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REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 24, 2005 15:52
I have some bad new everyone, according to EGM (www.1up.com) the movie sequel to Final Fantasy 7 is being delayed for us until " Holiday season" but Japan stil gets theirs. Also we are not going to get that cool ' Last Order' anime short that' s included in the expensive special package. I guess i will have to buy a import. What possible excuse could they give to us to give Japan theirs and not ours. THIS SUCKS http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3143124
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 12:58
You think you' ve got it bad? Well it hasn' t even been announced for over here (Europe) yet
< Message edited by Auron -- 28 Aug 05 20:59:27 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 13:33
that' s why there is something called ebay and importing
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RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 13:45
I been waiting/hoping for something like a movie/remake of FF7 for over 8 years(ofc the movie thing was just in my weird dream never thought it would happend though),i think i can hold out 1-2 months more.
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 14:48
that' s why there is something called ebay and importing For some inexplicable reason I' ve never thought of doing that, you' ve just made me feel a whole lot better
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 16:40
you know, it would be nice to watch but hell i wont have a clue whats happening, yes i pleayed the game, and completed it..twice [Take that FF7 fans!  ] but its been so long, i dont think i' ll ever remember without playing it again, and i dont like it when i start to remember stuff half way through a sequal.. oh well, but thats my fault.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 16:43
that is why they were including that cool anime short or something to give background on the story. I am waiting for someone to sub it then sel it hehe. While we wait for ours.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 17:12
or you could allways wait for those kind hackors to give you it through those Illegal downloading services. Or you could move to Japan. Hell lets all move to Japan, And we can all stay in some apartment with a sweaty Old Man Called ' Joe' who swears he came with us.. but we leave him behind anyway, awaiting FFAC, Yeah that would work..
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2005
RE: REALLY BAD NEWS, FF7AC movie delayed for US release
Aug 28, 2005 19:53
 Oh Damn, I was totally counting on the US release to be out sooner rather than later so i could import it, I' ve been waiting for this release for a few years & now i have to wait longer! But still, i guess a couple of months isnt that much longer to wait.
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