26 >
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 11:47
I haven' t had any frame rate issues at all. I in fact no one I know has had any. I' m not sure why a handful of people are experiencing this problem.
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 15:55
Oh really? That' s very strange cos I' m definitely having them. It' s smooth for the most part, but in some sections theres a noticable drop, and when theres smoke grenades going off, gunfire and enemy AI all working, the game goes into slo-mo! I thought consoles were designed to be all equal?? [:' (]
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 16:28
so was this on a disc because it doesn' t show up on the market place for me.
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 16:31
and I have two identical tony hawk' s 8 demos I can download. wtf
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 16:33
Microsoft is giving more Love to Europe then Sony currently, we don' t get the Demo (at least not for now). LocoPuyo Major Nelson stated: NOT Available in: Canada, Mexico or the U.S.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 24 Oct 06 8:34:07 >
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 16:42
Dammit! Europe gets an awesome demo i' ve been waiting for for AGES and i can' t play it until Saturday morning when i get home. Sucks...
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 20:54
I called my store,either i can come and get the TV today,or they drive to my door on thursday and leave it. Gonna let them leave it. :) then i can dl this demo.
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 24, 2006 23:08
I d/l the demo... It' s a bit stiff... .... ... I' ll play it again..
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 00:41
The core game seems ur average affair, nothing new, but fairly enjoyable. Motion blurr is way over the top and the framerate is the usual 360 affair but hs horrible FPS dipps when abit of AI, smoke effect take place. (I give up on hope of having detailed, supersmooth 60fps FPS games on 360 anyway, it aint gonna happen.) Not bad, but nothing new either. demo gets 7/10 for me.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 00:43
(I give up on hope of having detailed, supersmooth 60fps FPS games on 360 anyway, it aint gonna happen.) in fear of being labeled fanboy, it aint happening on any next gen console, 60 fps will always come with sacrifice of detail, thats a no brainer!
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 00:47
I d/l the demo... It' s a bit stiff... .... ... I' ll play it again.. Thats sounds really dodgy
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 00:57
in fear of being labeled fanboy, it aint happening on any next gen console, 60 fps will always come with sacrifice of detail, thats a no brainer! I take every console as they come, ill wait till the Ps3' s second/third gerneration games before making judgement on that.. My current PC has passed that test with ease, Even the latest games Like the new fear, Battlefield, run flawlessly at 60fps and the difference between them and R6 is like night and day in the smoothness stakes. It seems ' Screenshots' sell games nowdays, devs usually want the game to look as detailed as possible sacrificing the smoothness and physics (which i feel is MUCH more important after the actual way of the game.. It would be good if devs went the Nintnedo or ' Sega arcade' approach, were the 60fps is the first and formost and details second. Actually it would be great if these 360 games let players have ' advanced' options so that the player can choose to turn off some of the graphics, like PC games..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Oct 06 16:58:10 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 01:03
I prefer detail instead of 60 FPS, though i do think its bad when a console is unsteady in its fps and especially if it goes below 30. Its hard to compare a PC with a console, since the console hardware is fixed, and its bound to improve further when the 2nd and 3rd generation games come out for both consoles. Screenshots does sell games, as does videos. A game sells well if it looks good, if it looks like crap and has 60fps, it wont sell! I dont think the PS3 will be any different than 360, in any terms of fPS
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 03:11
Its hard to compare a PC with a console, since the console hardware is fixed, and its bound to improve further when the 2nd and 3rd generation games come out for both consoles. The second gerneration 360 fps have come into play now, ALL aiming for 30fps, i cant see any progression on the 360 front TBH. But i can see with the PS3, especially if you look at games like resistance inwhich has 40 player online modes running constantly at 30fps, and the devs still are saying they are only ' Scratching the service of the cell' . We' ll see anyway. Screenshots does sell games, as does videos. A game sells well if it looks good, if it looks like crap and has 60fps, it wont sell! Thats the thing, it dosent have to look crap to run at 60fps, you just need good artwork / and skillful developers. Look at Dead Rising, Look at Wii Red steel and metroid, all rock steady 60fps and still look great and certainly will sell like hotcakes. I prefer detail instead of 60 FPS In the sad case most western gamers feel the same, Thats why we are getting more lazy developers.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Oct 06 19:11:57 >
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 03:14
Microsoft is giving more Love to Europe then Sony currently, we don' t get the Demo (at least not for now).
Yeah we can. -Set up a German Hotmail account -Enter a valid phone and address, this one should work. Postal Code: 54292 City: Trier Phone Number: 065112345 -Set up a new Live Silver Id on your 360 using your new German Hotmail account -Log on download the demo and enjoy.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 26 Oct 06 19:57:36 >
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 04:19
Actually it would be great if these 360 games let players have ' advanced' options so that the player can choose to turn off some of the graphics, like PC games.. what you just is said is CRAZY! there should always be a balance between framerate and details... for me 30 fps do it in all genres except racing games... i wouldn' t bother much with 30 but 60 really does show off in a game like wipeout.
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 04:29
CRAZY Why is it??? Yeah, i know unlike Pc' s, 360 are all the same spec, but the option to do this (if like me you much preffer the extra smoothness for online multi-player), would be welcome.. Then again the skill levels between Console and PC online FPS' s are totally different so it probably does not matter. Yeah, the better option for me is simply ignoring 360fps and play them on the plattform they were made for and work best on, PC.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Oct 06 20:34:13 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 04:35
Thats the thing, it dosent have to look crap to run at 60fps, you just need good artwork / and skillful developers. Look at Dead Rising, Look at Wii Red steel and metroid, all rock steady 60fps and still look great and certainly will sell like hotcakes. No matter how you twist it, you will have less effects and polygons if you go for 60fps. Thats fact The second gerneration 360 fps have come into play now, ALL aiming for 30fps, i cant see any progression on the 360 front TBH. But i can see with the PS3, especially if you look at games like resistance inwhich has 40 player online modes running constantly at 30fps, and the devs still are saying they are only ' Scratching the service of the cell' . We' ll see anyway. Come on? have you seen it running yet? Ofcourse they wont admit drops at this point, that would make Sony breathe down their necks. Up untill reviews of games everything is just propoganda, from both fronts. And Sony is the biggest of the propaganda mongers!
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RE: Rainbow Six Demo now Live
Oct 25, 2006 05:09
I' ve played it, and the framerate drops when clearing a room with alot of onscreen effects, but honestly, it didn' t detract from the gameplay for me. If anything, it gave me an advantage with reaction time.
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