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 PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360?
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Boss Hogg

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 17:51
No, but just because a game is a sequel it doesnt mean that a game isnt fun or bad. Games like Soul Calibur 2, Splinter Cell:Chaos Therory, & Halo2 are all sequels and their fun as hell.


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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 17:56

No, but just because a game is a sequel it doesnt mean that a game isnt fun or bad. Games like Soul Calibur 2, Splinter Cell:Chaos Therory, & Halo2 are all sequels and their fun as hell.

What did ps3 show as their ace titles?
Metal gear solid 4,Gran turismo 4 and killzone2...

Sequals is never wrong,i can understand that you want something new Joe,but they will be on the xbox360,for ex sakaguchi(ff creator) promised new systems to his RPG' s.
ANd his games will probably mark something new

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 17:59
yeah like i said earlier the mistwalker games are so far the only reason why i want the Xbox 360. He is also making a game for the DS

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 18:02
I know

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 18:07

but i read that Square-Enix suport the market leader and if Nintendo or MS become the market leader and seieng the PS3 is so damn expensive to make for they might change plus MS has ALOT more money then Sony and Nintendo combned they can do Square-Enix what Sony did to Nintendo and bride them away from sony like sony did to Nintendo hehe. Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360 or Relution hehe. Also Kingdom hearts 3.

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 18:25
Yeah but sony own some stocks in Square-enix,and they wont ever let those goes,but they are not more then Basically s-e doesnt have to follow sony,but 8% is still much seeing how big company S-E is.

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 18:37
Ok, the only explanation I can think of that makes ANY sense is that Einheinder must have kicked Joe and Terry' s ass so hard that they are bitter towards the game. I don' t know what else you' re looking for in a shooter, but that game had it all. Inspired graphics and music, a great weapons system, elaborate bosses, and a great setting. Maybe if you like your shooters more the style of Dairius with it' s 30 foot dancing women you wouldn' t like it but other than that it baffles me.

[:' (]
Joe Redifer

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 20:29
That' s Parodius, not Darius! Fool! Einhander just wasn' t that great. It was more style than fun. It really needed more fun. Just like all Square games, the style seems to be the main goal. I didn' t get my ass whooped by that game because it really wasn' t that hard. I' m good at da shooters. Try beating Thunder Force IV which continues to hold my attention to this day. Try beating Gradius V. I did. Einhander ain' t got nothin' on Gradius V!

I never said sequels are bad. I love a great many sequels myself. But I look at the Xbox360 initial lineup and see sequels of games that bored me to tears in the past. I hate Madden (except for the original Genesis version). I do not care for Tom Clancy or Michael Crichton or even Stephen King. I see a whole bunch of domestically programmed games, and domestic games tend to be on the slower, more boring end of the spectrum. I' ve already played Dead or Alive 2, which was exactly like 3 and Ultimate (which the exception of the graphics, of course). I don' t give a flying rat' s ass about online games. I want fun. I want instant (or at least near-instant) gratification.

I look at the Xbox360 and I see... the current Xbox with nicer graphics.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Sep 05 4:31:46 >
Terry Bogard

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Aug 31, 2005 21:21

Ok, the only explanation I can think of that makes ANY sense is that Einheinder must have kicked Joe and Terry' s ass so hard that they are bitter towards the game. I don' t know what else you' re looking for in a shooter, but that game had it all. Inspired graphics and music, a great weapons system, elaborate bosses, and a great setting. Maybe if you like your shooters more the style of Dairius with it' s 30 foot dancing women you wouldn' t like it but other than that it baffles me.

You forget that shooters are my thing :D. Please don' t hurt me BUT to me Einhander is a little similar to Nanostray in that with both games I didn' t come away with any kind of feeling for them whatsoever. When I play a great shooter, my blood is pumpin, the neutrons are flowing, I' m excited as hell and I' ll shout it to the ' heavens' , but I didn' t feel any kind of excitement while playing either of those games.

