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PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
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Mass X
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PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 05:31
Teamxbox I havent read it yet but the premise sounds interesting. People may denote bias since iits on a xbox site. Owel tho.
Game Junkie
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 05:37
Yeah I was going to post this but I got sidetracked and forgot. Anyways it' s a study trying to demonstrate the effectiveness of marketing by comparing peoples reactions to Xbox and Playstation brands. Trust me it' s boring, its the kind of thing I would do in Methods class for Social Science.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 7 Aug 06 21:38:27 >
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 07:55
Xbox definatly newer content every time and the first person shooters are a lot more fun
Mass X
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 07:58
I wasnt asking...I was merely re-directing to an interesting study conducted. Click the Teamxbox word above to read it.
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 08:01
aight by the way liking the icon there mass pretty cool
< Message edited by I_AscendancY_I -- 8 Aug 06 0:04:08 >
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 08:02
Xbox definatly newer content every time and the first person shooters are a lot more fun hmm...? I saw one of your other posts on another thread: I wouldnt buy a ps3 just for mgs4 i rather play new content with halo 3 other awsome fps titles with the 360 very funny i don' t think Halo 3 is anything more in the new content department than MGS 4. Oh and lots of new content in that one whole FPS genre, eh? I don' t think you will find any of that on PS3, riiight...
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 08:08
thing is I dont see any good fps titles for the ps3 I dont see any halo gears of war huxley or f.e.a.r. or anything that comes close to it
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 08:22
well first GOW isn' t really an FPS, more of an over the shoulder.. but i' m being nitpicky here. The thing is the PS3 isn' t even out yet, hardly any games are out, so there will be more announced. Resistance and killzone will both be going to PS3, UBI Soft will bring games like Rainbow Six: Vegas (can' t wait for this personally RS6:3 on xbox was great) It' s just a bit early to judge the system for it' s games... and at least (if it is anything like the ps2) you will also get a wide selection of other games too.
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 08:46
in ign it shows all of the launches for the ps3 by the way tom clancy games they are working more on it for the 360 because people are going to be buying more for fps' s for the 360, the japanese market how ever destroys the 360 thats why 360 made that bad game n3 to try to get into the japanese market. 3rd person and first person is still the same to me its a shooting game isnt it. Look at halo 2s stats of how many players play it http://bungie.net/stats/ now lets see how halo 3 will pull off it will be double that for the first year. MLG you make a lot of money for playing halo 2 and when halo 3 comes out there will be more prizes
< Message edited by I_AscendancY_I -- 8 Aug 06 0:48:12 >
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 09:03
true, the xbox had better shooters than ps2 but the ps2 wasn' t a great system for shooters, but ps3 ad 360 are more equal, it' s still too early for ps3 for it to be sure what it will get.... if it sells like ps2 then the ps3 will get a heck of a lot of fps
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 09:16
nah nothing compares with halo and if do see something that compares i will be surprized
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 09:52
Well your sold on 360 already im not trying to turn you away its a great machine, just trying to keep your mind open to the ps3, especially how it' s not even out yet..
Evil Man
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 10:46
Grats on another worthless topic. This guy should be banned just for making sleep inducing topics.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 15:40
As long as the PS3 controller insists on having symetric analog sticks, it wont ever be worth considering as a system for shooters!
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 17:50
Evil Man, you should be more like Good Man. He makes me giggle like a Japanese schoolgirl, you make me cry at 4:42 in the morning by " drinking your Haterade" all over Mass X. What did he ever do to you? We demand answers! Dont make us let Joe interogate you!
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 18:22
very funny i don' t think Halo 3 is anything more in the new content department than MGS 4. Oh and lots of new content in that one whole FPS genre, eh? I don' t think you will find any of that on PS3, riiight... true, the xbox had better shooters than ps2 but the ps2 wasn' t a great system for shooters, but ps3 ad 360 are more equal, it' s still too early for ps3 for it to be sure what it will get.... if it sells like ps2 then the ps3 will get a heck of a lot of fps I like it when someone can like some system more , yet still be able to express himself without fanboys talk. nah nothing compares with halo and if do see something that compares i will be surprized Actually I think Half life 2 (Xbox version) was a class above Halo 2 or 1.I' m talking singleplayer here. As long as the PS3 controller insists on having symetric analog sticks, it wont ever be worth considering as a system for shooters! It makes no difference to me - I' ve been playing this setup in FPP games like Black for instance and I think it' s no advantage to have sticks placed like in Xbox. The only problem with Dualshock sticks is their sensitivity - Xbox had it done much better and now the 360 controller has reached a perfectection in the FPP games.It feels much more smooth and accurate.
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 21:18
I like it when someone can like some system more , yet still be able to express himself without fanboys talk. Thanks, I do prefer playstation, but i preferto have all consoles if possible, just because while i do prefer playstation, it' s hard not to notice the good things about the other systems and simply hating a system is turning your back on the awesome exclusives bound for that system.
As long as the PS3 controller insists on having symetric analog sticks, it wont ever be worth considering as a system for shooters! It makes no difference to me - I' ve been playing this setup in FPP games like Black for instance and I think it' s no advantage to have sticks placed like in Xbox. The only problem with Dualshock sticks is their sensitivity - Xbox had it done much better and now the 360 controller has reached a perfectection in the FPP games.It feels much more smooth and accurate. I am maybe in the minority, but i actually prefer the placement of Sony' s analog sticks over Xbox. I find it more ergonomic, as when my hand in naturally in a ' controller holding shape' (technical term  ) my thumb naturally rest on the analog, and xbox/dc are a stretch out of the way. The 360 controller did feel nice though, but still am not a fan of the analog placement, i wish sony kept the concept controller, i was a huge fan of it... maybe some slight changes, but it looked good with the system. (Hope they release it as an alternative like the xbox S controller. (I know I know, it' s not the same situation and it' s never gonna happen, but I can dream, can' t I?)
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 21:21
uumai YOUR EXACTLY wat we are looking you wanna join?
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 21:23
Uumai' s japanese.. Of course he is going to like the Sony controller.... Kidding..
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RE: PS vs Xbox - A pschological study
Aug 08, 2006 21:49
uumai' s japanese?.
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