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- Joined: Mar 05, 2005
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 13, 2005 18:19
watching the two companies fight over the graphics engines will be very interesting...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 10:15
ATI has been kciking NVidia' s a$$ all over the place lately. From what I' ve heard, the consoles will prove the same. The ATI is gonna be a monster.
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- Joined: Mar 05, 2005
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 18:30
Well ATI made the graphics card for the gamecube...and thats not that great (the stuff their doing now though is really kick @$$, and definently better than Nvidia)
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 21:40
ORIGINAL: Fragus_Maximus Well ATI made the graphics card for the gamecube...and thats not that great (the stuff their doing now though is really kick @$$, and definently better than Nvidia) Hmm... Resident Evil 4 looks pretty damn good to me and on average the GC looks better than the PS2. Most definately now though, ATI is wooping Nvidia.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 23:30
The GameCube' s Graphics chip is great, developers like Factor 5 were able to pull off some absolutely amazing things with their initial GameCube Star Wars game. Resident Evil 4 is definitely an excellent example of Game-a-Cube Powa!
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 15, 2005 02:22
Terry, how DARE you poke fun at the Japanese inability to pronounce two consonants in a row! Sure, everything they say must have a vowel inbetween and at the end, but there is no reason you should make all of japan feel sad and depressed just because they can' t differentiate their " R" s and their " L" s. I demand you buy MORE Japanese products as you pennance! That' ll teah you! PS - Looking at all of my typos, I sure do suck at typing. I am too lazy to fix said typos.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 15 Mar 05 10:23:55 >
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2005
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 22, 2005 16:27
The Playstation 3 would be the one i buy.... simply becuase i have never owned an Xbox and am familar with the way the Playstation opertaes. The playstation could be more wisely built though... my first one broke down after only two years (Bad Eye). The Xbox does have slightly better graphics than the PS2 but it was also released some time after the PS2. However, purchasing the PS3 or the Xbox (2 or 360) is at the discretion of the buyer to pick the better of the two.
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2004
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 26, 2005 11:01
how weird, everytime when new consoles are anounced, they must go VS, even when no one but the game industry saw or played on one. i will definately not make the same mistake as i did before the xbox released. so i will just go out, and play on both. maby at a friends house, or maby in the shop. i will definately not be a loyal brand fan annymore. i just take the one where i can play the best games, becouse overall, a lot of games will be multyplatform released. right now i am still having to much fun with my 2 xboxes and a few friends to play system link (on kai xlink)
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 26, 2005 23:06
Like what you guys have been saying ATI will have a faster card than nVidia when XBOX 360 launches, and it will probably still be faster than what nVidia card they use when PS3 launches. PS3 hypes through the roof with their specs, but all they really are talking about is the processors, which don' t really mean shit because the only thing that will be holding these beasts back is the graphics card. As much as I think XBOX 360 will be better than PS3, i can still see sony hyping their way to victory. They did it with PS2 when the Dreamcast came out. DC has about half the processor power of a PS2, but the DC graphics card is a little better than a PS2s. Just look at the games, DC is a bit better when you compare Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament that are on both systems.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2005
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Apr 03, 2005 00:35
its easy you want a console that doesnt only have fps the ps3 will have plenty of them . the ps3 will own the xbox2 in terms of sales and hardware . The ps2 is proof , selling 20 million more consoles then the gc and xbox combined . When it comes to that point no one can beat sony that why they are " the marketing leader " . And as for nintendo [:' (] i dont know if they can overcome there stupidety ... The fact is it doesnt matter if xbox2 is more powerfull than the ps3 ( which is going to be a mirale if that happens  . The ps3 will outshine , out beat , out overkill , outperforme the xbox2  . * apllause ... the keep aplauding *
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- Joined: Mar 05, 2005
RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Apr 03, 2005 13:25
What ive read is sumtin about have a buttload of these microprocesser thingies...then integrading the system into the game, like on processor wroks on AI, while another does dynamic enviorments. Its sumtin like 250 processors
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