As far as challenges go, Einhander has absolutely NOTHING on Cave' s shooters :p.. If you can survive a shooter developed by Cave then you' ll walk right through Einhander no problem

I' m not saying Einhander' s a bad game, but to me it gets smoked by plenty other shooters easily, but that' s to be expected given that it just wasn' t Squaresoft' s genre. But they still deserve lots of credit for trying to branch out and experiment a little and doing a decent job with their first shooter offering. But unfortunately it seemed to sort of be a one-shot deal for them. Instead they should have learned from their mistakes with Einhander and continued refining the process. By the time they released a third shooter it could have probably been among some of the all-time greats. IF there' s an Einhander II sometime in our lifetime, I think they should do the smart thing and hand development duties over to Treasure! :D

Ratings-wise I' d slap Einhander with a 7.0/10 AT MOST, same with Nanostray. Einhander had a nice graphical style, the sound was decent at best -- I have the soundtrack CD and outside of a few short, but nice sections in 3 of the songs, I didn' t care much for the music in that game. Give me Salamander 2' s soundtrack any day of the week. Heck, give me the music of the SNES version of Gradius 3 (not arcade), now that had some memorable stuff as well.. The gameplay of Einhander was ok, but with so many other alternatives out there, it was an easily forgettable experience for me.

**Runs for his life!*

Maybe if you like your shooters more the style of Dairius with it' s 30 foot dancing women you wouldn' t like it but other than that it baffles me.

I like shooters of all types and the Parodius series is definitely one of my favorites. It' s one of the most charming and humorous games on the planet. I mean you' ve got a parody on the Gradius series with all types of wacky elements in the game such as the aforementioned Las Vegas styled showgirl bosses, your ship using a condom as a force shield (wonder if that' s one of the reasons they never brought the games to the states) , LOL.. I also like the ' Ambiguously Gay Duo' -like element of the Choaniki/Super Big Brother games. Then you' ve got the more serious-minded R-Type series.. R-Type Leo remains my favorite of the bunch while the game seems to be universally hated by hardcore R-type fans.. R-type Final was a huge disappointment to me in the gameplay department, I beat the game without even dying and that' s NOT supposed to happen with the notorious R-type series. The whole game just felt soo subdued. But to its credit, the nostalgic elements were simply Awesome, especially seeing the mechanical worm boss from the original R-type along with it' s mound. Man did I ever get goosebumps!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Sep 05 16:17:09 >

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 01, 2005 10:27
I knew I' d get some hackles up there! Thanks for pointing out the Darius/parodious error of mine Joe, you are right I was wrong on that one. I do play lot' s of shooters, and while I agre that the lower difficulty levels of einheinder weren' t that hard, the hardest level really ramped it up, and the end boss was insane on hard. I think that' s where most of my memories come from actually, cause I used to get to the end of the game so often, I' d play damn near every night, and then no matter how many lives, or continues I had left, that thing would kick my ass.

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 01, 2005 19:27
For those who are interested in this technical stuff. There was a thread about PS3 and Xbox360 real world performance at the Dojo a while ago.

The articles mentioned provide alot of insight actually. They' re quite long but really worth reading for those interested. It shows that many performance claims are utter BS as usual.

About all those teraflops for example :

In the end, despite what these horribly concocted numbers may lead you to believe, they say absolutely nothing about performance. The exact same situation exists with the CPUs of the next-generation consoles; don' t fall for it.

Right now, from what we’ve heard, the real-world performance of the Xenon CPU is about twice that of the 733MHz processor in the first Xbox. Considering that this CPU is supposed to power the Xbox 360 for the next 4 - 5 years, it’s nothing short of disappointing. To put it in perspective, floating point multiplies are apparently 1/3 as fast on Xenon as on a Pentium 4.
The Cell processor doesn’t get off the hook just because it only uses a single one of these horribly slow cores; the SPE array ends up being fairly useless in the majority of situations, making it little more than a waste of die space.

But maybe more important : for me personally there aren' t any games announced yet that REALLY would make me want to buy a new console. Not that all are bad. But just not that interesting either.

