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Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 16:42
Holy Playstation information Batman! First no games on display, this is hardware only folks. -Sony Confirms worldwide PS3 launch in early november with 1 million units to ship every month (making 6 million by the end of the year. IGN - Sony PS3 60gb HDD will ship with the system right out of the box. (fully upgradable and required) IGN - All PlayStation 3 games will ship on Blu-ray to help prevent piracy IGN - PlayStation 3 will be 100% backwards compatible, but all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. IGN - Beginning at the system' s launch, the system will feature community tools including lobby matching and voice chat, commerce features that includes bootable software via the hard drive and more. The service was created with the help of Sony Online Entertainment. Best of all, the " basic" service will be free of charge. IGN - Final dev kits going out in june, with 15 companies making tools and middleware IGN This has made my day, finally news.... REAL news.
< Message edited by uumai -- 15 Mar 06 8:49:35 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 17:56
I dont understand why Sony kept saying their Spring Launch was intact. I think they are doing a pisspoor job of marketing themselves, but all the pimple face kids will rejoice anyway now that their precious playstation is showing its face! November release, giving MS a one year head start, thats good news. And to make things better their console wont be noticebly better. And with Killer Xbox apz out this year. I foresee a considerate market loss for Sony! Did they announce price?
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 19:05
No price announced as yet, either GDC, or more likey perhaps E3. I don' t think they did a bad thing saying still on target for spring, they don' t want to lose more customers, they want people thinking the machine is just around the corner. I wonder what will be said at GDC... I can only assume more details on the Playstation Network and more
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 19:31
This is almost laughable. Anyone who believes they' ll launch anywhere but in Japan this year is a grade A idiot. What, because Sony said so?! Don' t make me fucking laugh!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 19:45
I can only HOPE & Pray they' re somehow able to launch in the U.S. this year cause I need the bloody Americans distracted by the U.S. launch while I sneak in and quickly scoop up an import system like a ninja
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 19:58
making 6 million by the end of the year. - fiscal year - it ends in march 2007. Sony PS3 60gb HDD will ship with the system right out of the box. That' s actually one of those things they didn' t confirm and left for speculation. (IGN UPDATES ALL THE TIME SO IT' s NOT YOUR MISTAKE) It will run Linux OS , and lots of things (Media Center kind of stuff) and it is important for games as well. All PlayStation 3 games will ship on Blu-ray to help prevent piracy But PS2 games will work on DVD and DVD movies will work too - like Uumai said - it' s just a move against piracy. More news : PSP will play PSone games - PSX games will be downloadable. PSP Price drop to 199 (probably just the system with no bonuses) Video chat , flash compatibility and eyetoy for PSP are confirmed.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Mar 06 11:59:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 20:06
fiscal year - it ends in march 2007. See, Gangsta gets it! That' s actually one of those things they didn' t confirm and left for speculation. (IGN UPDATES ALL THE TIME SO IT' s NOT YOUR MISTAKE) Not only will it make the unit much more expensive but it could be the fix to Sony' s stupid allocation of memory. It will run Linux OS , and lots of things (Media Center kind of stuff) and it is important for games as well. Linux is a damn blessing!!! This is the only real good news and the best thing Sony have come up with so far!!! But PS2 games will work on DVD and DVD movies will work too - like Uumai said - it' s just a move against piracy. Granted, but it will also drive up the cost of games another $10/£10.
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RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 20:53
Woohoo! I can still get me a PS3 this year! Better start saving  (no really, I better start saving)
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RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 21:02
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 21:47
Well...sony isn' t famous for holding their words,but sure ...if all is true that topic maker wrote its amazing. however about those millions...tbh i think europe will get very few while it will rain in japan,and usa.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:29
They wont have 6.000.000 units on the market in 2006, maybe March 2007 as Gangsta said!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:33
they say they' ll produce 1 mln units per month And it' s not my guess - they officially said Fiscal Year I' m really excited by all these news :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:34
So mayby halo3 wont be delayed to 2007 with purpace now...
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:43
heheh :) I wonder how much will it cost since it has much more expensive hardware in it than 360. 60GB is good news - 20GB SUX :) Linux,Media and the Live competitor are at last confirmed ...sounds really good Not to mention the new next-gen 16-bit HDMI output !!! I hope the price is good ...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:52
20 gb is more then enough,what you gonna have 60 gb if you doesnt have enough dl content in place like marketplace... But SONY like " numbers" .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 22:58
Fuck Sony! PS3 will be £500+
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 23:03
It will be expensive, without a doubt. Terry will love Ricky Martin, without a doubt. Sony will ripoff the Nintendo' s back catalogue idea, without a doubt. It will have kick ass games for those who can afford the machine, without a doubt. It will grill tastey meat, without a doubt. Some of these " confirmed and finalized" statements will change, without a doubt. And finally sony will remain at the head of the console wars after everything is said and done, .......... no comment.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 15 Mar 06 15:04:18 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 15, 2006 23:39
This is what I wrote in August 2005... Page 30 - Microsoft, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray I also question the reality of the PS3 selling for under $600 with a Blu-Ray drive BY NEXT SPRING. I think Sony has their heads in the clouds, but are in for a rude awakening. They have all this stuff that is " theoretical" and that they really want to bring to market, but reality is gonna bite them in the ass. I see MANY delays in the future, especially given this new information. I hope I' m wrong, and the PS3 debuts in the spring of 2006 with Blu-Ray and it sells for under $500. That would be sick! I highly doubt it, though. and... This is what' s going to happen: Microsoft will launch the 360 in November of 2005 at $299. Nintendo will launch BEFORE the PS3 in the spring of 2006 at $229 (they do weird prices like that!). By this point, MS will already have approx 100 games available for the 360. Sony will decide that they cannot allow the PS3 to slip into 2007, and will rush the PS3 to market in the Christmas season of 2006 at $499. They will tell everyone how they " need" this new " entertainment device" and it' s well worth the money. At this point 360 is lowered to $249 and the Revolution is lowered to $199. Sony releases a stripped down " games only" PS3 early 2007 for $299. We' ll see how accurate I am...!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 16, 2006 00:48
You know actually cheese saw I hope you' re correct just for the sake of sony' s downfall and to have a good laugh at their expense. Saying that nintendo and microsoft must be having dinner together or something because they' re the only two that seem to know what they' re doing plus I wanna know when nintendo' s gonna bring their console to the market.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Playstation Briefing
Mar 16, 2006 00:59
Revolution will launch in time for Christmas in Japan and the US.
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