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Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
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Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 20:36
Remember that it' s just a rumour guys :) [image]http://www.consolewars.de/gen/fetchpics.php?aidx=35662&database=attachments[/image] [image]http://www.consolewars.de/gen/fetchpics.php?aidx=35661&database=attachments[/image] [image]http://www.consolewars.de/gen/fetchpics.php?aidx=35660&database=attachments[/image]
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 13 Mar 06 12:37:49 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 21:01
That looks more like an xbox than a playstation. but okay. I think they shouldnt start redesigning unless they have to, it would be a bad move, having already semi marketed it has the one at CES and the other shows. But hey, im not going to buy one untill the day they start throwing them at me! :)
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 21:42
It' s waaaaaay too small to be the final case. You can get an idea of how big the unit is by looking at the drive and the ports on the back. One of the main issues Sony has had with the PS3 is fitting all the stuff inside it, and the case they showed last year was bigger than 360, so there' s no way they could have gotten it down to this size AND fit everything in. So, no, ...it' s probably not PS3, but we could be getting some news from Sony on Wednesday...
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 22:03
...wooah.... ..cooool.. ...now that is japanese approved style... ..if i was running Sony, i' d bust a gut to figure out how to cram all the confirmed specs and functionality into one of those.... ...it would be an awesome pre-empt on the Revolution... ...in a asthetic/tactile sense of course... ...bad@$$ find dude...
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 22:51
Majik' s bang on the money, from what my mates have told me the dev kits are massive, of course what the design doesnt rule out is add-on devices, perhaps this could be a slimmed down version for " gaming only" rather than the kitchen sink that M$ and $ony are gunning for this generation?!
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 23:22
...sony are capable of such size reductions.... ...the slimline PS2 is a shining example.. ..go Sony!!.. *runs from playstaion haters*
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 13, 2006 23:43
the slimline ps2 is a shining example of 5 year old technology finally being able to shrink down to a small size. Nintendo could probably fit an NES in a matchbook now, but that doesn' t mean that have amazing abilities to make their tech small. Those pics look far too faked to me. I' ll keep my money on the origianl design, console anyways. What would have been the point of physically showing something at last years E3 if it wasn' t going to resemble the final product in any way?
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 00:00
the slimline ps2 is a shining example of 5 year old technology ....well at this rate, it will be 5 years before it' s released  ... ..so who knows?  ..
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 00:55
Nintendo could probably fit an NES in a matchbook now, but that doesn' t mean that have amazing abilities to make their tech small True ,but if anyone can do it , it' s either Apple or Nintendo (revolution ...oh so pretty) :)
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 02:52
Well, as magik say, the machine is way too small, not to mention that for laying the machine flat it' d look nasty with that hook bit sticking up in the air for no reason. I' d like to see a redesign of the PS3, I don' t think the PS3 looks enough of a jump forward. More like a bigger, curvey PS2 - Something more original, and " cooler" seeing as they can' t keep it small, simple and cool like the Rev.
Game Junkie
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 04:09
It looks like a cross with a REV and 360. I doubt its the final design, not only is it too small but with the flap it would seem that the design is only meant for vertical placement. I know Sony wants something thats good for vertical and horizontal placement.
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 06:24
It seems like a step forward from the ' grilling machine' design, but still not quite Sony' s usual sexiness. Although I never liked the non-slim PS2s design. I also dont understand the fascinatation with being able to put consoles in two different orientations. I mean even my PS1 after a while had to be put upside down or propped up at an angle in order to work!
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 07:27
You cant cook meat in that!
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RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 07:37
Hi everyone. My 1st post in years (just discovered this site again and somehow remembered my password). The design looks nice but it also looks like a 3D render so it' s doubtful how representative it will be of the finished product. *edit* Ha ha. Nearly 3 years and still a noob.
< Message edited by spacejase -- 13 Mar 06 23:38:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 07:47
Nearly 3 years and still a noob. heh, yea well look at this, Nearly 10 Years now and Terrys still a fag
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Playstation 3 - is that it' s final design?
Mar 14, 2006 07:50
When the PS3 was shown last year, there were white, grey (gray) and black versions of it, to tie in with the planned colours (colors) for PSP. But for that to make sense asthetically they would really have to be made to the same ceramic looking plastic that PSP, DS Lite, Revolution, Macs and iPods are made with. What we saw though wasn' t like that. I bring this point up because Revolution from what we know, is by far nicest looking of the 3 consoles and DS Lite has gone that way (like iPods) and so it would make sense for Sony to follow suit. Nintendo and Sony MAY be very adept at minimizing the size of their technology, thus minimizing production costs, ...but Blu-Ray alone (remembering it' s still in it' s infancy and taking into account how big Blu-Ray dedicated players are) would take up half that machine at least. PS3' s biggest problem is heat (much more so than 360 had) and fans take up a lot of space. They might watercool it but it' d drive the costs up even more. This is the PS3 dev-kit... ...and he is an accurate size comparison of last gen and this next gen consoles... I don' t think PS3 will be getting any smaller before release, ...infact i' d be suprised if it didn' t increase in size slightly. Perhaps i' ll just wait for PSthree instead...
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