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 01, 2005 19:44
Just one look at his numbers and i can already tell he' s full of BS. Stop wasting time with all this bias technical dribble I say. Not even a week ago there was an article about the PS3 GPU being weaker than current gen GPU' s (which turned out to be false). Enough is enough already. Too many corporate suits lying through their teeth. Too many misinformed " tech heads" assuming they know everything only proving they know nothing. The only thing that matters is the only thing that ever mattered -- the games. You' ll know what system has better graphics when you see the games. You' ll know which system has better physics once you see the games. You' ll know what system has the best textures once you see the games. And while you are all busy looking at pretty games, I' ll be too busy playing them. \,,/^_^\,,/

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 01, 2005 19:56
Gears of War!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 01, 2005 21:15
That article is pretty stupid. These processors aren' t made for " real world" situations. They' re designed specifically for one single purpose: Games. So of course they aren' t going to be good at all of the same stuff your PC is good at.

The only thing that matters is the only thing that ever mattered -- the games.

Exactly. I can' t wait to get my hands on PDZ. Give me something awesome Rareware!
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 2 Sep 05 10:47:42 >

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 02, 2005 03:10
Final fantasy 13,lost odyssey,metal gear solid4,halo3,killzone2,gran turismo4,pgr3,blue dragon and dragon quest 9,Doa4,pdz,resident evil5 and mayby shenmue3?! just to mention few on consoles.
They are reasone alone to go next-gen,and not spend money on your pc.
ofc NR games too,but i wanna see them first(i know zelda/mario kick ass).
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 2 Sep 05 11:13:42 >

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 02, 2005 07:10

ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne

They' re designed specifically for one single purpose: Games.

Actually the Cell processor was not designed for games at all, which is why the floating point calciulations are much higher than the general purpose calculations. The Cell processor is just one of those new things Sony wants to flood the market with. they plan on having computers and media devices using the processor. Imo, it probably will fail outside of the PS3.

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 02, 2005 08:31

That article is pretty stupid. These processors aren' t made for " real world" situations. They' re designed specifically for one single purpose: Games. So of course they aren' t going to be good at all of the same stuff your PC is good at.

Eeh, I guess you interpreted this wrong. When they say real world performance they mean everything else instead of rare peak performance under laboratorium conditions. So they are talking about what would matter for games and that is real world performance. By the way, even developers, including Itagaki, have complained about the new consoles. With Xbox360 being the better one of the both now. PS3 was called a pain in the ass by someone, don' t remember who.

Anyway, it' s not as if I' m obsessed by these numbers. The opposite even. I judge by the games the consoles will get and not the numbers they use to create hype.
< Message edited by ys -- 2 Sep 05 17:35:55 >

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 02, 2005 09:13

PS3 was called a pain in the ass by someone, don' t remember who.

Yes john carmack said that about developing to ps3,but then again in his company they are only like 20 people,and he also clearly said that people who want to develop gonna have a very hard time but fix it.
great companies like square-enix will have no problem with it,nor other big companies,but the small ones can get problem with " cell" for ex.
Anyway you talk about being hard to work with next-gen well the good thing is though,that they dont have to make the game to alot of diffrent spec or tone done of something to fit more comps,or dont use the maxium power of the latest 3dcard.
Jason Zeidan

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 04, 2005 14:35
Oh, this is precious. Has there ever been an article or rumor regarding this flunk of a system that has been positive? NO!! This is hysterical! Just a forshadowing of Sony' s doom to come
Terry Bogard

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RE: PS3 GPU less powerful then the Xbox 360? - Sep 04, 2005 15:35
Let' s not forget how much a pain in the ass a lot of developers thought the PlayStation 2 was to develop for, some even going as far as to compare it to the hair ripping experience of coding for the Sega Saturn. But in the end they had no choice but to learn the system as it was the dominant platform in the console race and Sony did its part in trying to help developers along with middleware tools.

I believe the same will apply to the PS3, it' ll most likely be the most sought after console next-generation and developers will once again have no choice but to stop their b' tching and learn the system. I' m sure Sony will once again help them along with some middleware tools to help speed up and ease the development process.
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